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Oracle® Solaris 11.3 でのネットワークのセキュリティー保護


更新: 2016 年 11 月

IP フィルタの構成ファイルの例


    構成ファイルは、次のような標準的な UNIX 構文規則に従っています。

  • シャープ記号 (#) は、コメントを含む行を示します。

  • 規則とコメントは、同一の行に共存できます。

  • 規則を読みやすくするために、不要な空白を使用できます。

  • 複数行に渡って規則を記述できます。行の最後のバックスラッシュ (\) は、ルールが次の行に続いていることを示します。


使用例 24  IP フィルタのホスト構成

この例は、net0 ネットワークインタフェースを備えたホストシステムの構成を示しています。

# pass and log everything by default
pass in log on net0 all
pass out log on net0 all

# block, but don't log, incoming packets from other reserved addresses
block in quick on net0 from to any
block in quick on net0 from to any

# block and log untrusted internal IPs. 0/32 is notation that replaces 
# address of the system running IP Filter.
block in log quick from to <thishost>
block in log quick from to <thishost>

# block and log X11 (port 6000) and remote procedure call 
# and portmapper (port 111) attempts
block in log quick on net0 proto tcp from any to net0/32 port = 6000 keep state
block in log quick on net0 proto tcp/udp from any to net0/32 port = 111 keep state

この規則セットは、すべてのデータが net0 インタフェースを出入りできる 2 つの制限なしの規則で開始します。2 番目のルールセットは、プライベートアドレス空間 および からの受信パケットがファイアウォールの中に入るのをブロックします。次のルールセットは、ホストシステムからの特定の内部アドレスをブロックします。そして、最後の規則セットは、ポート 6000 およびポート 111 から受信されるパケットをブロックします。

使用例 25  IP フィルタのサーバー構成

この例は、Web サーバーとして機能するホストシステムの構成を示しています。このシステムには、net0 ネットワークインタフェースがあります。

# web server with an net0 interface
# block and log everything by default; 
# then allow specific services
# group 100 - inbound rules
# group 200 - outbound rules
# (0/32) resolves to our IP address)
*** FTP proxy ***

# block short packets which are packets 
# fragmented too short to be real.
block in log quick all with short

# block and log inbound and outbound by default, 
# group by destination
block in log on net0 from any to any head 100
block out log on net0 from any to any head 200

# web rules that get hit most often
pass in quick on net0 proto tcp from any \
to net0/32 port = http flags S keep state group 100
pass in quick on net0 proto tcp from any \
to net0/32 port = https flags S keep state group 100

# inbound traffic - ssh, auth
pass in quick on net0 proto tcp from any \
to net0/32 port = 22 flags S keep state group 100
pass in log quick on net0 proto tcp from any \
to net0/32 port = 113 flags S keep state group 100
pass in log quick on net0 proto tcp from any port = 113 \
to net0/32 flags S keep state group 100

# outbound traffic - DNS, auth, NTP, ssh, WWW, smtp
pass out quick on net0 proto tcp/udp from net0/32 \
to any port = domain flags S keep state group 200
pass in quick on net0 proto udp from any \
port = domain to net0/32 group 100

pass out quick on net0 proto tcp from net0/32 \
to any port = 113 flags S keep state group 200
pass out quick on net0 proto tcp from net0/32 port = 113 \
to any flags S keep state group 200

pass out quick on net0 proto udp from net0/32 to any \
port = ntp group 200
pass in quick on net0 proto udp from any \
port = ntp to net0/32 port = ntp group 100

pass out quick on net0 proto tcp from net0/32 \
to any port = ssh flags S keep state group 200

pass out quick on net0 proto tcp from net0/32 \
to any port = http flags S keep state group 200
pass out quick on net0 proto tcp from net0/32 \
to any port = https flags S keep state group 200

pass out quick on net0 proto tcp from net0/32 \
to any port = smtp flags S keep state group 200

