Like shopper profiles, orders include a predefined set of properties. For example, orders have properties for storing data about when the order was submitted, the cost of the items, shipping information, and so on.

Just as the properties of a shopper profile are determined by its associated shopper type, the properties of an order are determined by its associated order type. The order type serves as a template for the order. Currently only one order type, whose ID is order, is available. This order type is associated with all Oracle Commerce Cloud Service orders.

You cannot create additional order types, but you can add custom properties to the order order type. For example, you could add a giftMessage property that a customer can use to provide a note to include in the package when the order items ship.

You can use the Oracle Commerce Cloud Service Admin API to add custom properties to the order order type. The Order Types resource in the Admin API includes endpoints for creating and working with custom properties of the order order type, and the Orders resource in the Admin API includes endpoints that you can use to set the values of properties of individual orders, including custom properties that have been added to the order order type.

When you add a custom property to the order order type, the property is added to all orders, including any new orders customers create and any orders that already exist.

Note: Many of the properties of orders store either arrays or pointers to other resources. The Order Types endpoints do not expose these properties. You can add custom properties to the order order type and modify them using the Order Types endpoints, but you can only create and modify top-level scalar properties.

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