RF PO Receipt Transaction

RF PO Receipt allows you to receive a PO line into a specified warehouse and location using an RF gun to scan the item to receive and the location where the item will be placed. You can receive the entire PO line or receive a partial quantity of the PO line.

Typically during RF PO Receipts, you would receive the purchase order into the staging warehouse.

Also, if the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected:

• You can use the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen to update the Pieces per case quantity for an item in the Item table. The system uses the updated case quantity during suggest location placement and LPN generation. This option is available only if the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value is not set to *ONE. See Updating Pieces Per Case Quantity During RF PO Receiving.

• You can have the system suggest the warehouse and location(s) where the quantity should be received. See Suggesting Receipt Locations.

• The system generates an RF LPN Label for the quantity received if you received the item into a non-primary location.

RF PO Receipt Illustration:

In this topic:

RF PO Receipt Process

Selecting the PO to Receive

Receiving an Item on a PO

Suggesting Receipt Locations

RF PO Receipt Process

PO Receipt Process when not using LPNs: Typically, if you do not use LPNs, you would receive the item into the pending putaway location and perform an RF Item Transfer transaction to move the stock from the pending putaway location to a specified location in the main warehouse. In this situation, you should select the Default Pending Putaway in RF Receiving (K72) system control value in order to default the first pending putaway location in Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL) to the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen.

PO Receipt Process when using LPNs: If the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected, you can use the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen to have the system suggest the location(s) where the quantity should be received. Typically, if you use LPNs, you would receive the item into the staging warehouse and perform an RF Receipt Putaway transaction to move the stock for the LPN that was generated during PO Receipts from the staging warehouse to a specified location in the main warehouse.

PO receiving worksheet: You can scan the purchase order barcode on the PO receiving worksheet and the Item/SKU barcode to receive the item. In addition, you can use the PO receiving worksheet as a checklist during RF PO Receiving. Typically, you would forward this document to someone in the warehouse who is responsible for receiving items. See Printing Purchase Orders (MPRP).

If the PO Receiving Worksheet Print Program (I36) system control value is set to POR0167BC or POR0740BC, you can scan the purchase order number and item UPC or SHORTSKU barcodes from the PO receiving worksheets depending on whether Default Scan Type for RF Receiving and PI (K68) is set to SHORTSKU or one of the UPC barcodes.

Use the following steps to complete an RF PO Receipt transaction.


Use the RF PO Select Screen to enter or scan the purchase order number you wish to receive. In order to receive an item on a PO, the PO must be in an Open or Docked status. In addition, the PO line must also be in an Open status.


Use the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen to enter or scan the item and the quantity of the item you wish to receive.

Enter or scan the warehouse and location where you wish to receive the quantity, or optionally, if the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected, use the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen to have the system suggest the warehouse and location(s) where the quantity should be received.

In addition, if the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected and the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value is not set to *ONE, you can update the Pieces per case quantity for an item in the Item table. The system uses the updated case quantity during suggest location placement and LPN generation. See Updating Pieces Per Case Quantity During RF PO Receiving.


When you complete the RF PO Receipt transaction, the system updates the PO and the inventory information in the location and warehouse where the item/SKU was placed.

If the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected, and you received the item into a non-primary location, the system generates an RF LPN Label for the quantity received.

Serialized items: You cannot receive items flagged for serial number tracking through RF PO Receiving. You must receive items flagged for serial number tracking through Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC). See Work with Serial Numbers Screen for more information on serial number tracking.

Non-inventory items that do not exist in the Item table: During PO entry, the system allows you to create a PO line for an item that does not exist in the Item table. For example, you might wish to use this feature for items that you do not stock in inventory, such as cleaning or office supplies. However, you cannot receive these items through RF PO Receiving. You must receive non-inventory items that do not exist in the Item table through Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC).

If More than One PO Line Matches the Item to Receive

If the item to receive exists on more than one PO line on the PO, the system receives against the first PO line in numeric order whose Quantity due is equal to or greater than the receipt quantity entered on the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen.

If the Quantity due for all matching PO lines is less than the quantity entered on the RF PO Rcpt Detail screen, the system displays an error message: Recpt Qty > Ord Qty. You cannot receive across PO lines in RF PO Receiving.

Example: You receive 110 units of item ABC for PO 1234. The system matches the following PO lines to the item and SKU to receive.

PO line #

Qty Due

Receipt Qty





The system uses PO line 2 as the PO line to receive against since it is the first PO line in numeric order whose Quantity due is greater than the quantity entered on the RF PO Rcpt Detail screen.







Over Receiving the PO Line Order Quantity in RF PO Receipts

The Over Receipt % (A61) system control value allows you to receive more than the quantity ordered on the PO line, up to the percentage limit defined in the system control value. This allows you to receive merchandise that the vendor over-ships. For a partial receipt, the system compares the Quantity received to date against the Quantity ordered on the PO line.

Secured Feature: The Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature allows you to override the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value and receive any amount greater than the quantity ordered on the PO line.

Over Receipt Examples: In the examples below, the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value is set to 10%.

Order Qty

Receipt Qty




The system receives the 100 units into inventory since the quantity received matches the quantity ordered.



The system receives the 110 units into inventory since the quantity received falls within the Over Receipt % (A61).



