5.2.3 Unable to Access the OvmWsUtilities Endpoint

While it is possible to load the WSDL for the OvmWsUtilities endpoint in Suds, it is not possible to authenticate for this endpoint. This is because authentication is handled using the login method exposed by the OvmWsApi endpoint.

Technically, access to the Utilities endpoint is designed to be achieved by calling the getOvmWsUtilitiesEndpoint method from the OvmWsApi endpoint, however this method returns an Endpoint Reference which the client is meant to follow. The Suds library does not appear to easily cater for this functionality.

Therefore, in the case that you decide to use the methods exposed by the OvmWsUtilities endpoint, it is recommended that you either resort to using the REST interface to the API, or that you consider using the OvmWsh to program the functionality that you desire.