PeopleSoft Innovators Program

Get rewarded for your success and share your experiences with the broader PeopleSoft community. If you're deploying the latest PeopleSoft features and frameworks or if you are expanding the use of PeopleSoft within your organization, you might qualify as a Feature Innovator, an Expansion Innovator, or a PeopleSoft Innovator.

Oracle has recognized more than 100 customers. Read their stories to learn more.

What's your next move with PeopleSoft?

See the latest trends and insights in the PeopleSoft Innovators report.

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  • What's the difference between the three innovator programs?

    Feature Innovators have rapidly adopted one or more individual PeopleSoft features available in the latest update images.

    Expansion Innovators have deployed additional PeopleSoft modules or have expanded the use of PeopleSoft to a new department, business unit, or region.

    PeopleSoft Innovators transform their businesses through the widespread adoption of two or more broader initiatives, such as Analytics or Selective Adoption.

  • Which features do I need to deploy to qualify as a Feature Innovator?

    If you’ve deployed recently delivered features, you qualify for the Feature Innovator program. Over time, the features that qualify for the program will change. When we deliver strategic new features, we’ll add them to the list. When we have a critical mass of Feature Innovators for a specific feature, we’ll remove it from the list.

    For the full list of features, see PeopleSoft Feature Innovator Nomination Form.

  • Which modules do I need to deploy to qualify as an Expansion Innovator?

    Any PeopleSoft module listed on the PeopleSoft price list.

  • How do I get into the Hall of Fame?

    Have you fully embraced today's PeopleSoft? If you’ve transformed your business in all (or nearly all) 20 categories listed on the nomination form, such as digital assistants, analytics, and Cloud transformation, then you may qualify for the Hall of Fame. Each nomination will be evaluated carefully, on a case-by-case basis.

    The required Hall of Fame transformation categories may evolve over time if we introduce new strategic initiatives. For the full list of categories that are evaluated, see PeopleSoft Hall of Fame Nomination Form.

    If you have questions, please send them to

  • What are the acceptance criteria for each type of innovator?

    Note: To qualify as an innovator, your products must be current on support with Oracle.

    To be a Feature Innovator, you need to have deployed at least one of the features listed on the PeopleSoft Feature Innovator Nomination Form. The feature must be deployed in production.

    To be an Expansion Innovator, you need to have recently deployed a PeopleSoft module, or expanded the use of your PeopleSoft system to a new business unit, a new department, or a new region as specified on the PeopleSoft Expansion Innovator Nomination Form.

    To be a PeopleSoft Innovator, you need to have deployed at least two of the following initiatives:

    • Selective Adoption
    • User experience: Fluid, Classic Plus, navigation, branding
    • Configuration/eliminating customization
    • Analytics: pivot grids, simplified analytics, personalized analytics notifications, PeopleSoft Insights
    • Digital assistants with Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA)
    • Configuration and decustomization
    • Cloud transformation with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) and Cloud Manager
    • COVID-19 response
      Note: For nominations related to COVID-19 response, only one initiative is required.

    To join the Hall of Fame, you need to have deployed or demonstrated all, or nearly all, of the following categories:

    • Fluid navigation
    • Fluid approvals
    • Many Fluid features
    • Classic Plus
    • Search
    • Analytics: pivot grids, simplified analytics, personalized analytics notifications, PeopleSoft Insights
    • Fluid related information
    • Mobile access for self-service users
    • Digital assistants with Chatbot Integration Framework and Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA)
    • PeopleSoft Test Framework for test automation
    • Demonstrating the ability to stay on a supported PeopleTools release
    • Running multiple pillars in a clustered environment, using PeopleTools
    • Eliminating customization with Page and Field Configurator
    • Isolating customization with event mapping
    • Isolating customization with drop zones
    • Demonstrating the ability to get current at least every 18 months
    • Demonstrating the ability to deploys new features at least annually
    • Running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
    • Using Cloud Manager
  • What is the nomination process?

    Complete the nomination form for the type of innovator you’re nominating. For Feature Innovators, submit a separate nomination for each feature. For Expansion Innovators, submit a separate form for each expansion project.

    The PeopleSoft team reviews all nominations as they’re received. They might contact you for more information during the review process, which can take 2-4 weeks. If your nomination is accepted, you’ll receive an acceptance email with details about the recognition and benefits that you’ll receive.

  • Who can submit a nomination?

    You can nominate yourself or someone else. If you’re a partner, you can nominate your customers and receive recognition as a partner.

