Oracle Commerce Platform applications running on JBoss use a JTDataSource component, which should be configured to point to a JNDI reference to a DataSource component running in JBoss.

Note: The Configuration and Installation Manager (CIM) utility makes these configurations for you. See Configuration and Installation Manager (CIM).

Where to Configure JBoss Data Sources

You should configure your data source in the localconfig, jbossconfig, or equivalent named configuration layer. See Managing Properties Files in the Platform Programming Guide for information on application-server-specific and named configuration layers.

In order to use the jbossconfig directory:

  • Modify the MANIFEST.MF file for the given Oracle Commerce Platform module to include the following property:

ATG-JbossConfig-Path: jbossconfig
  • Create a jbossconfig directory and put the properties files there.

Note: If JBoss configuration files are stored in the ATG-3rdPartyConfig-Path layer, you might see errors if you start up applications on other application servers, because the data sources are configured to point to JNDI names that are not set up on that application server. Data source configuration files that are specific to JBoss should be in the ATG-JBossConfig-Path rather than the ATG-3rdPartyConfig-Path of those data source configurations.

Configuring Data Sources on JBoss

JBoss data sources are registered in the server instance configuration file. The following is an example of a JBoss data source configuration for MySQL:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:1.1">
    <driver module="com.mysql">
  <xa-datasource enabled="true" jndi-name="java:/ATGProductionDS"
      pool-name="mysql" use-java-context="true">
    <xa-datasource-property name="URL">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
      <!-- To avoid deadlocks you need set this -->
  <xa-datasource enabled="true" jndi-name="java:/ATGPublishingDS"
      pool-name="mysql" use-java-context="true">
    <xa-datasource-property name="URL">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
      <!-- To avoid deadlocks you need set this -->
Configuring DB2 Data Sources

When you configure DB2 data sources on JBoss, you must use the JBC4 compliant data source driver. Ensure that you have set up your configuration using the db2jcc4.jar driver. Refer to your application server documentation for additional information.

Configuring MS SQL Data Sources

For information about configuring MS SQL data sources on JBoss, see Using Oracle Commerce Platform Products with a Microsoft SQL Server Database.

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