Installation Update Parameters

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

By use of this program you can maintain the update parameters for the files to be sent to the corresponding sub-installations for particular files, i.e. create new data records, modify or delete existing data. You can also view existing data for information purposes.

The sending of the modified basic data of the main installation is to be carried out via the button Update Installation in the update program Installation.

Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these basic data

Just like in almost any other program:

File Name

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Enter the name of the database table for which you would like to adjust particular parameter settings. If you do not know the name, you can also select the data record via the Search Function.


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the installation, if only a certain branch should be updated. In this case the option "Send to all branches" will be deactivated automatically.

Send to all Branches

Activated: With the Update Installation, this file will be sent to all sub-installations (branches).

Deactivated: With the Update Installation, this file will be sent to the selected sub-installation (branch) only.

Do not send

Activated: With the Update Installation, this file will not be sent to the sub-installations (branches).

Deactivated: With the Update Installation, this file will be sent to the selected sub-installation (branch).

Send State

Activated: With the Update Installation, only the state of this file will be sent to the sub-installations (branches).

Deactivated: With the Update Installation, no state for this file will be sent to the selected sub-installation (branch).

Send Transaction

Activated: With the Update Installation, only the transactions of this file will be sent to the sub-installations (branches).

Deactivated: With the Update Installation, no transactions for this file will be sent to the selected sub-installation (branch).

No extended update

Activated: During Update Installation no extended verifying of the data for the database will be done.

Deactivated: During Update Installation an extended verifying of the date will be done for the database.

This option can be activated to speed up the transfer of data. This requires, that the data to be transfered
are consistent within itself.

Save (Create DB)

Activated: With the function Create database the data for the assigned status tables will be saved.

Deactivated: With the function Create database the data for the assigned status tables will not be saved.


With the function Create database no status data will be saved per default. If the option "Save" is activated the data for the selected status table will be saved in the database for the Sub-Installation. This can be used especially for  status tables like  "CustState", "CustStateBranch", "OperState", "SupplState", "ShopPropertyState".

The status tables "ProcUnitStat" und "TransActNo" and "CentralVoucher" saved as "Voucher" will be created automatically without to activate the option "Save".


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin
