XML Encryption Wizard


There are several filters involved in encrypting a message using XML Encryption. These filters are as follows:

Step Role
1. Select Public Key Specify the certificate that contains the public key to use in the encryption. The data will be encrypted such that it can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key.
2. XML Encryption Settings Specify the recipient of the encrypted data, what data to encrypt, what algorithms to use, and other such options that will affect the way the data is encrypted.

The XML Encryption Wizard is available by clicking the on the Encrypt Request link on the left-hand side of the Classic Mode of the API Gateway Explorer. The next section describes how to configure the wizard.


The first step in configuring the XML Encryption Wizard is to select the certificate that contains the public key to use to encrypt the data. Once the data has been encrypted with this public key it will only be able to be decrypted using the corresponding private key. Select the relevant certificate from the list of Certificates in the Trusted Certificate Store.

After clicking the Next button on the first screen of the wizard, the configuration options for the XML Encryption Settings filter are displayed. For more information on configuring this filter, please refer to the XML encryption settings topic.

Click the Finish button to create the XML-Encryption block within the SOAP message.