Payment Type

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

With this program you can maintain the payment type data in the system, i.e. insert new records, edit and delete the existing ones. You can also display the data on the screen for enquiry only.

Altogether, a maximum of 999 payment types can be defined. The posting will be carried out using payment keys.


Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these Basic Data.

Just like in almost any other program:


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the company for which the defined payment types are to be valid.

If you do not know the number, you can also select the data record via the Search Function.

Payment type

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 999

To add a new record, enter an unused payment type number.

For changes or deletions, the records can be retrieved by entering the numbers in the key fields. If you do not know the number, you can also select the data record via the Search Function.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 20 pos.

Name of the payment type (depending on the program call up also the terminal type). The name can be chosen as required, but it should be descriptive.

Currency EURO [as from MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Vers. 1.5]

Field with firmly defined selection options

This field defines both the Euro itself and also the currencies of countries in the European Monetary Union.

When Euro is needed for conversion of a currency or even if the Euro is needed as a 2nd payment type (see window Company) to show it on the receipt the Euro must be programmed as a currency (see Update Euro). Select the option "EURO". This implies that "1" is entered as a fixed value in the next field EURO exchange rate. An entry is not made in window Exchange rate.

EWU currencies:
If the currency of a country participating in the EWU (European Monetary Union) is defined, the appropriate country should be selected in this field. When a EWU country is selected, the Euro exchange rate will be shown in this window. No entry should be made in window Exchange rate.

Option "No EWU country" should be selected for non-participating countries.

A general description of the Euro can be found under Euro. Further help on "Euro conversion" and the question of which entries are to be made in which window under which prerequisites can be found in The Euro as non-cash payment type and update of conversion rate. A short review of the conversions can be found in the table Conversion via Euro. Parametering examples can be found in Table 1: Lead currency is EWU currency or Table 2: Lead currency is not EWU currency.

EURO exchange rate [as from MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Vers. 1.5]

Basically, the following applies: If one of the two currencies is a currency of an EWU country, the Euro will be used for conversion. Example: If DM is to be converted to French Franc the DM amount is firstly converted to Euro and the Euro amount is converted to Franc. Conversion of DM (EWU currency) to Sterling (non-EWU country) is done via the Euro. DM to Euro, then conversion of Euro to Sterling.

Update of a foreign currency of an EWU country:
The exchange rate is shown automatically if a participating country of the EWU has been selected in field EURO currency. The exchange rate cannot be edited.  

Update of a foreign currency of a non-EWU country:
If the currency is an EWU currency, the rate (in the foreign currency) is entered here if it is the currency of a non-EWU country. The rate should correspond to 1 Euro.
Example: Lead currency = DM. If Sterling is created as the foreign currency, the EURO exchange rate 0,6921 (as at: Feb. 99) should be entered here; 1 Euro is worth 0,6921 Ł Sterling.

Two parametering examples show which entries are necessary: Lead currency is EWU currency and Lead currency is not EWU currency.


The table below shows when an entry is needed in exchange rates and when not.

1 unit lead currency converted to Euro (field EURO exchange rate)
** 1 unit foreign currency converted to Euro (field EURO exchange rate)
*** The exchange rate of the foreign currency is updated in window "Exchange rate"


Field with firmly defined selection options

When this window is clicked on, a box showing all the stored categories is opened. Select the required category with a click.

The following categories are available:







Currency symbol  

Permitted input range: alphanumeric max. 4 pos.

In addition to the designation it is also possible to enter a currency ID (Euro, DM, SFR etc.) for each payment type. These are printed on the receipt and in various reports. The symbol also appears next to the amount field on a cheque.

EFT Type

Field with fixed preset selection options

By clicking this drop-down list box, all defined EFT types in the system are displayed. The desired value can be selected by clicking on the entry in the box.

This box is opened only if "EFT" (Electronic Fund Transfer) has been selected under category.

These types of payment will be used on EFT terminals (e.g. credit cards).

Eft Data

Permitted input range: numeric 1 - 999

Normally a 1 is entered in this field. However, the entry in the parametering is dependent on the connected EFT terminal. Some terminals require entry of a 0.

Eft Terminal

Field with fixed preset selection options

By clicking this drop-down list box, all defined EFT terminal types in the system are displayed. The desired terminal can be selected by clicking on the entry in the box.

