Once the content items and types are identified, they are associated with a page fragment through the /atg/commerce/custsvc/catalog/endeca/configuration.properties file. This configuration file contains the following properties, which are used to configure various aspects of catalog search:




A list of content item types that, if located in the results, will be displayed in the result area of the UI just below the traditional results list. This list also defines the order in which they are displayed. For example:


The minimum number of characters that must be typed into the search term box before auto suggestions occur. The default is 3.


The URI used for requesting auto suggestion content. If null, the auto suggestion feature is disabled.


The content item type used for breadcrumbs. The default is Breadcrumbs.


Identifies which property name of the content item contains the collection to display.


The root URI for MDEX search requests. The default content URI is expected to be the “root” content URI, which is set in /atg/commerce/custsvc/catalog/
using the defaultContentURI property. Refer to theConfiguring Catalog Search section for additional information. The default value is /browse.


Identifies the page fragment used to render objects from the collection on a result content item. By default, all objects will be handled as products. If multiple record types are being returned in the collection, you can perform type-specific rendering by specifying page fragments using the objectRenderingPageFragmentsByType property.


The page fragment used by default to render result content items. The default fragment displays a collection of records or repository items that are attached to the content item. The property that contains the collection is specified by the collectionPropertyName property.


This property maps the UI key name to a property name. The map is then used to display resource values in the UI. For example, the refinementMenu.title key determines the property name of the content item that contains the text to display on a refinement menu title.

There are three resourced value property names used by default in Commerce Service Center:



Identifies the resource bundle to use if the showRawEndecaResourceValue is false.


This property maps objects types to a page fragment used to render the object in the display. To render by type, MDEX records must have a record type property defined by recordTypePropertyName.


Specifies the key in the record attribute map that references the Product ID. This property is used by the page fragment that renders a record as a product.


Specifies the key in the record attribute map that contains the type value, which is required to specify different rendering page fragments by type.


The content item type used for refinement menus. The default is RefinementMenu.


Use this property to map custom page fragments to specific result content item types. If a type is not specified in the map, the defaultResultContentItemPagFragment is used. The default setting for this property is resultContentItemPageFragments=


Identifies the page fragment used to render a content item when its type is not configured by the resultContentItemPageFragments property.


Looks up the property name that contains the title for the records contained in the content item displayed in the results.


The content item type used for the result list. The default is ResultsList.


Displays the value of the MDEX property in its raw form when true. If false, the value will be used as a key to look up a resourced value in the configured resource bundle.

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