Because the receipt quantity is greater than the Over Receipt % (A61), the system receives the 115 units only if the user performing the RF PO Receipt has authority to the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature.

If the user does not have authority to the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature, the system displays an error message: Recpt Qty > Ord Qty.

Under Receiving the PO Line Order Quantity in RF PO Receipts

The Under Receipt % (A62) system control value allows you to close a PO line when most of the merchandise has been received, if the quantity received is within a user-defined tolerance percentage. This allows you to close a PO line automatically if the vendor under-ships.

Example: If the Under Receipt % (A62) system control value is 10% and you receive 90% of the quantity ordered on the PO line, the system updates the status of the PO line to Closed.

Under Receipt Examples: In the examples below, the Under Receipt % (A62) system control value is 10%.

Order Qty

Receipt Qty




The system updates the status of the PO line to closed when it receives the 100 units into inventory because the quantity received matches the quantity ordered.



The system updates the status of the PO line to closed when it receives the 90 units into inventory because the quantity received falls within the Under Receipt % (A62).



The system receives the 85 units into inventory, but does not update the status of the PO line to closed since the receipt quantity is less than the allowed Under Receipt % (A62).

Under Receipts when using Suggest Locations: If you use the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen to have the system suggest the locations where the items should be placed, the system evaluates each suggested location separately when determining whether to close the PO line based on the Under Receipt % (A62) system control value.

Example: If the Under Receipt % (A62) system control value is 10% and the system suggests two locations to receive the item: 89 units to one location and 1 unit to another location, the system does not update the status of the PO line to closed since the receipt quantity for each suggested location is less than the allowed Under Receipt % (A62).

Under Receipt Examples: In the examples below, the Under Receipt % (A62) system control value is 10%.

Order Qty

Receipt Qty

Suggested Locations




89 units to B010101

1 unit to B020202

The system receives the 90 units into inventory, but because the system evaluates the Under Receipt % (A62) system control value for each suggested location separately, the system does not update the status of the PO line to closed.



5 units to B010101

90 units to B020202

The system updates the status of the PO line to closed when it receives the 95 units into inventory because the quantity received for one of the suggested locations falls within the Under Receipt % (A62).

Updating Item Locations During RF PO Receiving

The following system control values control how the system updates item locations when it processes an RF PO Receipt.

Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12):

• If set to ALLOW, the system allows you to receive an item into more than one primary location.

• If set to NOT ALLOW or CONFIRM, the system does not allow you to receive the item into more than one primary location.

Note: Regardless of the setting of this system control value, the system allows you to receive the item into a non-primary location.

Update Primary Primary Location for Item During Receiving (I35):

• If selected, the system updates the item’s primary primary location with the receipt primary location, based on whether a primary primary location is already defined and whether an on-hand quantity already exists for the primary primary location.

• If unselected, the system does not update the item’s primary primary location with the receipt primary location.

The table below explains how the system updates item locations during RF PO Receiving, based on the settings of the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) and Update Primary Primary Location for Item During Receiving (I35) system control values.






The system prevents you from receiving the item into more than one primary location. If the receipt location is a primary location other than the primary location already defined for the item, the system displays an error message: No Mult Primary.





The system allows you to receive the item into a primary location other than the primary location already defined for the item.



The system prevents you from receiving the item into a primary location other than the primary location already defined for the item. If the receipt location is a primary location other than the primary location defined for the item, the system displays an error message: No Mult Primary.

However, if a primary location is not defined for the item, the system allows you to receive the item and updates the item’s primary primary location with the receipt location.





The system allows you to receive the item into a primary location other than the primary location already defined for the item.

In addition:

• If a primary location is not defined for the item, the system updates the item’s primary primary location with the receipt location.

• If a primary primary location exists, but there is no on-hand quantity in the location, the system updates the item’s primary primary with the receipt location and deletes the previous primary primary item location.

• If a primary primary location exists and the on-hand quantity in the location is greater than zero, the system retains the item’s primary primary location.

Updating Pieces Per Case Quantity During RF PO Receiving

If the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected and the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value is not set to *ONE, the system displays the Case field on the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen. You can use this field to update the Pieces per case quantity for an item in the Item table. The system updates the Item table when you select OK or press Enter to validate your entries on the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen.

If you update the Pieces per case quantity:

• the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen uses the updated case quantity to suggest the location(s) where the quantity of the item should be received.

• the system uses the updated case quantity to determine how many LPN labels to generate for the RF Receipt transaction.

Example: You receive 60 units of item ABC for PO 1234.

Original Case Quantity = 12

Updated Case Quantity = 20

The RF Suggest Loc Place Screen suggests the following locations where the quantity of the item should be received:

• 24 units in location P01 (2 cases)

• 36 units in location B01 (4 cases)

The system generates 6 LPN labels.

The RF Suggest Loc Place Screen suggests the following locations where the quantity of the item should be received:

• 20 units in location P01 (1 case)

• 40 units in location B01 (2 cases)

The system generates 3 LPN labels.

Successful RF PO Receipts

CWSerenade performs the following updates when it processes an RF PO Receipt transaction.

Receiving into inventory: If you receive the merchandise directly into inventory, the system updates inventory immediately, and the merchandise is available to be reserved and picked.

The system:

• Updates the PO line:

• Decreases the Quantity due by the receipt quantity.

