The CartModifierFormHandler is used to add items to and remove items from an Order, modify the quantity of items in the Order, and prepare the Order for the checkout process.

CartModifierFormHandler is an instance of class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler; it is located in Nucleus at /atg/commerce/order/purchase/CartModifierFormHandler.

Many of the methods in CartModifierFormHandler call OrderManager.updateOrder() to save the Order in its present state to the Order Repository. For information on OrderManager.updateOrder() and the updateOrder pipeline that it executes, see the Updating an Order with the OrderManager subsection of Saving Orders in this section.

Note that users can also make changes to their orders through other purchase process form handlers that do not reprice orders, such as the form handlers that create and manage shipping groups. In these situations, where the user can change the current Order in ways that affect its price, and where the form handler used to process those changes does not reprice the Order, you should use the RepriceOrderDroplet servlet bean to reprice the Order before displaying its price to the user. For more information on RepriceOrderDroplet, see Repricing Orders section of the Guide to Setting Up a Store.

For detailed information on the CartModifierFormHandler, refer to the ATG Platform API Reference.

The following sections describe the important methods in CartModifierFormHandler. As can be seen from the method descriptions that follow, the handleAddXXX and handleRemoveXXX methods of CartModifierFormHandler automatically reprice the Order whenever the user makes changes to it.

However, you should note that users can also make changes to their orders through other purchase process form handlers that do not reprice orders, such as the form handlers that create and manage shipping groups. In these situations, where the user can change the current Order in ways that affect its price, and where the form handler used to process those changes does not reprice the Order, you should use the RepriceOrderDroplet servlet bean to reprice the Order before displaying its price to the user. For more information on RepriceOrderDroplet, see Repricing Orders section of the Guide to Setting Up a Store.


Retrieves the quantities for the given items. This method looks up the request parameters to obtain the quantity of the item using getParameterValues(). Note that when passing in values you must ensure that the values match the quantity format. If the quantity value is non-fractional, ensure that you enter whole numbers.


Retrieves the total quantity with fraction used for the catalog reference ID, commerce item ID, or relationship ID. This method looks up the request parameters to obtain the fractional quantities of the item using the getParameterValues(). When entering quantities with this method, ensure that the values you are entering are in fractional format, for example, 1.0 or 2.0.


Retrieves a string that identifies the catalog to use when obtaining a catalogRef and productRef for the creation of a CommerceItem. The string is determined by the user’s locale, which is obtained from the Request object. Consequently, the key is the user’s locale and the value is the corresponding repository to use (for example, en_US=ProductCatalog, fr_FR=FrenchCatalog). /atg/commerce/catalog/CatalogTools maintains the key-to-catalog mapping.


Retrieves the list of ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationships within the order.


Retrieves the locationId property, if set. The locationId property is used to track item location for cross-channel sales.


Adds items to an order by calling addItemToOrder(), which actually adds the items to the Order. It then calls OrderManager.updateOrder().

See the addItemToOrder method for more information.


Adds configurable items to an order by calling preaddItemToOrder() and then addConfigurableItemToOrder(). After the item has been added, it calls postAddItemToOrder().


Saves an Order. It calls modifyOrder() to validate the user’s changes and modify the Order. It then calls runProcessSetOrder(), which executes the pipeline set in CartModifierFormHandler.setOrderChainId. Finally, it calls OrderManager.updateOrder().

See the modifyOrder() and runProcessSetOrder methods for more information.


Saves an Order. It calls modifyOrderByRelationshipId() to validate the user’s changes and modify the Order. It then calls runProcessSetOrder(), which executes the pipeline set in CartModifierFormHandler.setOrderChainId. Finally, it calls OrderManager.updateOrder().

See the modifyOrderByRelationshipId and runProcessSetOrder methods for more information.


Saves an Order. Unlike handleSetOrder() and handleSetOrderByRelationshipId(), it also verifies that the Order is ready for checkout.

The handle method calls modifyOrder() to validate the user’s changes and modify the Order. It then calls runProcessMoveToPurchaseInfo(), which executes the pipeline set in CartModifierFormHandler.moveToPurchaseInfoChainId. Finally, it calls OrderManager.updateOrder().

See the modifyOrder() and runProcessMoveToPurchaseInfo methods for more information.


Saves an Order. Unlike handleSetOrder() and handleSetOrderByRelationshipId(), it also verifies that the Order is ready for checkout.

The handle method calls modifyOrderByRelationshipId() to validate the user’s changes and modify the Order. It then calls runProcessMoveToPurchaseInfo(), which executes the pipeline set in CartModifierFormHandler.moveToPurchaseInfoChainId. Finally, it calls OrderManager.updateOrder().

See the modifyOrderByRelationshipId and runProcessMoveToPurchaseInfo methods for more information.


