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Managing SAN Devices and I/O Multipathing in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

How to Modify an iSCSI Initiator Node and Target Parameters

This procedure describes how modified parameters of the iSCSI initiator are inherited by the iSCSI target device and how to modify parameters on the iSCSI target device.

This following procedure assumes that you are logged in to the local system where access to an iSCSI target device has already been configured.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.4.

  2. List the current parameter values for the iSCSI initiator and the target device.
    1. List the current parameter values for the iSCSI initiator.

      For example:

      initiator# iscsiadm list initiator-node
      Initiator node name: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:01:0003ba4d233b.425c293c
      Initiator node alias: zzr1200
              Login Parameters (Default/Configured):
                      Header Digest: NONE/-
                      Data Digest: NONE/-
              Authentication Type: NONE
              RADIUS Server: NONE
              RADIUS access: unknown
              Configured Sessions: 1
    2. List the current parameter values for the iSCSI target device.

      For example:

      initiator# iscsiadm list target-param -v iqn.1992-08.com.abcstorage:sn.84186266
      Target: iqn.1992-08.com.abcstorage:sn.84186266
              Alias: -
              Bi-directional Authentication: disabled
              Authentication Type: NONE
              Login Parameters (Default/Configured):
                      Data Sequence In Order: yes/-
                      Data PDU In Order: yes/-
                      Default Time To Retain: 20/-
                      Default Time To Wait: 2/-
                      Error Recovery Level: 0/-
                      First Burst Length: 65536/-
                      Immediate Data: yes/-
                      Initial Ready To Transfer (R2T): yes/-
                      Max Burst Length: 262144/-
                      Max Outstanding R2T: 1/-
                      Max Receive Data Segment Length: 65536/-
                      Max Connections: 1/-
                      Header Digest: NONE/-
                      Data Digest: NONE/-
               Configured Sessions: 1

      Note that both header digest and data digest parameters are currently set to NONE for both the iSCSI initiator and the iSCSI target device.

      The iscsiadm list target-param -v command displays the default parameter value before the / designator and the configured parameter value after the / designator. If you have not configured a parameter, its value displays as a hyphen (-).

  3. Modify the parameter of the iSCSI initiator.

    For example, set the header digest to CRC32.

    initiator# iscsiadm modify initiator-node -h CRC32
  4. Verify that the parameter was modified.
    1. Display the updated parameter information for the iSCSI initiator.

      For example:

      initiator# iscsiadm list initiator-node
      Initiator node name: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:01:0003ba4d233b.425c293c
      Initiator node alias: zzr1200
              Login Parameters (Default/Configured):
                      Header Digest: NONE/CRC32
                      Data Digest: NONE/-
              Authentication Type: NONE
              RADIUS Server: NONE
              RADIUS access: unknown
              Configured Sessions: 1

      Note that the header digest is now set to CRC32.

    2. Display the updated parameter information for the iSCSI target device.

      For example:

      initiator# iscsiadm list target-param -v iqn.1992-08.com.abcstorage:sn.84186266
      Target: iqn.1992-08.com.abcstorage:sn.84186266
              Alias: -
              Bi-directional Authentication: disabled
              Authentication Type: NONE
              Login Parameters (Default/Configured):
                      Data Sequence In Order: yes/-
                      Data PDU In Order: yes/-
                      Default Time To Retain: 20/-
                      Default Time To Wait: 2/-
                      Error Recovery Level: 0/-
                      First Burst Length: 65536/-
                      Immediate Data: yes/-
                      Initial Ready To Transfer (R2T): yes/-
                      Max Burst Length: 262144/-
                      Max Outstanding R2T: 1/-
                      Max Receive Data Segment Length: 65536/-
                      Max Connections: 1/-
                      Header Digest: CRC32/-
                      Data Digest: NONE/-
              Configured Sessions: 1

      Note that the header digest is now set to CRC32.

  5. Verify that the iSCSI initiator has reconnected to the iSCSI target.
    initiator# iscsiadm list target -v iqn.1992-08.com.abcstorage:sn.84186266
    Target: iqn.1992-08.com.abcstorage:sn.84186266
            TPGT: 2
            ISID: 4000002a0000
            Connections: 1
                    CID: 0
                      IP address (Local): nnn.nn.nn.nnn:64369
                      IP address (Peer): nnn.nn.nn.nnn:3260
                      Transport Type: socket
                      Discovery Method: SendTargets
                      Login Parameters (Negotiated):
                            Header Digest: CRC32
                            Data Digest: NONE 
  6. (Optional) Reset an iSCSI initiator parameter or an iSCSI target device parameter.

    You can reset a parameter to its default value by using the iscsiadm modify command.

    The iscsiadm modify target-param command changes only the parameters that are specified on the command line.

    The following example shows how to reset the header digest to NONE.

    initiator# iscsiadm modify target-param -h none iqn.1992-08.com.abcstorage:sn...

    Tip  -  Use the iscsiadm remove command to reset all parameters to their default values.

    For information about the iscsiadm remove target-param command, see the iscsiadm(8) man page.