
The WsDevClient class in the sample code does not contain an example showing how to create a repository. The sample code expects that a repository has already been created within your environment and that its details have been provided in the WsDevClient.properties file.

Creating a storage repository is not complicated and the process can be extrapolated from the other examples or from the API documentation included with the SDK. In this example, we use the information that we have already learned to create a storage repository.

A storage repository is a child object of a FileSystem object. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the ID of the FileSystem object where the storage repository must be created. The following loop can be used to populate the testfileSystemId with the ID of a file system named "nfs:/mnt/vol1/repo01":

fileserver = api.fileServerGetById(fsid);
final List<Id<FileSystem>> fileSystemIds = fileserver.getFileSystemIds();
for (final Id<FileSystem> fileSystemId : fileSystemIds)
   if (fileSystemId.getName().equals("nfs:/mnt/vol1/repo01")){
        testfileSystemId = fileSystemId;   

Creating the repository, once you have the file system ID is straightforward, using the fileSystemCreateRepository method provided by the OvmWsRestClient class:

// Create a repository
Repository myrepo = new Repository();
final Job repositoryCreateJob = api.fileSystemCreateRepository(testfileSystemId, 
System.out.println("create repository job id: " + repositoryCreateJob.getId());
myrepoId = waitForJobComplete(api, repositoryCreateJob, Repository.class);

A quick glance at the code for the fileSystemCreateRepository method confirms that this method uses the generic createChildObject method that we first encountered when we created the cluster object.

    public Job fileSystemCreateRepository(final Id<FileSystem> fileSystemId, 
       final Repository repository) throws WsException
        return createChildObject(fileSystemId, repository);