Using the Desktop

Use the Index if you want to branch directly to a specific topic in this documentation.

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program allows configuration of three different graphic user interfaces for the administration terminal.


The standard is the multi-document user interface (MDI) or the (TDI) as from MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 4.2 when the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application has been started. The instructions below for the graphic user interface of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application describe how to operate the MDI user interface. The operation of the TDI user interface for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 4.2 is described in document TDI (Tabbed Document Interface).

Color adjustment describes how to set up an individual color scheme for the input masks.

If you have no experience in using the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Desktop, the graphical user interface of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Database System, please read through this section thoroughly. Here, the basis of working with the system is explained.

In the following sections, explanation of the structures of the input screens of the application programs as well as detailed instructions for the navigation between input fields and records are provided.

You can find additional help information in the section Basis, where the necessary information about using the graphical user interface and the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Database System is available.

If you have already experience with the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Database System, this is how you can find information on specific topics:


When you work with the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application, you work on the Desktop, the graphical user interface on the screen. You can treat this as your real writing desk, where you can move your things around, add new things or get rid of things you do not need.

Windows and Symbols

All MICROS Retail OSCAR POS applications are carried out in application windows on the Desktop. You can reduce each application window to a symbol, a small logo representing the application. By reducing the window of a running application into a symbol, you can have more room on your Desktop without having to end the application.

The Dispatcher

When you start MICROS Retail OSCAR POS the first time, the Dispatcher appears first on the screen.

The Dispatcher is the central control unit of the entire MICROS Retail OSCAR POS system. Via the Dispatcher, you can start all the necessary application programs.

The dispatcher can differ depending on the configuration of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program.

The standard is the Multidocument user interface (MDI) (only for Windows) when the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program has been started.

In addition the following graphic user interfaces can be configured:

Calling Application Programs

On the left-hand side of the program dispatcher you will find the dialog bar. The appearance of this bar can be changed by using buttons Selection or All applications. The update programs of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS POS program are accessed either by the program menu "Selection" in the menu bar or via the dialog bar.

The dialog bar can also be blended out by clicking on button "Close" on the upper right.

The frequently required application programs for the daily operation can be called directly by clicking on a button on the Dispatcher. All of the programs can be accessed from the menus on the Menu bar at the top of the screen.


All applications

After start of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program only the buttons for update programs which are used most frequently are shown in the dialog bar.

Use button

to change the appearance of the dialog bar to allow for access to all update programs.


If the dialog bar has been switched over in "All applications" the appearance can be changed with button

to allow access only to the most frequently used programs.




index.gif Click on the graphic to return to the Table of Contents

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin