If the customer decides to accept the quote, they could indicate this by clicking an Accept Quote UI element. After receiving the orderId as a form input parameter, the QuoteFormHandler uses the acceptQuote method to facilitate the re-pricing of the tax amount, as well as assisting with checkout of a quoted order.

The acceptQuote method calls the OrderManager.acceptQuote method to complete the checkout process by calling the processOrderWithReprice pipeline chain. This pipeline chain calls the repriceOrder pipeline chain, which calculates the tax amount. In addition to calling the PriceOrderTotal processor, the repriceOrder pipeline chain calls the processOrder pipeline chain.

As described in Pricing and Quotes, during the quoting process, the only price adjustments that can be made are tax adjustments and the price adjustments made by your quoting system. For additional information on repricing, refer to the Repricing Orders section.

Before the quoted order is checked out, the order must be validated. Validation is performed during the checkout process by the validateForCheckout pipeline chain, which is executed by the ProcessOrder pipeline. The validateForCheckout runs the ValidateQuoteForCheckout component, which validates that the order status is QUOTED and that the quote has not expired. This component uses the atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateQuoteForCheckout processor.

Once the quoted order is validated, the processOrder pipeline chain calls the PrepareForQuoteCheckout component. This component uses the atg.commerce.order.
processor, which can be used to prepare for the checkout process.

After validation, the order is treated as any other order. For additional information on the processOrder and validateForCheckout pipelines and the order checkout process, refer to the Checking Out an Order section of the Configuring Purchase Process Services chapter.

Bypassing Expired Promotions

Because expired promotions can be valid for a quoted order, you can configure the preparation of the checkout process to include expired promotions. By default, the PipelineConstants.
flag is included in the ProcPrepareForQuoteCheckout parameter map. When BYPASSEXPIREDPROMOTIONSCHECK is included, the ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions processor, which is called during the processOrder pipeline chain, is disabled, allowing the order to contain expired promotions. You can use the Boolean checkForExpiredPromotions property in the ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions to enable or disable the addition of the flag to the map.

Should the quote contain expired promotions, and the BYPASSEXPIREDPROMOTIONSCHECK has been not been included, meaning that the order will be checked for expired promotions, an error will occur. Note that removing expired promotions requires repricing the order, however, quote orders are locked for repricing. To remove expired promotions, the system can be configured to perform a requote, which will reprice the order and remove the expired promotions data.

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