
Java Card 3 Platform Development Kit User Guide, Classic Edition

Biometry Sample Application

In this sample, a user password is enrolled on the card and a candidate password is matched against the enrolled password. The sample demonstrates the basic functionality of the biometric API. In the sample, everything works well. Non-sample code should be prepared to handle errors that may occur during the enrollment process or the matching process, including a card-blocked state, or a non-initialized state. See How the Biometric API Works.

  1. The off-card tool takes a hard coded password and sends it to the card for enrollment. For this sample, the off-card tool is a simple apdutool script used for both enrolling and matching.

    The applet selected on-card is the SampleBioServer applet. See SampleBioServer Class.

  2. The SampleBioServer applet stores the password as the reference template with five tries allowed before block.

  3. For matching, the APDUscript asks the on-card client (SamplePasswdBioApplet) to ask the SharedBioTemplate for the public template.

    For this sample, the public template only contains the version number of the implementation and the length of stored password representing the requirement for password capture. See SamplePasswdBioApplet Class.

  4. The script sends the same password that was used for enrollment.

    The card has a matching algorithm and calculates the score based on the stored password and received password.

  5. The card returns "verification successful" to the script.

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Java Card: 3 Platform Development Kit User Guide, Classic Edition

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