Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance 管理指南,发行版 2013.1.5.0


更新时间: 2016 年 2 月

使用 CLI 进行初始配置

可以使用 CLI 执行初始配置部分。每个步骤开始时都会输出其帮助(通过键入 help 可以再次输出帮助)。使用 done 命令可完成每个步骤。


caji console login: root
Last login: Sun Oct 19 02:55:31 on console

To setup your system, you will be taken through a series of steps; as the setup
process advances to each step, the help message for that step will be

Press any key to begin initial configuration ... 

在此示例中,检查了从 DHCP 服务器获取的现有设置,然后键入 done 接受了这些设置。要在此时定制数据,请进入每个上下文(数据链路、设备和接口),并键入 help 来查看该上下文可用的操作。有关其他文档,请参见Network Configuration。如果要配置群集,请特别注意Clustering Considerations for Networking

aksh: starting configuration with "net" ... 

Configure Networking. Configure the appliance network interfaces. The first
network interface has been configured for you, using the settings you provided
at the serial console. 

Subcommands that are valid in this context:

   datalinks            => Manage datalinks

   devices              => Manage devices

   interfaces           => Manage interfaces

   help [topic]         => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified,
                           it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general",
                           "help" or "script".

   show                 => Show information pertinent to the current context

   abort                => Abort this task (potentially resulting in a
                           misconfigured system)

   done                 => Finish operating on "net"

caji:maintenance system setup net> devices show

     DEVICE UP       MAC                      SPEED          
       igb0 true     0:14:4f:8d:59:aa         1000 Mbit/s    
       igb1 false    0:14:4f:8d:59:ab         0 Mbit/s       
       igb2 false    0:14:4f:8d:59:ac         0 Mbit/s       
       igb3 false    0:14:4f:8d:59:ad         0 Mbit/s       

caji:maintenance system setup net> datalinks show

       igb0 device         igb0        Untitled Datalink

caji:maintenance system setup net> interfaces show

       igb0 up     ip    igb0        Untitled Interface

caji:maintenance system setup net> done

有关其他与 DNS 相关的文档,请参阅DNS

Configure DNS. Configure the Domain Name Service.

Subcommands that are valid in this context:

   help [topic]         => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified,
                           it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general",
                           "help", "script" or "properties".

   show                 => Show information pertinent to the current context

   commit               => Commit current state, including any changes

   abort                => Abort this task (potentially resulting in a
                           misconfigured system)

   done                 => Finish operating on "dns"

   get [prop]           => Get value for property [prop]. ("help properties"
                           for valid properties.) If [prop] is not specified,
                           returns values for all properties.

   set [prop]           => Set property [prop] to [value]. ("help properties"
                           for valid properties.) For properties taking list
                           values, [value] should be a comma-separated list of

caji:maintenance system setup dns> show
                      <status> = online
                        domain =
                       servers =

caji:maintenance system setup dns> set
                        domain = (uncommitted)
caji:maintenance system setup dns> set servers=
                       servers = (uncommitted)
caji:maintenance system setup dns> commit
caji:maintenance system setup dns> done
aksh: done with "dns", advancing configuration to "ntp" ...

配置网络时间协议 (Network Time Protocol, NTP) 以同步设备时钟。有关其他文档,请参见NTP

Configure Time. Configure the Network Time Protocol.

Subcommands that are valid in this context:

    help [topic]         => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified,
                           it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general",
                           "help", "script" or "properties".

   show                 => Show information pertinent to the current context

   commit               => Commit current state, including any changes

   abort                => Abort this task (potentially resulting in a
                           misconfigured system)

   done                 => Finish operating on "ntp"

   enable               => Enable the ntp service

   disable              => Disable the ntp service

   get [prop]           => Get value for property [prop]. ("help properties"
                           for valid properties.) If [prop] is not specified,
                            returns values for all properties.

   set [prop]           => Set property [prop] to [value]. ("help properties"
                           for valid properties.) For properties taking list
                           values, [value] should be a comma-separated list of

caji:maintenance system setup ntp> set
                       servers = (uncommitted)
caji:maintenance system setup ntp> commit
caji:maintenance system setup ntp> done
aksh: done with "ntp", advancing configuration to "directory" ...


Configure Name Services. Configure directory services for users and groups. You
can configure and enable each directory service independently, and you can
configure more than one directory service.

Subcommands that are valid in this context:

   nis                  => Configure NIS

   ldap                 => Configure LDAP

   ad                   => Configure Active Directory

   help [topic]         => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified,
                           it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general",
                           "help" or "script".

   show                 => Show information pertinent to the current context

   abort                => Abort this task (potentially resulting in a
                           misconfigured system)

   done                 => Finish operating on "directory"

caji:maintenance system setup directory> nis
caji:maintenance system setup directory nis> show
                      <status> = online
                        domain =
                     broadcast = true
                     ypservers = 

caji:maintenance system setup directory nis> set domain=fishworks
                        domain = fishworks (uncommitted)
caji:maintenance system setup directory nis> commit
caji:maintenance system setup directory nis> done
caji:maintenance system setup directory> done
aksh: done with "directory", advancing configuration to "support" ...

配置存储池,存储池的特点是提供了底层数据冗余,并提供了在所有文件系统和 LUN 之间共享的空间。有关其他文档,请参见Storage Configuration

Configure Storage.

Subcommands that are valid in this context:

    help [topic]         => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified,
                          it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general",
                          "help", "script" or "properties".

    show                 => Show information pertinent to the current context

    commit               => Commit current state, including any changes

    done                 => Finish operating on "storage"

    config <pool>        => Configure the storage pool

    unconfig             => Unconfigure the storage pool

    add                  => Add additional storage to the storage pool

    import               => Search for existing or destroyed pools to import

    scrub <start|stop>   => Start or stop a scrub

    get [prop]           => Get value for property [prop]. ("help properties"
                          for valid properties.) If [prop] is not specified,
                          returns values for all properties.

    set pool=[pool]      => Change current pool

caji:maintenance system setup storage> show
                          pool = pool-0
                        status = online
                       profile = mirror
                   log_profile = -
                 cache_profile = -
caji:maintenance system setup storage> done
aksh: done with "storage", advancing configuration to "support" ...

有关远程支持配置的其他文档,请参阅Phone Home

Remote Support. Register your appliance and configure remote monitoring.

Subcommands that are valid in this context:

   tags                 => Configure service tags

   scrk                 => Configure phone home

   help [topic]         => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified,
                           it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general",
                           "help" or "script".

   show                 => Show information pertinent to the current context

   abort                => Abort this task (potentially resulting in a
                           misconfigured system)

   done                 => Finish operating on "support"

 caji:maintenance system setup support> done
 aksh: initial configuration complete!