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Managing SAN Devices and I/O Multipathing in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

Failover of a Logical Unit

You can failover a logical unit (LU) in a device, which belongs to one of the following two categories:

  • Asymmetric devices with a proprietary failover mechanism recognized and supported by multipathing support.

  • Devices conforming to the T10 standard Target Port Group Support (TPGS) and providing explicit mode ALUA.

How to Failover a Logical Unit

  1. Display the configuration information of a specific logical unit.
    # mpathadm show lu  /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F0DDA8BB1A000057208C880001d0s2                                  
    Logical Unit:  /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F0DDA8BB1A000057208C880001d0s2
            mpath-support:  libmpscsi_vhci.so
            Vendor:  SUN     
            Product:  ZFS Storage 7420
            Revision:  1.0 
            Name Type:  unknown type
            Name:  600144f0dda8bb1a000057208c880001
            Asymmetric:  yes
            Current Load Balance:  shortest-path
            Logical Unit Group ID:  NA
            Auto Failback:  on
            Auto Probing:  NA
                    Initiator Port Name:  iqn.1986-03.com.sun:01:21866c42ab36.5710b544,4000002a00ff
                    Target Port Name:  4000002a0000,iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:56bf24c4-e3e3-4ff0-e7b0-a6e6880e461d
                    Override Path:  NA
                    Path State:  OK
                    Disabled:  no
            Target Port Groups:  
                    ID:  0
                    Explicit Failover:  no
                    Access State:  active optimized
                    Target Ports:
                            Name:  4000002a0000,iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:56bf24c4-e3e3-4ff0-e7b0-a6e6880e461d
                            Relative ID:  3

    You can check the current access state of the Target Port Groups in the output. To ensure that the storage device supports explicit failover, you must verify that the value of Explicit Failover in the output is yes.

  2. Manually force a logical unit failover.
    # mpathadm failover lu /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F0DDA8BB1A000057208C880001d0s2

    If this operation is successful, the access state of the Target Port Groups of the device changes as a result of the logical unit failover.

  3. Confirm the access state change.
    # mpathadm show lu  /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F0DDA8BB1A000057208C880001d0s2
    Logical Unit:  /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F0DDA8BB1A000057208C880001d0s2
            mpath-support:  libmpscsi_vhci.so
            Vendor:  SUN     
            Product:  ZFS Storage 7420
            Revision:  1.0 
            Name Type:  unknown type
            Name:  600144f0dda8bb1a000057208c880001
            Asymmetric:  yes
            Current Load Balance:  shortest-path
            Logical Unit Group ID:  NA
            Auto Failback:  on
            Auto Probing:  NA
                    Initiator Port Name:  iqn.1986-03.com.sun:01:21866c42ab36.5710b544,4000002a00ff
                    Target Port Name:  4000002a0000,iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:56bf24c4-e3e3-4ff0-e7b0-a6e6880e461d
                    Override Path:  NA
                    Path State:  OK
                    Disabled:  no
            Target Port Groups:  
                    ID:  0
                    Explicit Failover:  yes
                    Access State:  active optimized
                    Target Ports:
                            Name:  4000002a0000,iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:56bf24c4-e3e3-4ff0-e7b0-a6e6880e461d
                            Relative ID:  3