• Increases the Quantity received by the receipt quantity.

• Updates the status of the PO line to Closed if the entire quantity on the line has been received.

• Updates the status of the PO to Closed if there is no more merchandise to receive.

• Creates an inventory transaction history record for the PO Receipt transaction.

• Increases the on-hand quantity in the receipt item warehouse and item location.

• Decreases the on-order quantity for the warehouse on the PO.

• Recalculates the average cost.

• Performs vendor item analysis.

PO download triggers: The setting of the Create Generic PO Download Trigger for PO Receipt (K27) system control value determines whether the system creates a purchase order download (POH) trigger when a purchase order line is received through RF PO Receipts.

Receiving into a staging warehouse: When you receive into a staging warehouse, the same updates take place at receiving as when you receive into inventory. However, you normally define the staging warehouse to be a non-allocatable and non-viewable in Order Entry, and define each location to be non-pickable; the result is that the inventory is not generally available or visible on the system until you place it in your main warehouse.

Receiving into a pending warehouse: When you receive merchandise into a pending warehouse, the system performs the following updates at receiving time:

• Updates the PO line:

• Decreases the Quantity due by the receipt quantity.

• Increases the Quantity received by the receipt quantity.

• Updates the status of the PO line to Closed if the entire quantity on the line has been received.

• Updates the status of the PO to Closed if there is no more merchandise to receive.

• Creates an inventory transaction history record for the PO Receipt transaction in the pending warehouse.

• Decreases the on-order quantity for the item in the “final destination” warehouse.

• Creates a pending putaway detail record. If a pending putaway detail record already exists for the PO and item/SKU, the system adds the receipt quantity to the existing pending putaway detail record. The pending putaway detail record indicates:

• The quantity of the item in the pending warehouse for this receipt. The on hand quantity for the item at the item warehouse level indicates the total pending putaway quantity for the item.

• The “final destination” warehouse where the inventory will be placed.

• The expected due date of the inventory; this due date will display in order entry, order maintenance, standard or streamlined order inquiry, inventory inquiry, and item availability for the “final destination” warehouse.

• Creates a PO layering record for the “final destination” warehouse.

The following updates do not occur when merchandise is received into a pending warehouse.

• The on-hand quantity for the item in the “final destination” warehouse is not changed.

• The costing calculation is not performed.

• Vendor item analysis is not performed.

These updates occur when the merchandise is transferred from the pending putaway warehouse to the “final destination” warehouse.

See Pending Putaway Overview for an overview of the updates the system performs when you place inventory into a pending warehouse.

Options Not Supported in the RF PO Receipt Process

The following functions are not supported through the RF PO Receipt process.

• Receiving into suspense (Allow Receipt to Suspense (A59) system control value).

• Serial number tracking. You do not have the opportunity to enter serial numbers for the units received.

• Receiving non-inventory items that do not exist in the Item table.

• Using receipt controls to group receipts into batches (P/O Receipt Control # Entered (A56) system control value). The system assigns a receipt control number of 9999999 to all RF PO Receipt transactions.

• Overriding or distributing costs across items received (P/O Receipt Costing Calculation Method (A57)).

• Changing the currency rate.

• Defining additional charges during PO receipts (Allow Additional Costs to P/O Receipts (A60)).

• Printing a purchase order label for the quantity received, regardless of the setting of the Labels at PO Receipts (C16) system control value.

Selecting the PO to Receive

Purpose: Use the RF PO Select screen to enter the purchase order number you wish to receive.

In order to receive an item on a PO, the PO must be in an Open or Docked status. In addition, the PO line must also be in an Open status.

Warning about conflicting jobs: The system displays the message Warn: Pick Active or Warn: Repln Active when you advance to the RF PO Select screen if Pick Slip Generation or Location Replenishment are active (in the Active Procedures table). This message displays because each of these options affect inventory at the location level in the warehouse, as does RF PO Receiving. However, this message is just a warning; the system does not prevent you from continuing with RF PO Receiving.

RF PO Select Screen

How to display this screen: Select option 1. Receive PO and select OK or press Enter at the RF RECEIV MENU Screen; see RF Screen Layout.

Cursor placement: When you first advance to this screen, the system places the cursor in the PO# field.

Completing the RF PO Select Screen

Use the following steps to select a PO for RF PO Receipt.

1. Optionally, enter the company associated with the PO you wish to receive in the Cmp field. The code for the company you are currently in defaults, but you can override it.

2. Optionally, use the Price Tags Option field to indicate whether you wish to create a price tag batch and print price tags for the items on the PO that are assigned to a price tag type. Note: This field displays only if records exist in the Price Tag Type table for your company. See Creating a Price Tag Batch for an RF PO Receipt Transaction for more information.

3. Scan the purchase order number barcode located in the upper right corner of the PO receiving worksheet or enter the purchase order number you wish to receive in the PO# field. Set the PO Receiving Worksheet Print Program (I36) system control value to POR0167BC or POR0740BC to print the purchase order and item/SKU barcodes on the PO receiving worksheets.

4. Select OK or press Enter to validate your entries. See RF PO Select Screen Errors for a list of errors you can receive on this screen.

5. Select OK or press Enter again to advance to the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen, where you can specify the quantity you wish to receive for an item on the PO.