  • When will I find out whether my nomination has been accepted?

    You should hear back from us within two to four weeks after submitting your nomination.

  • What recognition and benefits do innovators receive?

    Feature Innovators receive:

    • Listing in the directory of Feature Innovators on the PeopleSoft Information Portal
    • Digital badge that you can display on websites and social media

    Expansion Innovators receive:

    • Listing in the directory of Expansion Innovators on the PeopleSoft Information Portal
    • Digital award that you can display on websites and social media

    PeopleSoft Innovators receive:

    • Announcement in a PeopleSoft Now episode
    • Invitation to exclusive Innovators reception when held at PeopleSoft events
    • Increased visibility and preferred review of session submissions at PeopleSoft events
    • Full-page PeopleSoft Innovator Story on the PeopleSoft Information Portal
    • Announcement in a PeopleSoft blog post
    • Inclusion in key PeopleSoft presentations
    • Innovators certificate
    • Innovators pin (delivered by Quest at in-person events).

    Hall of Fame members receive:

    • Public announcement and participation in an executive-level presentation, on-stage interview, or panel session at RECONNECT
    • Hall of Fame dinner at RECONNECT
    • Three paid conference passes for RECONNECT, for the year in which you’re recognized
    • One paid conference pass at other PeopleSoft events (must participate in an executive-level session)
    • Full-page PeopleSoft Innovator Story on the PeopleSoft Information Portal
    • Inclusion in a PeopleSoft Now interview or other video
    • Announcement in a PeopleSoft blog post
    • Plaque or award
    • Hall of Fame certificate
    • Hall of Fame pin
  • If I’m already a PeopleSoft Innovator, can I be nominated again?

    Absolutely! You can be nominated as often as you keep innovating!

    If you’re already a Feature Innovator, increasing your innovations might qualify you as a PeopleSoft Innovator or an Expansion Innovator with greater recognition and benefits.

    If you’re already a PeopleSoft Innovator, you can continue to receive recognition for new feature or expansion innovations. And the more you innovate, the closer you get to the Hall of Fame.

  • How can partners participate?

    If you’re a partner, you can submit nominations on behalf of your customers, validate your involvement with customer innovations during the nomination review process, and accept PeopleSoft Innovator certificates on behalf of customers if they can’t accept the awards in person.

  • Who can I contact for more information?

    If you have questions, please send them to

Thank you for your willingness to consider sharing your experience with the PeopleSoft community.

With over 185 PeopleSoft innovator stories now published on the PeopleSoft Information Portal, the program provides customers with valuable insight into what PeopleSoft features and capabilities your fellow organizations are using. Customers mine the information to better understand the current level of activity and investment across the PeopleSoft community, get ideas for new projects, and sometimes learn in-depth about the strategy, approach, and challenges that other customers faced. The stories help organizations feel comfortable deploying new features because they know others have already done so.

What does it mean to “publish” your story?

Agreeing to publish is not a commitment to be a reference, endorse Oracle, or to allow traditional marketing activity. The program was built for the PeopleSoft customer community—its goal and purpose is sharing information within the existing PeopleSoft customer base.

You decide what to share

Some customers simply state what they have done, others provide a few sentences with context, and some are willing to share detailed write ups, screenshots, or both. Any approach is acceptable—all contribute to the body of knowledge the program provides. Statements can be merely factual. As customers find benefit and value statements helpful, they are also welcomed but not required.

How your information is used

Only your approved content is published in the appropriate section of the program on the PeopleSoft Information Portal: Feature Innovators, Expansion Innovators or PeopleSoft Innovators. Each year, we summarize all newly published stories in our annual PeopleSoft Innovators announcement video. Periodically, the PeopleSoft product team may include a reference to the program or your story in presentations to other PeopleSoft customers, or in one of our product blog posts. We occasionally promote the innovators program, as a whole, in our social media channels. All our communications are focused on sharing information with existing PeopleSoft customers, and in all cases, the information we provide is limited to the content you agreed to publish.

What you aren’t signing up for

Oracle and the PeopleSoft product team do not do any traditional marketing or advertising around the PeopleSoft Innovators Program, nor any individual stories. The program and your information is not used in any physical or digital marketing campaigns. The program and your information is not used in any “go-to-market” campaigns by Oracle sales. Oracle issues no press releases. We do not use your logo. You are not agreeing to be a reference for PeopleSoft or Oracle.

In conclusion

We trust that you find the many insights the program contains useful. We hope that you will contribute to it, and help sustain it, by sharing your story.