The following configuration changes are made on the agent server.

Search Property File Configuration

The file searchEngine and deployShare properties are installed on the Commerce Service Center agent server.

The file is set to enable=true to identify the management server as a server that will perform queuing of index changes.

The /atg/userprofiling/search/ProfileOutputConfig.incrementalUpdateSeconds and the /atg/commerce/search/OrderOutputConfig.incrementalUpdateSeconds properties, which determine the frequency for live indexing requests, are set to 5 seconds.

Note: If the server on which this is being configured is not the indexing server, set the incrementalUpdateSeconds to -1. It is best to configure a non-DRP server as your indexing server.

Price Lists Add On Configuration

The following information is configured if installing Price Lists. The following information is stored in the /atg/commerce/custsvc/util/ file:


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