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Oracle® Solaris 11.3 でのネットワークのセキュリティー保護


更新: 2016 年 11 月

PF 構成ファイルの例

このセクションの例では、PF 規則と規則セットを示します。

    構成ファイルは、次のような標準的な UNIX 構文規則に従っています。

  • シャープ記号 (#) は、コメントを示します。

  • 規則とコメントは、同一の行に共存できます。

  • 読みやすくするために、不要な空白を使用できます。

  • 複数行に渡って規則を記述できます。行の最後のバックスラッシュ (\) は、ルールが次の行に続いていることを示します。


使用例 4  IP フィルタ 構成ファイルに基づいた PF 構成ファイル

次に、IP フィルタ 構成ファイルを示します。

## IP Filter configuration file
# Anything in that we initiate is okay
pass out quick all keep state keep frags
# Drop all NETBIOS traffic but don't log it.
block in quick from any to any port = 137 #netbios-ns
block in quick from any to any port = 138 #netbios-dgm
block in quick from any to any port = 139 #netbios-ssn
# Allow incoming IKE/IPsec
pass in quick proto udp from any to any port = ike
pass in quick proto udp from any to any port = 4500
pass in quick proto esp from any to any
# Allow ping and ICMP destination unreachable / fragmentation needed
pass in quick proto icmp from any to any icmp-type echo
pass in quick proto icmp from any to any icmp-type 3
# Allow routing info
# pass in quick proto udp from any to port = route
# pass in quick proto icmp from any to any icmp-type 9 # routeradvert
# pass in quick proto igmp from any to any
# Allow incoming SSH
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = ssh
# Allow DHCP - required
pass in quick proto udp from any to port = bootpc
# Block and log everything else that comes in
block in log all
block in from any to
block in from any to

PF 構成ファイルは次のとおりです。

## PF configuration file with identical policy
## to preceding IP Filter configuration file
anchor "_auto/*"
## anchor "_static/*"
set skip on lo0
## reassemble no allows an attacker to fragment
## packets in a smart way and bypass the firewall.
## yes no-df allows reassembly and clears the 
## dont-fragment bit.
set reassemble yes no-df
block log
## Allow incoming SSH
pass in proto tcp to any port 22
## equals: pass in proto tcp from any to any port = 22 flags S/SA 
## Allow DHCP
pass in inet proto udp from port 67 to port 68
pass in inet6 proto udp from port 547 to port 546
## Allow NAT traversal, hence _auto above
pass in inet proto udp from any to any port 500
pass in inet6 proto udp from any to any port 4500
## Allow incoming IKE/IPsec
pass in inet proto esp from any to any
pass in inet6 proto esp from any to any
## Too-big packets must be allowed by firewall.
## However, the later 'pass out' rule allows all
## inbound responses, including to 'icmp6-type 2'
## messages. So, remove IPF 'pass in' rule in PF.
## pass in inet6 proto ipv6-icmp icmp6-type 2
## Allow routing info
pass in inet6 proto ipv6-icmp icmp6-type 134
pass in inet6 proto ipv6-icmp icmp6-type 135
pass in inet6 proto ipv6-icmp icmp6-type 136
# Anything in that we initiate is okay
pass out