Testing WSDL Files for WS-I Compliance


Before loading a WSDL file to create sample SOAP messages or Test Cases, you can test the WSDL file for compliance with the WS-Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile (BP). The Basic Profile consists of a set of assertions or guidelines on how to ensure maximum interoperability between different implementations of Web services. For example, there are recommendations on the SOAP style to use (document/literal), how schema information is included in WSDL files, and how message parts are defined to avoid ambiguity for consumers of WSDL files.

API Gateway Explorer can test WSDL files for conformance against the recommendations described in the Basic Profile. A report is generated showing which recommendations have passed and which have failed. While you can still load a WSDL file that does not comply with the Basic Profile, there is no certainty that consumers of the Web Service can use it without encountering problems.

[Important] Important

Before you run the WS-I compliance test, you must ensure that the Java version of the Interoperability Testing Tools is installed on the machine on which the API Gateway Explorer is running. You can download these tools from www.ws-i.org.

To configure the location of the WS-I testing tools, select Window > Preferences from the API Gateway Explorer main menu. In the Preferences dialog, select the WS-I Settings, and browse to the location of the WS-I testing tools. You must specify the full path to these tools. For example:

C:\Program Files\WSI_Test_Java_Final_1.1\wsi-test-tools

For more details on configuring WS-I settings, see the General Preferences topic.

Running the WS-I Compliance Test

To run the WS-I compliance test on a WSDL file, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Tools > Run WS-I Compliance Test from the API Gateway Explorer main menu.

  2. In the Run WS-I Compliance Test dialog, browse to the WSDL File or specify the WSDL URL.

  3. Click OK. The WS-I Analysis tools run in the background in API Gateway Explorer.

The results of the compliance test are displayed in your browser in a WS-I Profile Conformance Report. The overall result of the compliance test is displayed in the Summary section. The results of the WS-I compliance tests are grouped by type in the Artifact: description section. For example, you can access details for a specific port type, operation, or message by clicking the appropriate link in the Entry List table. Each Entry displays the results for the relevant WS-I Test Assertions.