
Java Card 3 Platform Development Kit User Guide, Classic Edition

Classic Applet Development

To develop an applet, you should do the following:

  • Install and Setup — Install and setup the development environment. Using the Eclipse IDE and Java Card plug-in is recommended. See Installation.

  • Review Samples — Read Running the Samples, run the samples, and examine the code.

  • Develop — Develop your applet. See Localizing With The Development Kit and other chapters in Part II for more information about various programming issues.

  • Debug — Debug the applet. Use the Java Card debug proxy included in the development kit. See Debugging Applications.

  • Create CAP files — When you have compiled your code to generate class files, you can use the tools provided with the development kit to create CAP files that can be downloaded to the simulator or a card. See Packaging and Deploying Your Application

The figure shows the deployment process for classic applet applications.

Figure 3-1 Process for Classic Applet Development and Deployment

Description of "Figure 3-1 Process for Classic Applet Development and Deployment" follows
Description of "Figure 3-1 Process for Classic Applet Development and Deployment"

If you have existing CAP files in Java Card platform 2.x format, you can use the normalization process to convert them to a version 3 CAP file format.

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Java Card: 3 Platform Development Kit User Guide, Classic Edition

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