A code for the company associated with the purchase order.

The code for the company you are currently in defaults, but you can override it.

Company codes are defined in and validated against the Company table.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.


purchase order number

The purchase order number you wish to receive.

The purchase order must be in an O (Open) or D (Docked) status.

Purchase order numbers are defined in and validated against the PO Header table.

User Class Authority

If the Check User Class/Vendor Authority (D88) system control value is selected, the user class associated with your user ID must have authority to the vendor on the specified purchase order. You can define user class authority to vendors on the Work With User Class/Vendor Authority Screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Price Tags Option

Defines whether the system creates a price tag batch and prints price tags for the items on the PO that are assigned to a price tag type.

A = Print All Tags. This option allows you to print price tags for all of the items on the PO prior to receiving the PO. With this option, the system:

• creates a price tag batch in the Price Tag Batch table, using the next available number in the Price Tag Batch # number assignment.

• creates a price tag detail for each item on the PO that is assigned to a price tag type. The system uses the Quantity ordered in the PO Detail table as the number of tags to create for each item.

• immediately prints the tags in the batch; see Printing Price Tags.

R = Print Received Tags. This option allows you to print price tags only for the items on the PO that are received in this transaction. With this option, the system:

• creates a price tag batch in the Price Tag Batch table, using the next available number in the Price Tag Batch # number assignment.

• creates a price tag detail for each item received on the PO that is assigned to a price tag type. The system uses the receipt quantity as the number of tags to create for each item.

• immediately prints the tags in the batch; see Printing Price Tags.

• blank = The system does not create a price tag batch or print price tags.

Note: This field displays only if records exist in the Price Tag Type table for your company.

You can review and work with the price tag batch in Working with Price Tags (WPTG).

See Price Tag Overview and Setup for more information on price tags.

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Screen Option


Continue with RF PO Receipts

Scan the purchase order barcode or enter the purchase order number you wish to receive and select OK or press Enter to advance to the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen, where you can specify the quantity you wish to receive for an item on the PO. See Receiving an Item on a PO.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Select Clr or press F8.

Exit the screen

Select Exit or press F3.

RF PO Select Screen Errors

Error Message


Invalid PO

The purchase order number entered in the PO# field is invalid.

Invalid Cmp

The company code entered in the Cmp field is invalid.

Invalid PO Status

The status of the PO number entered in the PO# field is not O (Open) or D (Docked).

Vendor Not Allowed

The user class associated with the user does not have authority to the vendor associated with the purchase order number specified. You can define user class authority to vendors on the Work With User Class/Vendor Authority Screen.

Note: The system checks a user's vendor authority only if the Check User Class/Vendor Authority (D88) system control value is selected.

Receiving an Item on a PO

Purpose: Use the RF PO Receipt Detail screen to receive an item on the specified PO. You can enter the quantity you wish to receive and the warehouse and location where you wish to place the item.

In order to receive a full or partial PO line, the PO line must be in an Open status. In addition, the item location cannot be on physical freeze. Note: The system allows the item location to be on reservation freeze and the item warehouse to be on allocation freeze. In addition, the system allows the location to be frozen.

Standard or Streamlined RF PO Rcpt Detail screen? A setting in the ServicesTable_System.properties file defines whether the standard or streamlined version of the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen displays:

• Enter Rfr0121=com.cwdirect.pt.rf.Rfr0121CvBean to call the streamlined version of the RF PO Rcpt Detail screen. This screen contains the following fields:




Important: In order to use the streamlined version of the RF PO Rcpt Detail screen, you must define defaults for the Warehouse and Loc fields and the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value must be set to *ONE.

• Comment out this line or remove it to call the standard version of the RF PO Rcpt Detail screen. This screen contains the following fields:



Itm and SKU

Qty and quantity Due

Warehouse and Loc

Case (if the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected and the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value is not set to *ONE)

RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen

How to display this screen: Complete the RF PO Select Screen and select OK or press Enter; see RF Screen Layout.

Cursor placement: When you first advance to this screen, the system places the cursor in the UPC or SS field.

Completing the RF PO Rcpt Detail Screen

Use the following steps to enter the quantity to receive for a specified item on the PO.


Enter the item to receive.

The setting of the Default Scan Type for RF Receiving and PI (K68) system control value controls whether you can scan the short SKU barcode or UPC barcode to default the item and SKU.

• If set to blank or SHORTSKU, the system displays the SS field where you can scan the short SKU barcode on the po receiving worksheet or RF Item Label, or manually complete the SS field to default the associated item and SKU in the Itm and SKU fields.

• If set to UPC08, UPC12, UPC13, or UPC14, the system displays the UPC field where you can scan the UPC barcode or manually complete the UPC field to default the associated item and SKU in the Itm and SKU fields. The setting also indicates the length of the UPC barcode that can be scanned. Note: Include any leading zeros. For example, if the UPC code is 06012011, enter 06012011 and not 6012011.

• Optionally, you can manually enter the item and SKU in the Itm and SKU fields.

Once you enter the item to receive, the system validates the item and SKU and displays the quantity due for the purchase order line if you have authority to the Display Purchase Order Quantity in Receiving (B02) secured feature.