This box is opened only if "EFT" (Electronic Fund Transfer) has been selected under category. These types of payment will be used on the selected EFT terminals.

When this button is clicked on, a box showing all the stored EFT terminal types is opened. Select the required EFT terminal type with a click.


Currency unit

Field with fixed preset selection options

For foreign currencies, the currency base unit has to be defined for calculating the exchange rate. The value of the unit indicates the digits of the foreign currency which corresponds to the calculated DM amount.


The unit is selected by clicking the drop-down list box and one of its displayed entries. The selected currency unit will be used for converting the foreign currency.

The default value of "0" applies that the payment type does not deal with foreign currency.



Field with fixed preset selection options

In countries with small currency units, payments and change are normally rounded to 2 decimal places. In Germany, there is no rounding.


The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application has various rounding parameters already installed. These can be selected with a click of the mouse. The following roundings which cannot be modified are stored:

  1. No rounding
    Standard setting for all countries in which there is no rounding (e.g. Germany).
  2. Netherlands: Rounding of 2nd decimal digit (Example: Netherlands)
    0: no rounding
    1 - 2 = 0
    3 - 7 = 5
    8 - 9 = 10
  3. Switzerland: (Example: Switzerland)
    0 = no rounding
    1 - 2 = 0
    3 - 7 = 5
    8 - 9 = (1)0
    As all amounts are rounded up or down to "0" or "5" the item prices in Switzerland always read 0 or 5 at the end. Rounding becomes necessary during discounting or when an amount is converted to Swiss Francs.
  4. Norway: (Example: Norway)
    Rounding up or down in 0,50 steps
    0 = no rounding
    01 - 24 = 0
    25 - 74 = 50
    75 - 99 = (10)0
    There will always be rounding up or down to "0" or "5". There is only 1 decimal place.
  5. Denmark (Example: Denmark)
    Rounding up or down in 0,25 steps
    0 = no rounding
    01 - 12 = 0
    13 - 37 = 25
    38 - 62 = 50
    63 - 87 = 75
    88 - 99 = (10)0
  6. Sweden  (Example. Sweden /Austria / Czech Republic)
    Rounding up or down in to full 1 steps.
    0= no rounding
    1 - 49 = 0
    50 - 99 = (10)0
  7. Rounding Finland (Example: Finland)
    Rounding up or down to the first whole decimal place.
    0 = no rounding
    1 - 4 = 0
    5 - 9 = (1)0
  8. Finnland Cent
    Rounding up or down to the second decimal place.
    0: no rounding
    1 - 2 = 0
    3 - 7 = 5
    8 - 9 = 10
  9. Estonia 1
    Rounding up to second decimal place
    0: no rounding
    10 = 10
    11 = 12
    12 = 12
    13  = 14
    14 = 14
    15 = 16
    16 = 16
    17 = 18
    18 = 18
    19 = 20
  10. Estonia 2
    Rounding down to second decimal place.
    0: no rounding
    10 = 10
    11 = 10
    12 = 12
    13  = 12
    14 = 14
    15 = 14
    16 = 16
    17 = 16
    18 = 18
    19 = 18
  11. Netherlands (new): Rounding to 2nd decimal place
    Parameters "Conflict rounding", "Valid rounding" and "Real amounts" must be activated as follows in the entry mask:
    System -> User interface -> Form – select form "PaymentType" and field "dRndTglBox" with button "Form fields" and change the setting "Change bias" from not visible to Visible.
    When program "payment type" is next called up the buttons "Conflict rounding", "Valid rounding" and "Real amounts" will be shown in the entry mask. Changes to these options are only possible for rounding type "Netherlands (new)".

    Further information on rounding type Netherlands (new) can be found in the documentation "Rounding Netherlands (new)".
  1. Bosnia
    0,005 is the smallest price allowed per law. Rounding will be done only on the total amount of the receipt.
    0.01 = no rounding
    0.02 = no rounding
    0.03 = no rounding
    0.04 = no rounding
    0.05 = 0,05
    0.06 = 0,10
    0.07 = 0,10
    0.08 = 0,10
    0.09 = 0,10
    0.10 = 0,10

    1.01 = 1.00
    1.02 = 1.00
    1.03 = 1.00
    1.04 = 1.00
    1.05 = 1.05
    1.06 = 1.10
    1.07 = 1.10
    1.08 = 1.10
    1.09 = 1.10
    1.10 = 1.10

Fiscal totalizer

Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the offered totalizers if a fiscal printer has been connected up to the terminal. This is selected by clicking on this field and with a second click confirming the option required.

