
Java Card 3 Platform Development Kit User Guide, Classic Edition

Examples of Process Method Handling of APDUs Containing a Command String

The following are examples of process methods StringUtilApp applet uses when processing the command strings containing default values and settings for Contacts and Settings:

  • Contacts with a name and an e-mail address

    When StringUtilApp receives a command for Contacts, it sends a response message with the contact name corresponding to the number in the command argument along with the associated e-mail address value for that name.

  • Settings with arguments

    When a Settings command is received with only one argument, the setting corresponding to the number in the command argument and its default value are sent in the response message.

    If the Settings command contains two arguments, the second argument signifies the state in which that setting should be placed. The applet then responds with the name of the setting and the value that was selected in the command.

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Java Card: 3 Platform Development Kit User Guide, Classic Edition

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