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Managing SAN Devices and I/O Multipathing in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

Removing Discovered Target Devices

The initiator is removed from the associated targets after you perform any one of the following actions:

  • Remove a sendtargets discovery address

  • Remove an iSNS server address

  • Remove a static configuration entry

  • Disable a discovery method

If associated targets are in use, they remain on the active target list. For example, if the associated targets have mounted file systems, the logout of the target devices will fail, and remain active on the target list.

To remove any discovered targets, you must be an administrator and must be logged in to a local system, where you can access the configured target devices.

Use the following commands to remove an iSCSI device discovery method.

  • To remove an iSCSI SendTargets discovery entry:

    initiator# iscsiadm remove discovery-address IP-address:3260
  • To remove an iSCSI iSNS discovery entry:

    initiator# iscsiadm remove isns-server server-address:3205
  • To remove a static iSCSI discovery entry:

    initiator# iscsiadm remove static-config target-name

Use the following commands to disable an iSCSI target discovery method.

  • To disable the SendTargets discovery method:

    initiator# iscsiadm modify discovery --sendtargets disable
  • To disable the iSNS discovery method:

    initiator# iscsiadm modify discovery --iSNS disable
  • To disable the static target discovery method:

    initiator# iscsiadm modify discovery --static disable

Note -  If you attempt to disable or remove a discovery entry that has an associated logical unit (LU) in use, the disable or remove operation fails with the following message:
logical unit in use

If this error occurs, stop all associated I/Os on the LU and unmount the file systems. Then, repeat the disable or remove operation.