The system offers the following totalizers:

Please note that the fiscal payment type linked here must match the settings of the connected fiscal printer in program Fiscal printer paymenttype.
Additional settings are required in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program for fiscal operation. Further information can be found in documentation Fiscalisation

Decimal digit

Permitted input range: numeric, 0 - 9

When inserting a new payment type record, the number of decimal places used for calculations for the payment type is to be entered here.

Any changes can be made by overwriting the value.

Denomination no.

Permitted input range: numeric 1 - 99

If the cash declared entry has been defined for with denominations, the no. of the denominations table should be entered here. The table is updated with program Denomination.


Markup/Markdown no.

Permitted input range: numeric 1 - 9999

A markup or markdown is always linked in this field if a markup or markdown is to be automatically recorded during finalisation (e.g. cheque handling fees).

The updating is done via program Price change type. A short description on the set up of price changes in general can be found under Price change procedure.

Safe payment type

Permitted input range: numeric 1 - 999

If your company works with a main cash desk where the safe is located, one or more payment types can be linked to a mutual safe payment type.

The no. of the safe payment type should differ from the no. of the linked payment types. It is sensible to ensure that the payment type no. and the safe payment no. match.

If changes or deletions are necessary, the data record should be called up from entry of the no. in the primary key fields. If the safe payment type no. is not known, the data record can be selected with the Search function.

Payment types linked in program payment types of a safe payment type cannot be selected individually in program Main cash desk transactions.

A special safe payment type 30 "Bank deposit" has been configured. Payment types CASH (1) and CHEQUE (2) are linked to safe payment type 30 "Bank deposit", i.e. CASH and CHEQUE cannot be selected individually in program Main cash desk transactions. They have to be recorded under the mutual payment type 30 "Bank deposit".

All other payment types which are linked to no safe payment type must be recorded under the same payment mode under which they are programmed in the system in program Main cash desk transactions.

Click on the graphic for further help with Main cash desk transactions.

Account no.

Permitted input range: decimal max. 11 digits, no decimal digits

Entry of account no. required for accounting purposes.

Diff.account no.

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 11 pos. no decimal digits

Enter the account  no. of the difference account.

A difference account should be configured for any differences which occur during the declared entry. This account is programmed after clicking onto the button. The system changes to window Account provided that it has not already been programmed in program Company via button "Diff. Diff. account".

Clearing Institute

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter a number to identify the clearing institute for the card payment type.

Catalina ZA

Entry range permitted: numeric, 0 - 1

Enter value = 1 in this field to ensure that a message is sent to the Catalina bonus system from finalisation with this payment type. If the reply is positive, a voucher is printed on an external printer at the checkout. This voucher can be cashed in with the next purchase.

Other parameters are required in conjunction with the Catalina voucher system.

 Click on the graphic for further help with setting up the Catalina voucher system.

Tender for change

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter a no. in this field to identify the payment type to which the change is to be recorded if change is exceeded. To ensure that print of change is suppressed option "No receipt print" must be set for change payment type.


For certain payments, e.g. restaurant vouchers in France, no change can be given if the voucher total exceeds the purchase total. To ensure that change is recorded correctly in the system automatic transfer to another payment type must be carried out.

Print text

Permitted input range: numeric 1 - 9999

There are payment types for which it is sensible or enforced to print a payment type-specific text on the docket.

Example: Hotel operation:
The guest orders a drink in the hotel bar. The guest check is finalised with hotel credit. The guest signs the guest check. As the drink is to be included in the hotel bill a text, e.g. "This is not a bill" is printed on the guest check.

Please note that only a text is linked via this field. The text itself and the text no. are updated in window Texts. The linkage is done from entry of the no. of the text group.

ISO currency code

Permitted input range: numeric 1 - 999

The 3-digit currency code as per ISO 4217 should be entered here for the payment type concerned.

