Chapter 4 Additional Utilities Exposed in the WS-API

Utility methods that are not directly related to core Oracle VM Manager behavior are exposed through a second endpoint available via the Web Services API. The Oracle VM Web Service Utilities API provides additional methods both for obtaining information within Oracle VM Manager and for configuring or triggering particular Oracle VM Manager functionality. Typical examples include determining which Oracle VM Servers are available to be added to a new server pool; obtaining a list of all file systems which are on local storage; setting statistics collection attributes used to configure how often statistics are gathered and for how long they are stored; and starting a backup process.

The Utilities API is available via both the SOAP and REST interfaces.

Java examples providing fully implemented SOAP and REST clients are included in the SDK. These are available in

  1. contains the source code for the REST implementation of the Utilities Client

  2. contains the source code for the SOAP implementation of the Utilities Client