
The WsDevClient class included in the sample code does not include an example to discover a Network File Server. Certainly, it expects that a Network File Server has already been discovered within your Oracle VM environment and that its file systems have already been refreshed. However, the OvmWsSoapClient class included in the sample code does include all of the methods required to fully set up and configure a Network File Server. The following examples indicate the steps that you would need to take to perform these tasks.

Discovering the Network File Server

The FileServer model requires a number of parameters to be set before it can be created. Significantly, you must obtain the File Server Storage Connect plug-in ID that should be used by the FileServer object. The generic Oracle VM Storage Connect plug-ins are created at installation time. This means that to select the appropriate plug-in you need to obtain its ID by looping through the existing plug-in IDs. In this example, we search for the "Oracle Generic Network File System" which can be used to connect to a Network File Server. The following code populates the FileServerPlugin Id object instance called testfileServerPluginId:

// Get a list of all File Server Plug-ins
final List<Id<FileServerPlugin>> fileServerPluginIds = api.fileServerPluginGetIds();
for (final Id<FileServerPlugin> fileServerPluginId : fileServerPluginIds)
    if (fileServerPluginId.getName().equals("Oracle Generic Network File System"))
       testfileServerPluginId = fileServerPluginId;

Also required for the creation of a FileServer object is a list of Server ID object instances for each server that you want to configure as Admin Servers for your Network File Server. You could narrow this down to one or more specific servers. For the sake of simplicity, we create a list that contains all server IDs, which are then used as Admin Servers:

// Get a list of all Servers (to keep things simple, all servers are added)
final List<Id<Server>> servIds = api.serverGetIds();

Now we can set up the FileServer object, and call the fileServerDiscover method to create the FileServer object. We ensure that we also obtain the FileServer ID value from the waitForJobComplete method, so that we are able to use it for refresh tasks that need to be performed once the Network File Server has been discovered.

// Discover FileServer
FileServer fileserver = new FileServer();
// Set the Name for your FileServer object
// Set the AccessHost to the IP address or Hostname of the FileServer
// Set the Admin Server IDs, this is a list of ids
// In this example we are adding all servers in the environment
// Set the Fileserver Type, can be LOCAL, NETWORK or UNKNOWN
// Set the Plugin ID
// Set the FileServer as having Uniform Exports
final Job fileserverCreateJob = api.fileServerDiscover(fileserver);
System.out.println("create fileserver job id: " + fileserverCreateJob.getId());
fsid=waitForJobComplete(api, fileserverCreateJob, FileServer.class);
Refresh The Network File Server

Once the Network File Server has been successfully discovered, it must be refreshed before it can be used within Oracle VM Manager. Obtain its ID and then call the fileServerRefresh method:

// Create a Job for FileServer Refreshing
final Job fileserverRefreshJob = api.fileServerRefresh(fsid);
System.out.println("refresh fileserver job id: " + fileserverRefreshJob.getId());
Refresh File Systems

Finally, you must refresh the file systems so that they can be used within your Oracle VM environment. To do this, it is possible to use the getFileSystemIds method exposed by the FileServer model to populate a list of file system IDs. Loop through this list calling the fileSystemRefresh method for each file system ID:

// For all of the fileSystems on the FileServer, do a refresh  
fileserver = api.fileServerGetById(fsid);          
final List<Id<FileSystem>> fileSystemIds = fileserver.getFileSystemIds();
   for (final Id<FileSystem> fileSystemId : fileSystemIds)
    final Job filesystemRefreshJob = api.fileSystemRefresh(fileSystemId);
    waitForJobComplete(api,file systemRefreshJob);