Invoked by handleAddItemToOrder(). The method calls mergeItemInputForAdd(). If all input values are valid, the method then calls doAddItemToOrder().

See the mergeItemInputForAdd and doAddItemToOrder methods for more information.


Invoked by the handleaddConfigurableItemToOrder(). This methods adds one or more commerce items to the order. The list of items comes from either the catalogRefIds array and the productId, or from the item’s array.


Invoked by addItemToOrder() to unify the way input values are made available to doAddItemToOrder() and to validate input values.

The method first calls CartModifierFormHandler.getItems(). If the returned value is null, the method constructs an items array whose size matches the size of the return value from CartModifierFormHandler.getCatalogRefIds(). The method copies the values from getCatalogRefIds() into the items array elements. Then the method copies the values returned by the following CartModifierFormHandler.getXXX methods into the items array elements: quantity, quantityWithFraction, productId or productIds, value, commerceItemType, giftlistId, and giftlistItemId.

If the initial CartModifierFormHandler.getItems() call retrieves a non-null value, the method copies the value returned by CartModifierFormHandler.getCommerceItemType() to every items array element whose commerceItemType subproperty was null. The method also calls CartModifierFormHandler.mergeValueDictionaries() to combine the Dictionary returned by CartModifierFormHandler.getValueDictionary() with each items array element’s Dictionary.


Invoked by addItemToOrder(). The method retrieves the list of items to add by calling CartModifierFormHandler.getItems(), and calls CartModifierFormHandler.getCatalogKey() to determine which catalog to use. Then, for each item to add to the Order, the method uses the PurchaseProcessHelper class to do the following:

After the above steps have been taken for all the new items, addItemToOrder() calls runProcessRepriceOrder(), which reprices the Order by executing the pipeline set in CartModifierFormHandler.repriceOrderChainId. Then, for each new item addItemToOrder() calls runProcessAddItemToOrder(), which executes the pipeline set in CartModifierFormHandler.addItemToOrderChainId. Finally, the method fires a scenario event of type ItemAddedToOrder for each new item.

See the runProcessRepriceOrder and runProcessAddItemToOrder methods for more information.


Invoked by handleSetOrder() and handleMoveToPurchaseInfo().

The modifyOrder method modifies the Order based on the changes made in the request. It iterates over each CommerceItem in the Order. For each CommerceItem, it retrieves the current quantity by calling getQuantity() and passing in the catalogRefId (SKU ID) of the item.

Next, the method checks for the validation of the catalogRefId in the removalCatalogRefIds list. The modifyOrder method creates a local variable removeLineItems map, which is passed to the prepareLineItemsForRemoval method. The prepareLineItemsForRemovalmethod populates the map with the IDs and quantities and returns the array of removal IDs. The modifyOrder method uses this variable to adjust the quantities. The quantity is calculated by subtracting the quantity corresponding to the catalogRefId in the removalLineItems map from the current quantity in the order.


Invoked by handleSetOrderByRelationshipId() and handleMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelId().

The modifyOrderByRelationshipId method updates the Order based on the changes made in the request and the existing ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationships in the Order. It iterates over each ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship in the Order. For each ShippingCommerceItemRelationship, it first checks to make sure the Relationship is of type SHIPPINGQUANTITY. If it is not, then an exception is thrown. Then, the method retrieves the current quantity of the ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship by calling getQuantity() and passing in the ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship ID.

Next, the method checks if the ID of the ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship is in the removalRelationshipIds list. The modifyOrderByRelationshipId method creates a local variable removeLineItems map, which is passed to the prepareLineItemsForRemoval method. The prepareLineItemsForRemovalmethod populates the map with the IDs and quantities and returns the array of removal IDs. The modifyOrderByRelationshipId method uses this variable to adjust the quantities. The quantity is calculated by subtracting the quantity corresponding to the ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelIds in the removalLineItems map from the current ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelIds quantity in the order.

If there are no references in the RemovalLineItems map, then the quantity of the ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship and the quantity of the associated CommerceItems are adjusted appropriately.

For more information on the SHIPPINGQUANTITY type of ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, see Relationship Types in the Using Relationship Objects section of the Working With Purchase Process Objects chapter.


Removes items from the Order by CommerceItem ID. This handle method calls deleteItems() to delete the items from the Order and then calls OrderManager.updateOrder().

See the deleteItems method for more information.


Removes items from the Order by ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship ID. This handle method calls deleteItemsByRelationshipId() to delete the items from the Order and then calls OrderManager.updateOrder().

See the deleteItemsByRelationshipId method for more information.


Deletes all CommerceItems whose IDs are in the removalCommerceIds array. When adding an item to the removalCommerceIds array, you can set the inputDelimiter variable. This separator at the end of IDs indicates that the item is split across multiple lines on the UI, as used in Group Discount Promotions. By default, the separator is set to “#”. Separators can be configured in CartModifierFormHandler file.

