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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.x

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Updated: September 2017

Project and Share Properties

All projects and shares have a number of associated properties which can be set using the BUI or CLI. For a list of property names and descriptions, click on one of these links:

Project and share properties can be one of the following types:

Table 111  Project and Share Property Types
Property Type
Inherited properties, the most common property type, represent most of the configurable project and share properties. Shares that are part of a project can either have local settings for properties, or they can inherit their settings from the parent project. By default, shares inherit all properties from the project. If a property is changed on a project, all shares that inherit that property are updated to reflect the new value. When inherited, all properties have the same value as the parent project, with the exception of the mountpoint and SMB properties. When inherited, these properties concatenate the project setting with their own share name.
Read-only properties represent statistics about the project and share and cannot be changed. The most common properties of this type are space usage statistics.
Space management properties (quota and reservation) apply to both shares and projects, but are not inherited. A project with a quota of 100G will be enforced across all shares, but each individual share will have no quota unless explicitly set.
Static (Create time)
Static properties are specified at filesystem or LUN creation time, but cannot be changed once the share has been created. These properties control the on-disk data structures, and include internationalization settings, case sensitivity, and volume block size.
Project default properties are set on a project, but do not affect the project itself. They are used to populate the initial settings when creating a filesystem or LUN, and can be useful when shares have a common set of non-inheritable properties. Changing these properties do not affect existing shares, and the properties can be changed before or after creating the share.
Filesystem local properties apply only to filesystems, and are convenience properties for managing the root directory of the filesystem. They cannot be set on projects. These access control properties can also be set by in-band protocol operations.
LUN local properties apply only to LUNs and are not inherited. They cannot be set on projects.
Custom properties are user-defined properties.