The setting of the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value determines the quantity that defaults to the Qty field once you specify the item and SKU to receive. In addition, this setting controls whether you use Standard RF PO Receipts or Quick-Entry RF PO Receipts.

• If set to *ONE, the system defaults a receipt quantity of 1 and performs Quick-Entry RF PO Receipts.

• If set to *DUE, the system defaults the quantity remaining to receive for the PO line and performs Standard RF PO Receipts.

• If set to *NONE or blank, the system does not default a quantity and performs Standard RF PO Receipts.

If a quantity defaults, the system validates the warehouse and location.


Quick-Entry RF PO Receipts

The system performs Quick-Entry RF PO Receipts if the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value is set to *ONE.

• If a valid warehouse and location combination defaults, the system automatically receives the item into the default location for a quantity of 1 without waiting for you to select OK or press Enter to proceed with the receipt. The system displays the message Line received to indicate that the purchase order line has been received for a quantity of 1.

• If a valid warehouse and location combination does not default, the system advances the cursor to the Loc field. Scan the location barcode on the RF Bin Location Label or manually complete the Loc field. To scan the location barcode on the Bin Location label correctly, the cursor on the screen must be in the Loc field. Once you enter a location, the system automatically receives the item for a quantity of 1 without waiting for you to select OK or press Enter to proceed with the receipt. The system displays the message Line received to indicate that the purchase order line has been received for a quantity of 1.

Optionally, if the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected, instead of entering a location, you can use the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen to have the system suggest the location(s) where the quantity of the item should be received.

See Warehouse Default and Location Default for more information on when the system defaults a warehouse and location.


Standard RF PO Receipts

The system performs Standard RF PO Receipts if the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value is set to *DUE, *NONE or blank.

The system advances the cursor to the Qty field is a location defaults but a quantity does not default; otherwise, the system advances the cursor to the Loc field.

1. If a quantity does not default, enter the quantity to receive in the Qty field. If the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value is set to *DUE, the system defaults the quantity remaining to receive for the PO line, but you can override it.

2. If a valid warehouse and location combination does not default or you wish to receive the item in a different location, scan the location barcode on the RF Bin Location Label or manually complete the Loc field. To scan the location barcode on the Bin Location label correctly, the cursor on the screen must be in the Loc field. See Warehouse Default and Location Default for more information on when the system defaults a warehouse and location.

3. Select OK or press Enter to validate your entries. See RF PO Rcpt Detail Screen Errors.

4. Select OK or press Enter again to receive the quantity of the item into the specified warehouse and location. The system displays the message Line received to indicate the quantity specified for the purchase order line has been received.

Update pieces per case quantity: Optionally, if the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected and the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value is not set to *ONE, the Case field displays on the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen. You can use this field to update the Pieces per case quantity for an item in the Item table. The system updates the Item table when you select OK or press Enter to validate your entries on the screen. If you update the Pieces per case quantity:

• the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen uses the updated case quantity to suggest the location(s) where the quantity of the item should be received.

• the system uses the updated case quantity to determine how many LPN labels to generate for the RF Receipt transaction.

See Updating Pieces Per Case Quantity During RF PO Receiving.

Suggest location placement: Optionally, if the LPN Tracking (E16) and Suggest Location Placement (A27) system control values are selected, you can use the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen to have the system suggest the location(s) where the quantity of the item should be received.

You can receive another item on the purchase order or exit the screen to return to the RF PO Select Screen where you can select to receive another purchase order.

PO receiving worksheets: If the PO Receiving Worksheet Print Program (I36) system control value is set to POR0167BC or POR0740BC, you can scan both the purchase order number and item/SKU barcodes from the PO receiving worksheets.

LPN label: If the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value selected, the system assigns an LPN to each carton and prints the RF LPN Label. The LPN provides a means to track the movement and location of stock at the carton level, rather than the individual unit. The LPN remains with the carton until you put it away in the item's primary location.

LPN creation history: When a new LPN is created, the system creates a record in the LPN Creation History table, providing details of the LPN: LPN number, associated PO number (if any), LPN quantity, date and time created, item/SKU, warehouse, location, user ID, and the program that created the LPN.




unlabeled field after screen title

The purchase order number to receive. This is the purchase order number selected on the RF PO Select Screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


Short SKU

The short SKU code for the item being received.

Short SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

This field displays only if the Default Scan Type for RF Receiving and PI (K68) system control value is set to blank or SHORTSKU.

Scanning the Short SKU Barcode

To scan the short SKU barcode on the po receiving worksheet or RF Item Label correctly, the cursor on the screen must be in the SS field.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The UPC code for the item being received.

UPC codes are defined in and validated against the Item UPC table.

This field displays only if the Default Scan Type for RF Receiving and PI (K68) system control value is set to UPC08, UPC12, UPC13, or UPC14.

• If set to UPC08, the UPC scanned cannot be greater than 8 positions.

• If set to UPC12, the UPC scanned cannot be greater than 12 positions.

• If set to UPC13, the UPC scanned cannot be greater than 13 positions.

• If set to UPC14, the UPC scanned cannot be greater than 14 positions.

Scanning the UPC Barcode

To scan the UPC barcode correctly, the cursor on the screen must be in the UPC field.

Note: Include any leading zeros. For example, if the UPC code is 06012011, enter 06012011 and not 6012011.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.


