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Manage Commissions Workspace


Commission processing takes place on the Manage Commissions workspace. You can reach the workspace screen after searching for a Bank Account, Travel Agent / Source, or Reservation and selecting 'Go to Commissions' from the list of Actions.

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If a reservation isn't shown with a Travel Agent / Source, how can I attach it?

What is a Commission Code?

What's the difference between Hold All and Hold?

How do I filter search results?

How can I research folio history?

How can I view folio details?


Go to Commissions

To reach the Commissions workspace screen, search for and select a Bank Account, Travel Agent / Source, or Reservation, then select 'Go to Commissions' from the list of Actions. The workspace screen appears while the system processes the checked-out reservations associated with Travel Agents / Sources. You are asked to confirm processing by selecting OK.

Commissions Processed Confirmation popup

Workspace Screen

Workspace main screen

The workspace screen displays the selected Bank Account, Travel Agent / Source, and any reservations associated with the Travel Agent / Source. The displayed reservations are those that have checked-out. Within the workspace screen, you can review information related to Travel Agents / Sources and Reservations and perform a number of tasks, such as:

Workspace - Primary Detail Section

Manage Commissions_Workspace_Primary Detail Section

The Primary Detail section provides information about the Bank Account assigned to the Travel Agent / Source. Details include: Bank Name, Bank Code, Account Number, Branch Code identifier, Currency type (to be paid to the Travel Agent / Source), and Payment Method (by check or electronic funds transfer).

Workspace - Agent Section

Manage Commissions_Workspace_Agent Section

The Agent Section displays search results based on your search criteria. Functions and information available on this section of the screen include:

Actions Options


View Travel Agent Profile

Takes you to the Travel Agent profile screen where you can view account receivables, additional details, address, calendar, communications, correspondence, financials, future and past stays, channel rate, negotiated rate, preferences, profile links, and profile notes.

Attach Existing Reservation

Allows you to search for reservations and attach them to a Travel Agent / Source.


Puts the selected Travel Agent / Source on hold for a commission.

Process Zero

Transfers all zero commissions to history for the Travel Agent / Source.

Workspace - Reservations Section

Manage Commission_Workspace_Reservations Section

The Reservation Section displays the reservations that are associated with the Travel Agent / Source. Each reservation provides information about the following:

Action Options...



Allows you to edit the commission and create notes for the selected reservation. Editable fields are: commission code, amount, tax, and prepaid amount.

View Reservation

Shows you the Manage Reservation screen with all reservation details.

View Folio History

Allows you to view a history report of all charges against the reservation. The report can be printed, emailed, faxed, or previewed.

View Folio Details

Shows a list of all charges against the reservation.


Prevents the payment of a commission when commission payments are being processed.

Flag for Account Receivable

Sends the reservation to Accounts Receivables for reconciliation.

Remove for Account Receivable

Removes the flag for Accounts Receivables.

Detach Reservation

Allows you to detach a reservation from the Agent.

Hold icon

Indicates a Hold status on a reservation

Flag for AR_icon

Indicates the reservation is flagged for accounts receivable

Workspace - Summary Section

Manage Commissions_Workspace_Summary Section

The Summary Section displays payment amounts of reservations that are attached to a selected Travel Agent / Source.

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