Example "ISO-Currency code"



ISO Code

Norwegian krone






US Dollar



British Pound



Swedish krona



Danish krone



Icelandic króna



Swiss Franc



Canadian dollar



Australian dollar



Japanese YEN




For redemption of meal coupons the exact "ISO-Currency code" for each payment type has to be set up. The ISO-Currency code will be used for the identification of the payment type and is part of the
EAN-Code for meal coupons. It is important not to have identical ISO-Currency codes for different payment types in your system..

 Click onto the graphic for further help with Meal coupons.

Declared entry enforced

Button active: During the declared entry the counted declared value does not automatically replace the in drawer value.
Button deactivated: The in drawer result automatically becomes the declared result

There are payment types where the declared values cannot be recorded during the cash declared entry as they do not physically exist. Example: EFT payment types. Therefore, the in drawer result automatically becomes the declared result.  The button should not be set for these payment types. If cash declared entries are done later and then finalised, the value of this payment type is automatically accepted by the system in the Money transaction position. Further help can be found under Declared entry procedure.

However, if the button is active this means that a cash declared entry is necessary for the payment type provided recordings were made. Payment types for which no recordings have been made will not be queried even if the button is active. This means that the in drawer result is not automatically the declared result.


With pick-up

Button active: This payment mode is permitted for pick-up for a terminal.
Button deactivated: This payment mode is not permitted for pick-up for a terminal. 

Click on the graphic for further help with Pick up for a terminal.

With float

Button active: This payment type is permitted for float bookings.
Button deactivated: This payment mode is not permitted for float bookings.

Click on the graphic for further help with Float bookings for a terminal.

Relevant to safe (GHM)

Button activated:   This payment type is included in safe.
Button deactivated:   This payment type is not included in safe.

This code ensures that, for example, EFT payment types cannot be kept in the safe. Only payment types for which this code has been activated are included during safe contents processing.

Print Expiry Date

Button activated:   The expiry date of the credit card is printed on the customer voucher
Button deactivated:   The expiry date of the credit card is not printed on the customer voucher.

This option only comes into effect with credit card payment with a Chip & Pin configuration. It has no effect for all other payment types.

Print on Subtotal

Button activated:   This payment type is displayed after subtotal (<ST> key).
Button deactivated:   This payment type is not displayed after subtotal (<ST> key).

This setting can only be done for one payment type which is not linked in Company as a "Base AT" and "Second AT". This option can also be set for several payment types if display is required after <ST>.

Return to registration

Button activated:   The receipt can be processed again after Total with key <RETREG>.
Button deactivated:   The receipt must be finalised with a payment type after Total.


After depression of key <TOTAL> the receipt must normally be finalised with a payment type. If this option is set the receipt can be processed further with key <RETREG>.

All POS functions in itemising mode are permitted, e.g. receipt manipulation, receipt abort, take-away receipt, receipt lay away, customer ID, price changes, item recordings and clearing of recorded items, etc..


After part payments return to receipt is only possible for payment types for which the option "Return to registration" has been set.

If this function is not permitted for a specific payment type error message "Not possible (payment type)" is sent.

The FSM function "backToRegistration" can be used on operator level for the profile control.

French cheques

Button activated:   This payment type supports cheques with code CMC7 for France.
Button deactivated:   This payment type does not support cheques with code CMC7 for France.

Further parameters must be set for payment type Cheque with option "French cheques".

 Click on the graphic for further help with setting up French cheque.

No receipt print

Button activated:   Print of the payment type on the receipt is suppressed.
Button deactivated:   Print of the payment type is not suppressed.

If this is a Tender for change type of payment print on receipt should be suppressed if no change is to be given.

Conflict rounding

Button activated:   
Button deactivated: 


The following steps are necessary to make this program visible:


Changes for these options are only possible in conjunction with rounding type "Netherlands (new)".

Further information on rounding type Netherlands (new) can be found in the documentation "Rounding Netherlands (new)".

Valid rounding

Button activated:   
Button deactivated: 


The following steps are necessary to make this program visible:


Changes for these options are only possible in conjunction with rounding type "Netherlands (new)".

Further information on rounding type Netherlands (new) can be found in the documentation "Rounding Netherlands (new)".

Real amounts

Button activated:   
Button deactivated: 


The following steps are necessary to make this program visible:


Changes for these options are only possible in conjunction with rounding type "Netherlands (new)".