The code for the item being received.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required if Short SKU or UPC not entered.


A code for the SKU of the item.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, three 4 position fields; required if the item contains SKUs.


Quantity to receive

The quantity of the item to receive. The quantity must be a positive number greater than zero, without decimals.

Quantity Default

The setting of the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value determines the quantity that defaults to the Qty field once you specify the item and SKU to receive.

• If set to *NONE or blank, the system does not default a quantity.

• If set to *ONE, the system defaults a quantity of 1. In addition, once a valid item, warehouse, and location are defined, the system automatically receives the item for a quantity of 1 without waiting for you to select OK or press Enter to proceed with the receipt. See Quick-Entry RF PO Receipts.

• If set to *DUE, the system defaults the quantity due on the PO line.

Over Receiving the PO Line Order Quantity

The Over Receipt % (A61) system control value allows you to receive more than the quantity ordered on the PO line, up to the percentage limit defined in the system control value. See Over Receiving the PO Line Order Quantity in RF PO Receipts.

Under Receiving the PO Line Order Quantity

The Under Receipt % (A62) system control value allows you to close a PO line when most of the merchandise has been received, if the quantity received is within a user-defined tolerance percentage. See Under Receiving the PO Line Order Quantity in RF PO Receipts.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.


Quantity due

The quantity due for the purchase order line.

The system displays this value after the item has been identified and only if you have authority to the Display Purchase Order Quantity in Receiving (B02) secured feature.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


unlabeled field to the left of the Loc field

A code for the warehouse where the item on the purchase order is to be received.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table.

Warehouse Default

If the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected, the system uses the following hierarchy to default a warehouse code to the Warehouse field:

1. Default the warehouse code defined in the Default Staging Warehouse (E15) system control value.

2. Default the warehouse code defined for the PO line in the PO Detail table.

If the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is unselected, the system uses the following hierarchy to default a warehouse code to the Warehouse field:

1. If the warehouse on the PO Header is non-allocatable, default the warehouse defined for the first Warehouse Default Location record whose Location type is Non-Alloc Whs Receiving in Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL).

2. If the warehouse on the PO Header is allocatable, or a Warehouse Default Location record whose Location type is Non-Alloc Whs Receiving does not exist, and the Default Pending Putaway in RF Receiving (K72) system control value is selected, default the warehouse defined for the first Warehouse Default Location record whose Location type is Pending Putaway in Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL).

3. Default the warehouse code defined for the PO line in the PO Detail table.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.



The code for the location where the item on the purchase order is to be received.

Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table.

The location must be a valid location for the specified warehouse.

The item location cannot be on physical freeze. Note: The system allows the item location to be on reservation freeze and the item warehouse to be on allocation freeze. In addition, the system allows the location to be frozen.

Location Default

If the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is unselected, the system uses the following hierarchy to default a location to the Loc field.

1. If the warehouse on the PO Header is non-allocatable, default the location defined for the first Warehouse Default Location record whose Location type is Non-Alloc Whs Receiving in Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL).

2. If the warehouse on the PO Header is allocatable, or a Warehouse Default Location record whose Location type is Non-Alloc Whs Receiving does not exist, and the Default Pending Putaway in RF Receiving (K72) system control value is selected, default the first Warehouse Default Location record whose Location type is Pending Putaway in Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL).

3. If the Default Pending Putaway in RF Receiving (K72) system control value is unselected and the Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08) system control value is selected, default the item’s primary primary location.

4. If the Default Pending Putaway in RF Receiving (K72) and Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08) system control values are unselected, the system does not default a location to the Loc field.

If the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected, the system does not default a location to the Loc field.


Scanning the Location Barcode

You can scan the location barcode on the RF Bin Location Label to default a location. To scan the location barcode correctly, the cursor on the screen must be in the Loc field.

Suggest Receipt Locations

Select Suggst to advance to the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen, where you can have the system suggest the location(s) where the quantity should be received.

Updating Item Locations During Receiving

The Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) and Update Primary Primary Location for Item During Receiving (I35) system control values determine how to update the item location during receiving; see Updating Item Locations During RF PO Receiving.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.


The pieces per case defined for the item in the Item table.

The system displays this value after the item has been identified and only if the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected and the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value system control value is not set to *ONE.

Enter a new quantity in this field and select OK or press Enter to update the Pieces per case quantity for the item in the Item table. The system uses the updated case quantity during suggest location placement and when generating LPN labels.

See Updating Pieces Per Case Quantity During RF PO Receiving for an example.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Perform a PO Receipt transaction for the specified purchase order, item, and receipt quantity to the specified warehouse and location.

See Completing the RF PO Rcpt Detail Screen.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Select Clr or press F8.

Note: It is important that you select Clr if you begin a PO Receipt transaction for an item and then decide to cancel it and enter a PO Receipt transaction for a different item; otherwise, the defaults on the screen may not be correct.

Add a PO Detail line to the current purchase order being received

Select Crt or press F6 to Create a PO Detail line.

In order to use this option, you must first enter the item and quantity.

This option does not display if the Add PO Detail Line during PO Receipts (A21) secured feature is set to EXCLUDE.

Have the system suggest the location(s) where the quantity of the item should be received

Select Suggst or press F7 to advance to the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen.

Note: This option is available only if the LPN Tracking (E16) and Suggest Location Placement (A27) system control values are selected.

