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Oracle® Developer Studio 12.5: Debugging a Program with dbx

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Updated: June 2016

dalias Command

The dalias command defines a dbx-style (csh-style) alias. It is valid only in native mode.


dalias [name [definition]]

(dbx alias) List all currently defined aliases.

If a name is specified, list the definition, if any, of alias name.

If a definition is also specified, define name to be an alias for definition. definition can contain white space. A semicolon or newline terminates the definition.


name is the name of an alias

definition is the definition of an alias.

dbx accepts the following csh history substitution meta-syntax, which is commonly used in aliases:






The ! usually needs to be preceded by a backslash. For example:

dalias goto "stop at \!:1; cont; clear"

For more information, see the csh(1) man page.