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Oracle® Developer Studio 12.6: Installation Guide

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Updated: July 2017

Uninstalling the Software with the Uninstaller

You can uninstall all of the installed components of the Oracle Developer Studio 12.6 software using the graphical uninstaller or the command-line uninstaller.

How to Uninstall Using the Graphical Uninstaller on Oracle Solaris 10 and Linux

  1. Become superuser (root) by typing:
    % su
    Password: root-password
  2. Go to the installation directory, for example, /opt/developerstudio12.6.
  3. Start the graphical uninstaller by typing:
    # ./uninstall.sh &
  4. On the Summary page, click Uninstall to start uninstalling.

    When the software has been uninstalled, the Setup Complete page is displayed.

  5. Click Finish to exit the uninstaller.

How to Uninstall With the Command-Line Uninstaller on Oracle Solaris 10 and Linux

  1. Become superuser (root) by typing:
    % su
    Password: root-password
  2. Go to the installation directory, for example, /opt/developerstudio12.6.
  3. Start the command-line uninstaller by typing:
    # ./uninstall.sh --non-interactive

    The uninstaller runs silently and returns your prompt when the software is uninstalled.