Exit the screen without receiving a quantity

Select Exit or press F3.

Create a PO Detail line

You can add a PO Detail line item to a purchase order during RF PO Receipts to track merchandise sent by the vendor that was not included on the purchase order.

The Add PO Detail Line during PO Receipts (A21) secured feature determines whether the create function is visible. If the Add PO Detail Line during PO Receipts (A21) secured feature is set to ALLOW, the Crt button is visible. If the Add PO Detail Line during PO Receipts (A21) secured feature is set to EXCLUDE, the Crt button is not visible.

Use the following steps to create a PO detail line for an item not ordered on the original PO.


Enter the item to add.

The Default Scan Type for RF Receiving and PI (K68) system control value controls whether it is the SHORTSKU barcode or UPC barcode you scan to default the item and SKU. If the SCV is set to:

SHORTSKU, scan the SHORTSKU barcode from the PO receiving worksheet or RF Item Label in the SS field to default the item and SKU.

UPC08, UPC12, UPC13, or UPC14, scan the UPC barcode in the UPC field to default the associated item and SKU. The setting also indicates the length of the UPC barcode that can be scanned. Note: Include any leading zeros. For example, if the UPC code is 06012011, enter 06012011 and not 6012011.

Optionally, you can manually enter the item and SKU in the Itm and SKU fields.

The Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value determines the quantity that defaults to the Qty field once you enter the item and SKU. If the SCV is set to:

*DUE or *NONE, the system responds with a message: Invalid Receipt Quantity.

*ONE, the system responds with a message: PO line not found.

The system responds with error messages because it does not recognize the Item and SKU you scanned since it was not on the original PO.

Note: If you are using Quick-Entry RF PO Receipts to receive inventory and the item/SKU you wish to add already exists on the PO, you must receive the existing PO line item first and then add the additional line item to the PO. For example, you are receiving item A123, and the item to add is also item A123. You would receive all the A123 PO lines first on the purchase order, and then add the quantity of the item A123 as a new PO line.


Enter the item quantity in the Qty field.

Note: If the item is part of an Order multiple, for example a dozen items in a case, and the quantity created as a new PO Detail line is not evenly divisible by 12, the line is still added to the order. The system does not display an error message.


Optionally, change the quantity in the Case field to update the Pieces per case for the item in the Item table. The system uses the updated case quantity during suggest location placement and when generating LPN labels. See Updating Pieces Per Case Quantity During RF PO Receiving.

Note: The system displays this value after the item has been identified and only if the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value is selected and the Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71) system control value system control value is not set to *ONE.


Select Crt or press F6 to add the line item to the purchase order. The system displays the message:

PO Detail line added

The new PO Detail line item is added after the last line of the purchase order, in Open status.


Once you create the PO line, you can then receive it. See Completing the RF PO Rcpt Detail Screen.

PO Header defaults: The new PO Detail line acquires all the standard PO header defaults. See Display Purchase Order Header Screen.

Vendor discounts: The system calculates vendor discounts for the item based on the method from the Discount calculation method field in the Vendor Extended table. See the Purchase Order Line Discount Screen.

Warehouse: When you create the PO Detail line, the Warehouse defaults from the Warehouse field in the PO Header table.

RF PO Rcpt Detail Screen Errors

Error Message


Item Not Identified

The Itm and SKU fields are blank. See Completing the RF PO Rcpt Detail Screen for more information on identifying the item and SKU.

Invalid Item

The value in the Itm field is not a valid item number in the Item table. You cannot receive a non-inventory item that does not exist in the Item table using RF PO Receiving.

Invalid SKU

The item contains SKUs, and the SKU fields are blank or contain an invalid value.

Invalid Warehouse

The warehouse code in the Warehouse field is not a valid warehouse.

Missing Location

The Loc field is blank.

Loc not in Whs

The location in the Loc field is not a valid location for the specified warehouse.

Invalid UPC

The UPC code in the UPC field is not a valid UPC code in the Item UPC table.

Invalid Short SKU

The Short SKU code in the SS field is not a valid Short SKU code in the SKU table.

Invalid PO Status

Receiving the purchase order depends on whether the setting of PO Default Status (A49) is set to Held or Open. The purchase order status must be Open, not in a Held or Closed status to receive the purchase order.

PO Line Not Found

An open purchase order line for the specified item and SKU could not be found on the purchase order.

No Mult Primary

The Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value is set to CONFIRM or NOT ALLOW and a primary location other than the one specified is already defined for item to receive. See Updating Item Locations During RF PO Receiving.

Serial# Required

The item is flagged for serial number tracking and requires you to enter a serial number when you receive it. Serial number tracking is not supported in RF PO Receiving. You must receive items flagged for serial number tracking through Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC). See Work with Serial Numbers Screen for more information on serial number tracking.

Missing Receipt Qty

The Qty field is blank or 0.

Invalid Receipt Qty

The Qty field is a negative quantity such as -5.

Recpt Qty > Ord Qty

The receipt Qty is greater than the quantity ordered on the PO line and:

• the receipt quantity is greater than the allowed over receipt percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value, and

• the user performing the receipt does not have authority to the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature.

Item Loc Frozen

The item location for the location in the Loc field is on physical freeze (the Physical freeze field in the Item Location table is Y).

