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Oracle® Developer Studio 12.5: Debugging a Program with dbx

Exit Print View

Updated: June 2016

next Command

The next command steps one source line (stepping over calls).

The dbx step_events environment variable (see Setting dbxenv Variables) controls whether breakpoints are enabled during a step.

Native Mode Syntax


Step one line (step over calls). With multithreaded programs when a function call is stepped over, all LWPs (lightweight processes) are implicitly resumed for the duration of that function call in order to avoid deadlock. Non-active threads cannot be stepped.

next n

Step n lines (step over calls).

next ... -sig signal

Deliver the specified signal while stepping.

next ... thread-ID

Step the specified thread.

next ... lwp-ID

Step the given LWP. Will not implicitly resume all LWPs when stepping over a function.


n is the number of lines to step.

signal is the name of a signal.

thread-ID is a thread ID.

lwp-ID is an LWP ID.

When an explicit thread-id or lwp-ID is included, the deadlock avoidance measure of the generic next command is defeated.

See also nexti Command for machine-level stepping over calls.

Note -  For information about lightweight processes (LWPs), see the Oracle Solaris Multithreaded Programming Guide.

Java Mode Syntax


Step one line (step over calls). With multithreaded programs when a function call is stepped over, all LWPs (lightweight processes) are implicitly resumed for the duration of that function call in order to avoid deadlock. Non-active threads cannot be stepped.

next n

Step n lines (step over calls).

next ... thread-ID

Step the given thread.

next ... lwp-ID

Step the given LWP. Will not implicitly resume all LWPs when stepping over a function.


n is the number of lines to step.

thread-ID is a thread identifier.

lwp-ID is an LWP identifier.

When an explicit thread-ID or lwp-ID is included, the deadlock avoidance measure of the generic next command is defeated.

Note -  For information on lightweight processes (LWPs), see the Oracle Solaris Multithreaded Programming Guide.