安装 Oracle® Solaris 11.2 系统


更新时间: 2014 年 7 月


下列消息对 SPARC 和 x86 安装是通用的。

Automated Installation Started 消息


Automated Installation started
The progress of the Automated Installation will be output to the console
Detailed logging is in the logfile at /system/volatile/install_log
Press RETURN to get a login prompt at any time.

可以使用口令 solarisroot 身份登录,以监视 /system/volatile/install_log 中的安装消息。

Automated Installation Succeeded 消息


Automated Installation finished successfully
The system can be rebooted now
Please refer to the /system/volatile/install_log file for details
After reboot it will be located at /var/log/install/install_log

Reboot to start the installed system

如果您在 AI 清单中设置了自动重新引导,那么系统会在此时重新引导。要指定在成功安装后自动重新引导,请将 <ai_instance> 标记的 auto_reboot 属性设置为 true。缺省值为 false:客户机在成功安装后不会自动重新引导。