安装 Oracle® Solaris 11.2 系统


更新时间: 2014 年 7 月


可以使用 svcbundle 命令生成有效的服务清单。在以下示例中,请注意,缺省情况下,svcbundle 命令所生成的清单会指定瞬态服务和 multi-user 依赖性。

示例 13-3  生成的 SMF 服务清单

在以下命令中,将创建在首次引导时运行的脚本中显示的脚本的名称指定为 start-method 的值。因为在为脚本和服务创建 IPS 软件包中创建的软件包会将 first-boot-script.sh 脚本安装到 /opt/site/first-boot-script.sh 中,所以脚本的名称会被指定为 /opt/site/first-boot-script.sh

在以下命令中,以冒号分隔列表形式的指定 completed 属性的属性组名称、属性名称、属性类型和初始属性值。

$ svcbundle -s service-name=site/first-boot-script-svc \
-s start-method=/opt/site/first-boot-script.sh \
-s instance-property=config:completed:boolean:false \
> first-boot-script-svc-manifest.xml

在生成的服务清单(如下所示)中,首次引导脚本 /opt/site/first-boot-script.shstart 方法的 exec 属性的值。completed 属性在定义此服务的缺省实例 (first-boot-script-svc:default) 的 instance 元素中指定。

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle
  SYSTEM '/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1'>
    Manifest created by svcbundle (2014-Jan-14 16:39:30-0700)
<service_bundle type="manifest" name="site/first-boot-script-svc">
    <service version="1" type="service" name="site/first-boot-script-svc">
            The following dependency keeps us from starting until the
            multi-user milestone is reached.
        <dependency restart_on="none" type="service"
            name="multi_user_dependency" grouping="require_all">
            <service_fmri value="svc:/milestone/multi-user"/>
        <exec_method timeout_seconds="60" type="method" name="start"
            The exec attribute below can be changed to a command that SMF
            should execute to stop the service.  See smf_method(5) for more
        <exec_method timeout_seconds="60" type="method" name="stop"
            The exec attribute below can be changed to a command that SMF
            should execute when the service is refreshed.  Services are
            typically refreshed when their properties are changed in the
            SMF repository.  See smf_method(5) for more details.  It is
            common to retain the value of :true which means that SMF will
            take no action when the service is refreshed.  Alternatively,
            you may wish to provide a method to reread the SMF repository
            and act on any configuration changes.
        <exec_method timeout_seconds="60" type="method" name="refresh"
        <property_group type="framework" name="startd">
            <propval type="astring" name="duration" value="transient"/>
        <instance enabled="true" name="default">
            <property_group type="application" name="config">
                <propval type="boolean" name="completed" value="false"/>
                <loctext xml:lang="C">
                        Replace this comment with a short name for the
                <loctext xml:lang="C">
                        Replace this comment with a brief description of
                        the service