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Room Maintenance Jump


Use the Room Maintenance task to record, view, or resolve maintenance requests such as changing a light bulb or repairing a faulty lock, air conditioning unit, or a leaky faucet for configured rooms.

Maintenance requests that were entered using the EZTask Room Maintenance and the Task Companion are also seen and can be managed here.

Placing a maintenance request on a room does not place the room in Out of Order/Out of Service status and does not deduct it from available inventory.

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Room Maintenance jump


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How do I enter a New Room Maintenance request?

How do I view all Resolved (completed) Room Maintenance requests?

How do I mark a Room Maintenance request as Resolved (completed)?

How do I add Remarks or Instructions to the Room Maintenance request?

How long are Maintenance requests kept in OPERA Cloud?



Room Maintenance Jump screen

Comparison - Room Maintenance displayed By Date and By Reason


Room Maintenance Jump screen, shown here in two views - By Date and By Reason. Search results presented in either view can be expanded and collapsed.


Room Maintenance jump features:

*Note: Images for the Maintenance issues can be uploaded using Image Management found in Administration > Client Relations Admin > Image Management in the Room Maintenance jump.

The Room Maintenance jump uses a simple search at the top and the option to display the search results by Date or by Reason.

Search: You can filter your search to group maintenance tasks together, or to see tasks that are still unresolved. As examples; 1) you can search for all plumbing issues, or all light bulb changes by using the Reason filter; or 2) you could combine the Reason and Status filters to see only the air conditioning issues that are still outstanding.

By Date, By Reason (see image above): The Room Maintenance results can be displayed By Date - grouped by day, week, month, older - or By Reason - such as Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Light Bulb.

Room Maintenance Report (hk_maintenance)

The Room Maintenance Report lists all maintenance requests - resolved and unresolved. The report can be filtered by Room Class, Reason, and Room(s), and can be sorted by Room Number, Front Office (FO) Status, and Housekeeping (HK) Status.

Details include maintenance remarks; entry date, time, and user; and resolved date, time, and user.

Sample Room Maintenance Report excerpt


Sample Room Maintenance Report (hk_maintenance) excerpt. Shown here using all codes, sorted by Room Number. The Room Maintenance Report can be printed, emailed, faxed, or simply previewed on screen.


Related Items

Assigning Users to Room Maintenance Orders


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