# pass icmp packets in and out
pass in quick on net0 proto icmp from any to net0/32  keep state group 100
pass out quick on net0 proto icmp from net0/32 to any keep state group 200

# block and ignore NETBIOS packets
block in quick on net0 proto tcp from any \
to any port = 135 flags S keep state group 100

block in quick on net0 proto tcp from any port = 137 \
to any flags S keep state group 100
block in quick on net0 proto udp from any to any port = 137 group 100
block in quick on net0 proto udp from any port = 137 to any group 100

block in quick on net0 proto tcp from any port = 138 \
to any flags S keep state group 100
block in quick on net0 proto udp from any port = 138 to any group 100

block in quick on net0 proto tcp from any port = 139 to any flags S keep state
group 100
block in quick on net0 proto udp from any port = 139 to any group 100
使用例 26  IP フィルタのルーター構成

この例は、内部インタフェース net0 と外部インタフェース net1 を備えるルーターの構成を示しています。

# internal interface is net0 at
# external interface is net1 IP obtained via DHCP
# block all packets and allow specific services
*** NAT ***
*** POOLS ***

# Short packets which are fragmented too short to be real.
block in log quick all with short

# By default, block and log everything.
block in log on net0 all
block in log on net1 all
block out log on net0 all
block out log on net1 all

# Packets going in/out of network interfaces that are not on the
# loopback interface should not exist.
block in log quick on net0 from to any
block in log quick on net0 from any to
block in log quick on net1 from to any
block in log quick on net1 from any to

# Deny reserved addresses.
block in quick on net1 from to any
block in quick on net1 from to any
block in log quick on net1 from to any
block in quick on net1 from to any

# Allow internal traffic
pass in quick on net0 from to
pass out quick on net0 from to

# Allow outgoing DNS requests from our servers on .1, .2, and .3
pass out quick on net1 proto tcp/udp from net1/32 to any port = domain keep state
pass in quick on net0 proto tcp/udp from to any port = domain keep state
pass in quick on net0 proto tcp/udp from to any port = domain keep state

# Allow NTP from any internal hosts to any external NTP server.
pass in quick on net0 proto udp from to any port = 123 keep state
pass out quick on net1 proto udp from any to any port = 123 keep state

# Allow incoming mail
pass in quick on net1 proto tcp from any to net1/32 port = smtp keep state
pass in quick on net1 proto tcp from any to net1/32 port = smtp keep state
pass out quick on net1 proto tcp from to any port = smtp keep state

# Allow outgoing connections: SSH, WWW, NNTP, mail, whois
pass in quick on net0 proto tcp from to any port = 22 keep state
pass out quick on net1 proto tcp from to any port = 22 keep state

pass in quick on net0 proto tcp from to any port = 80 keep state
pass out quick on net1 proto tcp from to any port = 80 keep state
pass in quick on net0 proto tcp from to any port = 443 keep state
pass out quick on net1 proto tcp from to any port = 443 keep state

pass in quick on net0 proto tcp from to any port = nntp keep state
block in quick on net1 proto tcp from any to any port = nntp keep state
pass out quick on net1 proto tcp from to any port = nntp keep state

pass in quick on net0 proto tcp from to any port = smtp keep state

pass in quick on net0 proto tcp from to any port = whois keep state
pass out quick on net1 proto tcp from any to any port = whois keep state

# Allow ssh from offsite
pass in quick on net1 proto tcp from any to net1/32 port = 22 keep state

# Allow ping out
pass in quick on net0 proto icmp all keep state
pass out quick on net1 proto icmp all keep state

# allow auth out
pass out quick on net1 proto tcp from net1/32 to any port = 113 keep state
pass out quick on net1 proto tcp from net1/32 port = 113 to any keep state

# return rst for incoming auth
block return-rst in quick on net1 proto tcp from any to any port = 113 flags S/SA

# log and return reset for any TCP packets with S/SA
block return-rst in log on net1 proto tcp from any to any flags S/SA

# return ICMP error packets for invalid UDP packets
block return-icmp(net-unr) in proto udp all