Further information on rounding type Netherlands (new) can be found in the documentation "Rounding Netherlands (new)". Eingabemaske angezeigt.


Issuer (Button: Card parameter)

Permitted input range: numeric 1 - 99999999

Only enter the no. of the issuer for credit cards in this field if this is a "Smart card" transaction (CHIP & PIN). An entry in this field decides whether this is a Chip & Pin transaction or not. If there is no entry in this field, this payment type will be treated as a normal MICROS Retail OSCAR POS credit card transaction.

 Click on the graphic for further help with configuration of Smart Cards (CHIP & PIN).

The appropriate values must be set for this issuer in program Application -> Payments -> Clearing Parameter -> so that the Smart Card payment types can be accepted.

Smart Card transactions (CHIP & PIN) are used at present only in England. This credit card payment type assumes that the following external software packages are installed for credit card transactions.

·        Retail Logic Solve/SE, a server software package for credit card transaction handling.

·        Retail Logic SmartSwitch, software components for POS Client for communication with CHIP & PIN hardware with EMV level 2 functionality.

·        Anker Card Services, software components to support a generic interface for communication with the Retail Logic Software and the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application.

Both software packages, Card Services and Retail Logic Software, are configured and administered separately from the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application. Only the payment types with the appropriate parameters and the credit card parameters for the CHIP & PIN usage should be configured in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program.

Chip reader instead of magnetic card

Button active: CHIP card has priority over magnetic card
Button deactivated: Reading of a magnetic card is permitted.

This parameter defines the type of credit card reading permitted when the CHIP card reader is used in normal operation. If the CHIP card reader is defect, magnetic cards can also be read.

This parameter should be set only for credit card payment type Smart Card (CHIP & PIN).

Chip reader instead of manual entry

Button active: Manual entry of credit card no. is not permitted.
Button deactivated: Credit card no. can be entered manually if the CHIP card reader is defect.

This parameter should only be set for credit card payment type Smart Card (CHIP & PIN).

Magnetic card not permitted

Button active: No magnetic cards can be read if the CHIP card reader is defect.
Button deactivated: Magnetic cards can be read if the CHIP card reader is defect.

This parameter should only be set for credit card payment type Smart Card (CHIP & PIN).

No manual entry

Button active: The credit card no. cannot be entered manually if the CHIP card reader is defect.
Button deactivated: The credit card no. can be entered manually if the CHIP card reader is defect.

This parameter should only be set for credit card payment type Smart Card (CHIP & PIN).

Docket print always

Button active: A docket is always printed for credit card transactions.
Button deactivated: No docket print for credit card transactions.

This parameter should only be set for credit card payment type Smart Card (CHIP & PIN).

Always print store copy

Button activated: A copy of the credit card transaction is always printed.
Button deactivated: No copy of the credit card transaction is printed.

Print store copy on refund

Button activated: A copy of the refund is always printed for credit card transactions.
Button deactivated: No copy of the refund is printed for credit card transactions.

Card read timeout

Entry range permitted: numeric, 0 – 99

A value is entered in seconds in this field to define the time limit for card reading.

Test Smart Terminal

Button active: The CHIP reader is checked before the CHIP card is inserted.
Button deactivated: No check of the reader.

The reader is tested before the prompt for insertion of CHIP card appears if this parameter is set. If the result of this test is an error message (offline or not ready for specified reasons) the prompt will be changed to a request to read with magnetic card reader or enter credit card no. manually. This parameter should not be set as this can lead to delays with credit card transactions. 

This parameter should only be set for credit card payment type Smart Card (CHIP & PIN).

Search issuer

Button active: Assignment of issuer using the credit card no.
Button deactivated: No assignment of issuer using the credit card no.

When this parameter is set, a search will be initiated to find the issuer on the basis of the credit card no.. This parameter should only be set for exceptional cases.

This parameter should only  be set for credit card payment type Smart Card (CHIP & PIN).

Search payment type

Button active: Assignment of a payment type using the credit card no..
Button deactivated: No assignment of the payment type using the credit card no..

Different payment types can be linked to the various card types if this parameter is set.

This parameter should only be set for credit card payment type Smart Card (CHIP & PIN).


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin