
Creating a Network

Network objects only require the network Name attribute to be set before they are created. The WsDevClient includes the following example code:

Network network = new Network();
network.setDescription("Creating a test network named " + testNetworkName);

final Job networkCreateJob = api.networkCreate(network);
System.out.println("create network job id: " + networkCreateJob.getId());
testNetworkId = waitForJobComplete(api, networkCreateJob, Network.class);
Creating a Local Network for a Server

Local networks differ from other network types in that they are flagged differently and the API call must be made against the server object that they are attached to. The following example code exists within the WsDevClient class included in the SDK:

// Create a new server local network
Network serverLocalNetwork = new Network();
testServerId = testServer.getId();

final Job localNetworkCreateJob = api.serverCreateNetwork(testServerId, network);
System.out.println("create server local network job id: " + 
testServerLocalNetworkId = waitForJobComplete(api, localNetworkCreateJob, 

The serverCreateNetwork expects the ID for the server that the local network is being created for.