Suggest Not Allowed

You selected Suggst or pressed F7 to have the system suggest the location(s) where the quantity should be received and the Type of RF Location to Search First (F12) system control value is blank.

Suggesting Receipt Locations

Purpose: Use the RF Suggest Loc Place screen to place the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse or to have the system suggest the locations where the merchandise should be placed.

Note: RF Suggest Receipt Locations is available only if the LPN Tracking (E16) and Suggest Location Placement (A27) system control values are selected.

Number of locations suggested: The system can suggest up to three receipt locations during RF PO Receipts. Depending on the maximum quantity for each location, the suggested locations may not be able to receive the entire receipt quantity. For example, if the maximum quantity for each of the default locations is 10 and the receipt quantity is 100, the system will be able to suggest three locations, each location receiving 10 units.

Staging warehouse/location placement: The system uses the Staging Warehouse/Location Placement procedure when you are using a Default Staging Warehouse (E15), Radio Frequency, and LPN Tracking (E16) to manage your warehouse.

In this scenario, the system will always suggest that you place inventory in a default location (defined through the Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL) menu option) within your staging warehouse.

• The default location Type indicates where you should ultimately place the stock. For example, if you receive stock into the default bulk location in the staging warehouse, this indicates that the stock should go to the actual bulk storage area in your main warehouse. The Type of RF Location to Search First (F12), Type of RF Location to Search Second (F13), and Type of RF Location to Search Third (F14) system control values determine the order in which the location types for the default locations in the staging warehouse are searched.

• The Max/Bin quantity field for the default locations defines the maximum quantity for the system to suggest be placed in the location.

Determining the locations to suggest: Staging warehouse/location placement checks the following system control values to determine which locations to suggest.

Type of RF Location to Search First (F12) defines the location type that will be searched first.

Type of RF Location to Search Second (F13) defines the location type that will be searched second.

Type of RF Location to Search Third (F14) defines the location type that will be searched last.

Round Up Quantity in RF Suggest Warehouse Placement for B/O (F16) defines whether the system should round up to the nearest case quantity when suggesting location placement in a default backorder location in a staging warehouse.

For more information: See Staging Warehouse/Location Placement for more information and examples.

RF Suggest Loc Place Screen

How to display this screen: Enter a quantity to receive and select Suggst or press F7 on the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen; see RF Screen Layout.

Note: RF Suggest Receipt Locations is available only if the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value selected.

Cursor placement: When you first advance to this screen, the system places the cursor in the UPC or SS field.

Completing the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen


Review the location(s) where the system recommends to receive the quantity.

• To receive the quantity in the suggested location(s), select Accept or press Enter.

• To override the suggested location(s), select Ovr or press F7. The system makes the Whs, Loc, and Qty fields enterable. Enter your overrides and select Accept or press Enter.


The system displays the message Line received to indicate the quantity specified for the purchase order line has been received and returns you to the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen where you can receive another item on the purchase order or exit the screen to return to the RF PO Select Screen where you can select to receive another purchase order.

LPN label: If the LPN Tracking (E16) system control value selected, the system assigns an LPN to each carton and prints the RF LPN Label. The LPN provides a means to track the movement and location of stock at the carton level, rather than the individual unit. The LPN remains with the carton until you put it away in the item's primary location.

LPN creation history: When a new LPN is created, the system creates a record in the LPN Creation History table, providing details of the LPN: LPN number, associated PO number (if any), LPN quantity, date and time created, item/SKU, warehouse, location, user ID, and the program that created the LPN.




The item selected to receive on the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The SKU of the item selected to receive on the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen.

Alphanumeric, three 4 position fields; display-only.


The quantity of the item selected to receive on the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


A code for the warehouse where the items will be placed.

You can enter a warehouse code when you select Ovr to override the warehouse.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only or required if the override option is selected.


The code for the location where the associated quantity will be placed.

You can enter a warehouse code when you select Ovr to override the warehouse.

Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only or required if the override option is selected.


The quantity of the item the system recommends to receive in the suggested warehouse and location.

The total quantity to receive cannot be greater than the quantity defined on the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only or required if the override option is selected.

Screen Option


Perform a PO Receipt transaction for the suggested receipt locations

Select Accept or press Enter. See Completing the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen.

Override the suggested receipt locations

Select Ovr or press F7 to make the Whs, Loc, and Qty fields enterable. See Completing the RF Suggest Loc Place Screen.

Exit the screen without receiving a quantity

Select Exit or press F3. The system returns you to the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen and displays the message Suggest Cancelled.

RF Suggest Loc Place Screen Errors

Error Message


Total Not Equal

The quantity to receive is greater than the receipt quantity defined on the RFPODTL (RF PO Receipt Detail) Screen.

Invalid Warehouse

The warehouse code in the Whs field is not a valid warehouse.

Whs required

The Whs field is blank or 0.

Loc required

The Loc field is blank.

Loc not in Whs

The location in the Loc field is not a valid location for the specified warehouse.

No Mult Primary

The Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value is set to CONFIRM or NOT ALLOW and a primary location other than the one specified is already defined for item to receive.

Item Loc Frozen

The item location for the location in the Loc field is on physical freeze (the Physical freeze field in the Item Location table is Y).

WH12_03 Serenade 5.0 March 2015