General Preferences


The Preferences interface enables you to set several global configuration settings to optimize the behavior of the API Gateway Explorer. You can configure the Preferences interface by selecting the Window > Preferences main menu option.

You can view each of the configuration sections described below by clicking the corresponding menu item on the left of the Preferences dialog.

Auto Format Response

Select the Auto Format XML Response option if you want to pretty-print SOAP response messages when they are rendered in the API Gateway Explorer response panel.

[Note] Note

Enabling this setting affects response messages with digital signatures.


This section enables you to configure custom JMS Service Providers.


Use this section to configure system-wide Kerberos settings. See the Kerberos configuration topic for more information on configuring global Kerberos settings.

Proxy Settings

In cases where you have installed API Gateway Explorer on a machine that connects to other machines through a proxy, you can configure details of the proxy on this screen. Complete the following fields:


Enter the host name or IP address of the HTTP proxy.


Specify the TCP port of the proxy server.


If the proxy requires clients to authenticate to it using HTTP authentication, you must enter a valid username here.


Enter the password for this user.

Runtime Dependencies

The Runtime Dependencies setting enables you to add JAR files to the API Gateway Explorer classpath. For example, if you write a custom message filter, you must add its JAR file, and any third-party JAR files that it uses, to the Runtime Dependencies list.

Click Add to select a JAR file to add to the list of dependencies, and click Apply when finished. A copy of the JAR file is added to the plugins directory in your Policy Studio installation.

[Important] Important

You must restart API Gateway Explorer and the server for these changes to take effect.


This section enables you to configure details of SMTP servers that the API Gateway Explorer can connect to and send messages to.

SSL Settings

The SSL Settings enable you to specify what action is taken when an unrecognized server certificate is presented to the client. This allows API Gateway Explorer to connect to SSL services without a requirement to add a certificate to its JVM certificate store.

Configure one of the following options:

Prompt User When you try to connect to SSL services, you are prompted with a dialog. If you choose to trust this particular server certificate displayed in the dialog, it is stored locally, and you are not prompted again.
Trust All All server certificates are trusted.
Keystore Enter or browse to the location of the Keystore that contains the authentication credentials sent to a remote host for mutual SSL, and enter the appropriate Keystore Password.

TCP/IP Monitor

The TCP/IP Monitor settings enable you to configure TCP/IP Monitors on local and remote ports. A TCP/IP Monitor is a simple server that monitors all the requests and responses between the API Gateway Explorer client and the server. You can monitor TCP/IP activity using the TCP/IP Monitor view in API Gateway Explorer. This view contains a list of requests sent to the server. It displays information about each request when it is forwarded to the server, and each response when it is received from the server.

You can configure the following TCP/IP Monitor settings:

Show the TCP/IP Monitor View when there is activity

Specifies whether to display the TCP/IP Monitor view when there is activity through a TCP/IP monitoring server.

TCP/IP Monitors

Displays a list of TCP/IP monitoring servers. To add a TCP/IP monitoring server, click Add, and specify the following settings in the New Monitor dialog:

Local monitoring port Specify a unique port number on your local machine. Defaults to 80.
Host name Specify the host name or IP address of the machine where the server is running.
Port Specify the port number of the remote server. Defaults to 80.
Type Specify whether the request type from the client is sent by HTTP or TCP/IP. If the default HTTP option is selected, requests from the client are modified so that the HTTP header points to the remote machine, and separated if multiple HTTP requests are received in the same connection. If the TCP/IP option is selected, requests are sent byte for byte and the TCP/IP Monitor does not translate or modify any requests that it forwards.
Timeout (in milliseconds) Specify the connection timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
Start monitor automatically Specifies whether the TCP/IP monitoring server starts automatically. This is selected by default.

Use the Start and Stop buttons to manage the TCP/IP monitoring servers. You can add, edit, remove, start or stop the available TCP/IP monitoring servers in the TCP/IP Monitors table. The Status column shows if the TCP/IP monitor is started or stopped.

Test Case Colors

Use this page to change the look-and-feel of the Test Case screen by modifying the colors used.

Trace Level

You can set the level at which API Gateway Explorer logs diagnostic output by selecting the appropriate level from the Tracing Level drop-down list. Diagnostic output is written to a file in the /trace directory of your API Gateway Explorer installation. You can also select Window > Show View > Console in the main menu to view the trace output in the Console window at the bottom of the screen. The default trace level is INFO.

VM Arguments

This page enables you to manually pass arguments to the JVM used by API Gateway Explorer.

Web and XML

Use these screens to alter the way that XML data is displayed in API Gateway Explorer.


This page enables you to set the values of various wildcards that can then be used at runtime by message filters in a Test Suite.

WS-I Settings

Before loading a WSDL file that contains the definition of a Web service into the Web Services Repository, you can test the WSDL file for compliance with the Web Service Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile. The WS-I Basic Profile contains a number of Test Assertions that describe rules for writing WSDL files for maximum interoperability with other WSDL authors, consumers, and other related tools.

The WS-I Settings are described as follows:

WS-I Setting Description
WS-I Tool Location Use the Browse button to specify the full path to the Java version of the WS-Interoperability Testing tools (for example, C:\Program Files\WSI_Test_Java_Final_1.1\wsi-test-tools). The WS-I testing tools are used to check a WSDL file for WS-I compliance. You can download them from
Results Type Select the type of WS-I test results that you wish to view in the generated report from the drop-down list. You can select from all, onlyFailed, notPassed, or notInfo.
Message Entry Specify whether message entries should be included in the report using the checkbox (selected by default).
Failure Message Specify whether the failure message defined for each test assertion should be included in the report using the checkbox (selected by default).
Assertion Description Specify whether the description of each test assertion should be included in the report using the checkbox (unselected by default).
Verbose Output Specify whether verbose output is displayed in the API Gateway Explorer console window using the checkbox (unselected by default). To view the console window, select Window > Show Console from the API Gateway Explorer main menu.

For details on running the WS-I Testing Tools, see the Testing WSDL Files for WS-I Compliance topic.