API Gateway Explorer Release Notes


The following release notes describe installation, running, and other known issues for API Gateway Explorer.

In this Version

The following features are available in this version of API Gateway Explorer:

  • Auto-generation of SOAP messages from WSDL files.

  • Support for generation of SOAP 1.2 messages from WSDL files.

  • Check WSDL files for WS-I compliance.

  • Support for different WSU, WSSE, and SOAP namespaces.

  • Advanced stress testing functionality.

  • Improved interface.

  • Ability to create, save, and load test suites.

  • Ability to create and send multiple requests to a Web service as part of a test suite.

  • Extra general configuration options, including JVM arguments and trusted certificates for connecting to SSL servers.


Do not install into a directory that contains the following characters: ';?@=&$-_+! *'()'


The documentation cannot be viewed from the CD when the CD-ROM driver adheres strictly to the ISO 9600 standard. This is the international standard for CD-ROM file format, and does not allow filenames longer than 8 characters, or filenames containing capital letters. As a result several of the document links are broken. This problem should only manifest itself when reading the documentation from the CD on Solaris machines. The work around here is to copy the documentation on to the local drive when you wish to view the documentation.


This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/). It also includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com). For more information, please refer to the full license terms in OpenSSL License Issues.

This product includes software developed by James Cooper.