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Oracle® Developer Studio 12.5: Installation Guide

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Updated: July 2016

How to Test For Installation of System Patches or Updates

This procedure shows errors you might see when the required system patches or updates have not been installed.

In this example, Oracle Developer Studio was installed from a tar file into the directory /export/home/example/developerstudio12.5 on an Oracle Solaris 10 system. The compiler successfully compiles a simple program when no compiler options are used, but returns errors when the -O option is used.

  1. Create a simple program such as the following hello.c file:
    #include <stdio.h>
        printf("hello, world\n");
  2. Compile the program without any compiler options except -V to show the version info, and then run the a.out binary:
    % cc -V hello.c
    cc: Studio 12.5 Sun C 5.14 SunOS_sparc 2016/05/17
    acomp: Studio 12.5 Sun C 5.14 SunOS_sparc 2016/05/17
    ld: Software Generation Utilities - Solaris Link Editors: 5.11-1.2470
    % a.out
    hello world

    The program compiles and runs without issues.

  3. Compile again adding the -O option:
    % cc -O -V hello.c
    cc: Studio 12.5 Sun C 5.14 SunOS_sparc 2016/05/17
    acomp: Studio 12.5 Sun C 5.14 SunOS_sparc 2016/05/17
    compiler(iropt) error:  iropt: dlsym() could not find function _mmheap_createc
    /export/home/example/developerstudio12.5/lib/compilers/iropt'quit+0x3e [0x8285dfe]
    /export/home/example/developerstudio12.5/lib/compilers/iropt'0x24acfa [0x829acfa]
    /export/home/example/developerstudio12.5/lib/compilers/iropt'main+0x17 [0x8341417]
    /export/home/example/developerstudio12.5/lib/compilers/iropt'_start+0x72 [0x80947c2]
    cc: Fatal error in /export/home/example/developerstudio12.5/lib/compilers/iropt
    cc: Status 134

    The error occurs because the required system library /lib/libmmheap.so.1 has not been updated or installed.

Next Steps

If the program compiled with -O, there is nothing further you need to do.

If the program did not compile and produced similar errors, a system administrator must install the required updates or patches: