Pricing for fractional units is similar to the pricing described in the Core Commerce Pricing Services Overview section. As described in the DetailedItemPriceInfo section, the DetailedItemPriceInfo gets a commerce item’s price and uses the quantityDerivedAsFloatingPoint property to identify the quantity of commerce items the detailed price applies to. If the quantity property is less than 0, the system uses the quantityWithFraction property to identify how many commerce items the detailed price represents and returns the commerce item’s fractional quantity.

Unit price calculations with fractional quantities are performed by the PricingTools using the unitPriceBean class. Then the PricingTools generates UnitPriceBean objects that set a unit price based upon the DetailedItemPriceInfo, the CommerceItem and any additional price bean information, such as a group pricing model.

The DetailedItemPriceTools identifies the fractional range using the LowBoundWithFraction and HigBoundWithFraction ranges. If the quantityWithFraction property is used, it sets the setLowBoundWithFraction and setHighBoundWithFraction ranges. If the isFractionalRange is set, it returns the range. If there is no PricingAdjustment but the quantityWithFraction is greater than 0, there’s a new pricingTool adjustment amount. During the adjustment, the getQuantityDerivedAsFloatingPoint method is called, creating the details for the entire quantity. For information on how ranges work, refer to the Relationship Types section.

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