Configuring Connection Settings


The Connection Settings dialog is available by selecting the Settings > Connection Settings option from the menu to the left of the SOAP Request panel. The fields on this dialog can be used to configure the following aspects of the request:

  • Proxy settings for the target Web service.

  • CA and server certificates that are considered trusted for SSL purposes.

  • Client SSL certificate to use to authenticate to the target Web service.

  • A username and password to use to authenticate to the Web service using HTTP basic or digest authentication.

The following sections describe each of the tabs that are available on the Connection Settings dialog.


Enter the complete URL of the target Web service in the URL field.

Proxy Settings

The fields on this tab should be configured if API Gateway Explorer must connect to the target Web service through an HTTP proxy. In this case, API Gateway Explorer will include the full URL of the destination Web service in the request line of the HTTP request.

For example, if the destination Web service is running at http://localhost:8080/services, the request line would appear as follows if API Gateway Explorer is routing through a proxy:

POST http://localhost:8080/services HTTP/1.1

If API Gateway Explorer was not routing through a proxy, the request line would appear as follows:

POST /services HTTP/1.1

To configure API Gateway Explorer to send SOAP messages through a HTTP proxy, complete the following fields on the Proxy Settings tab:

Proxy Host:

Enter the hostname or IP address of the HTTP proxy.

Proxy Port:

Specify the port on which the proxy server is listening.

SSL Port:

If the proxy server has SSL enabled and you want to connect to the SSL port, enter the SSL port here.

Trusted Certificates

When API Gateway Explorer connects to a server over SSL it must decide whether or not to trust the server's SSL certificate. It is possible to select a list of CA or server certificates from the Trusted Certificates tab that will be considered trusted by API Gateway Explorer when connecting to the server specified in the URL field of this dialog.

The table displayed on the Trusted Certificates tab lists all certificates that have been imported into API Gateway Explorer's Certificate Store. To trust a certificate for this particular connection, simply check the box next to the certificate in the table.

Client SSL Authentication

In cases where the destination server requires clients to authenticate to it using an SSL certificate, you must select a client certificate on the Client SSL Authentication tab. Simply check the box next to the client certificate that you want to use to authenticate to the server specified in the URL field.

HTTP Authentication

If the destination server requires clients to authenticate to it using HTTP basic or digest authentication, the fields on this tab can be used.

None, HTTP Basic, or HTTP Digest:

Select the method that you want to use to authenticate to the server.

User Name:

Specify the user name you want to use to authenticate to the server.


Enter the password for this user.