Important: If you are using features that require splitting items across multiple lines within the UI, ensure that you are setting the item’s inputDelimiter variable. If no inputDelimiter variable is provided, the CartModifierFormHandler assumes that all instances of the commerce item should be removed, instead of removing the item from a single line item.

First, the entries to the removalCommerceIds are validated by the prepareLineItemsForRemoval() to see if the CommerceItemId is followed by a separator and a quantity. If the method identifies a separator followed by a quantity, it checks to see if the quantity matches the entire quantity of the item. If it does, the entry is kept in the removalCommerceIds property. The deleteItems method creates a local variable removeLineItems map, which is passed to the prepareLineItemsForRemoval method. The prepareLineItemsForRemovalmethod populates the map with the IDs and quantities and returns the array of removal IDs. The deleteItems method uses this variable to adjust the quantities. The quantity is calculated by subtracting the quantity corresponding to the catalogRefId in the removalLineItems map from the current quantity in the order.

The method also removes all associated ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationships and calls runProcessRepriceOrder(), which reprices the Order by executing the pipeline set in CartModifierFormHandler.repriceOrderChainId. Finally, the method fires a scenario event of type ItemRemovedFromOrder.

See the runProcessRepriceOrder method for more information.


This method deletes CommerceItems from the Order by ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship ID. It iterates through the IDs in the removalShippingGroupCommerceItemRelIds property.

When developing pages, the page developer must use a removal separator when the items are split up as per their shipping groups, and their membership within a group of group-discounted items.

This separator at the end of IDs indicates that the item is split across multiple lines on the UI, as used in Group Discount Promotions. By default, the separator is set to “#”. Separators can be configured in CartModifierFormHandler file.

Important: If you are using features that require splitting items across multiple lines within the UI, ensure that you are setting the item’s removalSeparator variable. If no removalSeparator variable is provided, the CartModifierFormHandler assumes that all instances of the commerce item within a specific shipping group should be removed, instead of removing the item from a single line item.

First, the entries to the removalShippingGroupCommerceItemRelIds are validated by the prepareLineItemsForRemoval() to see if the RelationshipId is followed by a separator and a quantity. If the method identifies a separator followed by a quantity, it checks to see if the quantity matches the entire quantity of the item. If it does, the entry is kept in the removalShippingGroupCommerceItemRelIds property.

The deleteItemsByRelationshipId method creates a local variable removeLineItems map, which is passed to the prepareLineItemsForRemoval method. The prepareLineItemsForRemovalmethod populates the map with the IDs and quantities and returns the array of removal IDs. The deleteItemsByRelationshipId method uses this variable to adjust the quantities. The quantity is calculated by subtracting the quantity corresponding to the ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelIds in the removalLineItems map from the current ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelIds quantity in the order.

For each ID, it also ensures that the Relationship type is of type SHIPPINGQUANTITY (logging an error if it is not), and then it removes the HandlingInstructions associated with the ShippingGroup. The method then calls runProcessRepriceOrder(), which re-prices the Order by executing the pipeline set in CartModifierFormHandler.repriceOrderChainId. Finally, the method fires a scenario event of type ItemRemovedFromOrder. (See the runProcessRepriceOrder method in this table for more information.)


Invoked by the handleAddItemToOrder method. This method runs the pipeline set in CartModifierFormHandler.addItemToOrderChainId. By default, this property is set to addItemToOrder.

Note: By default, the addItemToOrder pipeline is commented out of commercepipeline.xml, the commerce pipeline configuration file. It is provided for extension purposes, should you need to include additional functionality, such as scenario events.


Invoked by handleSetOrder() and handleSetOrderByRelationshipId(). This method runs the pipeline set in CartModifierFormHandler.setOrderChainId. By default, this property is set to setOrder.

Note: By default, the setOrder pipeline is commented out of commercepipeline.xml, the commerce pipeline configuration file. It is provided for extension purposes, should you need to include additional functionality, such as scenario events.


Runs the pipeline to execute whenever the order needs to be repriced. The pipeline to run is set in CartModifierFormHandler.repriceOrderChainId. By default, this property is set to repriceOrder. By default, this method executes an ORDER_TOTAL pricing operation. (For more information about pricing operations, see the Repricing Shopping Carts section of the Guide to Setting Up a Store.)


Invoked by handleMoveToPurchaseInfo() and handleMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelId(). This method runs the pipeline set in CartModifierFormHandler.moveToPurchaseInfoChainId. By default, this property is set to moveToPurchaseInfo.

The moveToPurchaseInfo pipeline, in turn, executes the validateForCheckout pipeline, which verifies that the Order is ready for checkout. For more information on both pipelines, see Appendix E: Pipeline Chains.

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