
Java Card 3 Platform Development Kit User Guide, Classic Edition

Command Line Options for Off-Card Verifier Tools

The verifycap, verifyexp, and verifyrev, off-card verifier tools share many of the same command line options. The only exception is the -package option which is available for verifycap only.

These options exhibit the same behavior regardless of the tool that calls them.

Table 13-3 verifycap, verifyexp, verifyrev Command Line Options

Option Description


Prints help message.


Suppresses banner message.


Suppresses warning messages.

-package <package name>

(Available for verifycap only) Sets the name of the package to be verified.


Enables verbose mode.


Prints version number and exit.

-C command-options-file


--commandoptionsfile command-options-file

Optional. Specifies a file containing command-line options.

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Java Card: 3 Platform Development Kit User Guide, Classic Edition

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