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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.x

Exit Print View

Updated: September 2017

Configuring Management Interfaces (CLI)

Use the following procedure to configure management interfaces.

  1. Go to configuration net, and then enter datalinks.
    hostname:> configuration net
    hostname:configuration net> datalinks
  2. Enter show to view the datalink(s).
    hostname:configuration net datalinks> show
    DATALINK        CLASS        LINKS        STATE        ID        LABEL
    igb0            device       igb0         up           -         Untitled Datalink
  3. Create a VNIC for the management datalink by going to the vnic context and setting its label to indicate that the link is for management, and optionally assign a VLAN ID. Enter commit and then enter cd .. to return to the correct context for the next step.
    hostname:configuration net datalinks> vnic
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic (uncommitted)> set links=igb0
                              links = igb0 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic (uncommitted)> set label=management-datalink-1
                              label = management-datalink-1 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic (uncommitted)> commit
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic> cd ..

    To assign a VLAN ID:

    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic> set id=100
                                  id = 100 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic (uncommitted)> commit
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic> cd ..
  4. If clustered controllers, create a VNIC for the second management datalink by going to the vnic context and setting a unique label, and optionally assign a VLAN ID. Enter commit and then enter cd .. to return to the correct context for the next step.
    hostname:configuration net datalinks> vnic
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic (uncommitted)> set links=igb0
                              links = igb0 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic (uncommitted)> set label=management-datalink-2
                              label = management-datalink-2 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic (uncommitted)> commit
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic> cd ..

    To assign a VLAN ID:

    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic (uncommitted)> set id=100
                                  id = 100 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic> commit
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic> cd ..
  5. Create an IP interface for the controller and assign it to the VNIC.
    hostname:configuration net> interfaces
    hostname:configuration net interfaces> ip
    hostname:configuration net interfaces ip (uncommitted)> set v4addrs=
                                  v4addrs = (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net interfaces ip (uncommitted)> set label=management-controller-1
                                  label = management-controller-1 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net interfaces ip (uncommitted)> set links=vnic1
                                  links = vnic1 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net interfaces ip (uncommitted)> commit
  6. If clustered controllers, create an IP interface and assign it to the VNIC for the second controller. After entering commit, enter done.
    hostname:configuration net interfaces> ip
    hostname:configuration net interfaces ip (uncommitted)> set v4addrs=
                                  v4addrs = (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net interfaces ip (uncommitted)> set label=management-controller-2
                                  label = management-controller-2 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net interfaces ip (uncommitted)> set links=vnic2
                                  links = vnic2 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net datalinks vnic (uncommitted)> commit
    hostname:configuration net datalinks> done
  7. Configure routing for the first controller. If clustered controllers, configure routing for the second controller. After entering commit, enter done.

    First controller:

    hostname:configuration net> routing
    hostname:configuration net routing> create
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> set destination=
                            destination = (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> set mask=0
                              mask = 0 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> set interface=vnic1
                          interface = vnic1 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> set gateway=
                             gateway = (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> set family=IPv4
                              family = IPv4
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> commit
    hostname:configuration net route> done

    Second controller:

    hostname:configuration net> routing
    hostname:configuration net routing> create
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> set destination=
                            destination = (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> set mask=0
                              mask = 0 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> set interface=vnic2
                          interface = vnic2 (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> set gateway=
                             gateway = (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> set family=IPv4
                              family = IPv4
    hostname:configuration net route (uncommitted)> commit
    hostname:configuration net route> done
  8. Destroy the default interface, which is named Untitled Interface, enter cd .. and then enter done.

    Note -  When an interface is deleted, all routes associated with the interface are also removed.
    hostname:configuration net> interfaces
    hostname:configuration net interfaces> show
    INTERFACE   STATE     CLASS  LINKS   ADDRS                  LABEL
    igb0        up        ip     igb0       Untitled Interface
    vnic1       duplicate ip     vnic1       management-controller-1
    vnic2       duplicate ip     vnic2       management-controller-2
    hostname:configuration net interfaces> destroy igb0
    This will destroy "igb0" and any networking objects exclusively built over it.
    Are you sure? (Y/N) y
    hostname:configuration net interfaces> cd ..
    hostname:configuration net> done

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