Products and SKUs items contain fractionalQuantitiesAllowed and unitOfMeasure properties. These properties identify whether or not the product and/or SKU can be sold in fractional units, and if so, provide the fractional measurement. For example, a property or SKU for sugar enables fractional quantities by setting the fractionalQuantitiesAllowed property to true. The unit in which the sugar can be sold is set in the unitOfMeasure property, for example pounds.

Important: Take care when identifying products and SKUs that can use fractional units. There are obviously products that make no sense in fractional quantities, such as a shirt or coffee mug. Although it is possible, creating fractional quantities of these products, or fractional promotions for non-fractional products, can cause unexpected results.

For detailed information on working with product and SKU commerce item properties, refer to the Using and Extending the Product Catalog section.

Note that when a product is configured to allow fractional quantities, it overrides the fractional quantity settings of its associated SKUs. This allows the product’s associated SKUs to be sold in fractional quantities, even if the individual SKUs have not been configured as such. Conversely, a SKU can be configured to allow fractional quantities even when its associated product does not.

If a SKU configuration contains a unit of measure, that unit of measure will be used regardless of the unit of measure set on the SKU’s associated product. If the SKU does not contain a unit of measure, but the product does, all associated SKUs will inherit the product’s unit of measure.

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