Miles & More card parameters

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The date for the valid Miles & More card types can be updated in this program.

Miles can only be collected or cashed in after a Miles & More customer card has been read or, if the magnetic strip is defective, after manual entry of the M&M card no.. The Miles & More customer card is then checked on the basis of the card parameters defined in this program. The parameters defined in program Application  -> Organisation -> Country -> Miles & More Parameter are also applied for calculation of the mile values.

The following card types are permitted:

·        LH-Card (with VisaCard function)
This is a card with magnetic strip like a normal credit card. This card can also be used as a Visa card. The cards begin with the following digits 401001, 401000, 403400 or 401003.

·        Status cards
This is a card which only has the Miles & More card function and cannot be used as a credit card.
These cards begin with the digits: 22201, 96222, 99990 or 33303.

·        Base cards
This is a card which only has the Miles & More card function and cannot be used as a credit card.
These cards begin with the digits Ziffern 22201, 96222, 99990 or 33303.

 Click on the graphic for further help with setting up Miles & More.

Remarks on data fields

All options available for update of the basic data have been described below.

As with nearly all programs the following also applies here:


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the company to which the Miles & More card parameters are to be linked. If this is not known the data record can be selected with Search function.


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

Enter the number of the country to which the Miles & More card parameters are to be linked. If this is not known the data record can be selected with Search function.


Entry range permitted: numeric, 2

Enter the magnetic card track to which the parameters defined are to be applied.

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 999

Assignment of a different consecutive no. per track allows cards which use the same track to be separated from one another. The nos. can be selected as required.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Enter the appropriate name in this field.

Compare from position

Entry range permitted: numeric, 0 - 99

The basic prerequisite for the processing of read data is recognition of the type of card. Cards are identified via the fields Compare from position and Compare with. This is particularly important if several parameterings are available for a magnetic card track and if differentiation between cards is a necessity. 

The characters via which the card is identified after the swipe operation are entered under Compare with. The starting position of the comparison is entered under  die Compare from position. Please note that counting begins at "0". If the first character is to be read the entry should be "0".

Compare with

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 14 chars.

This parameter is directly related to the parameter Compare from position.

Various parameterings are possible for the magnetic card tracks. To ensure that the system recognises the correct and valid parametering the swiped card data is compared on the basis of the swiped card data. The string set up under Compare with must be found in the position of the magnetic track defined under Compare from position.

The layout of the track, and this also applies to the credit cards to be programmed in a system, must be known, i.e. both the card code and the start position, as entries in both fields and consequently the comparison are not possible.

Serv. Code from position

Entry range permitted: numeric, 0 - 99

Enter the number of the start position for the service code of the magnetic card in this field.

Compare with

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 14 chars.

Enter a valid service code in this field to allow the magnetic card to be identified.

Simulates key

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Enter the key code <MMCARD> which is to be used to process the swiped data.

Offset field 1

Entry range permitted: numeric, 0 - 99

Enter the starting position for field1 in this field.

Please note: Counting begins at "0", i.e. if field 1 begins with the 5th character, the entry should be 4.

Length field 1

Entry range permitted: numeric, 0 - 99

Enter a value to define the length (no. of chars.) for field 1.

Offset field 2

Entry range permitted: numeric, 0 - 99

Enter the starting position for field 2 in this field.

Please note: Counting begins at "0". If field 2 begins with the 8th character the entry should be 7.

Length field 2

Entry range permitted: numeric, 0 - 99

Enter a value to define the length (no. of chars.) for field 2.


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D-10587 Berlin