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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.x

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Updated: September 2017

Adding a Disk Shelf to an Existing Storage Pool (CLI)

Use the following task to add a disk shelf to an existing storage pool.

Before You Begin

  • For recommendations on how many drives to select per pool, as well as other considerations and guidelines, see Storage Pool Concepts.

  • You must select the same data profile currently used in the existing pool. To understand the different data profiles, see Data Profiles for Storage Pools.

  • If there is insufficient storage to configure the system for the data profile and its options, some attributes may not be supported. For example, it is impossible to preserve NSPF characteristics when adding a single disk shelf to a double parity RAID configuration with the NSPF option. You can add the disk shelf, but cannot use the NSPF option.

  • Do not perform a pool configuration operation while a disk firmware upgrade is occurring. To check if an upgrade is in progress, navigate to maintenance system updates.


Caution  -  Once a disk has been added to a pool, it cannot be removed without destroying the pool entirely and losing all data.

  1. Install the new disk shelf using Adding a New Disk Shelf in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual.
  2. Go to configuration storage.
  3. If you have multiple pools, a default pool is selected and displayed. If this is not the pool to which you want to add the device, enter set pool= and specify another online pool.

    Note -  If you have a single pool, the pool name is not displayed, but it is selected.
    hostname:configuration storage (pool0)> set pool=pool1 
                             pool = pool1

    A message reminds you to verify that the device is correctly installed. Note that mixing device types and speeds is strongly discouraged.

  4. Enter add.
    hostname:configuration storage (pool1)> add
  5. Enter show to see the device information for the pool:
    hostname:configuration storage (pool1) verify> show
    0      ok     custom      0   0          0/4   1.86T
    1      ok     custom      0   0/2  34G     0   15000
    2      ok     custom      0   0/2  34G     0   15000
  6. Specify which disk shelf or the controller and the number of data drives to use.

    ID "0" is the controller, and the remaining IDs are the disk shelves. In the following example, 1-data=8 allocates eight data drives from the first disk shelf.

    hostname:configuration storage (pool1) verify> set 1-data=8
                                1-data = 8
  7. (Optional) Specify which disk shelf or the controller and the number of log or cache devices to use.

    ID "0" is the controller, and the remaining IDs are the disk shelves. In the following example, set 0-cache=1 allocates one cache device from the controller:

    hostname:configuration storage (pool1) verify> set 0-cache=1
                                0-cache = 1
  8. Enter done.
    hostname:configuration storage (pool1) verify> done

    The storage devices are verified for presence and minimum functionality. If verification fails, fix the problem, and begin this procedure again. If you allocate a pool with missing or failed devices, you will not be able to add the missing or failed devices later.

  9. Enter show to display the profile.
    hostname:configuration storage (pool1) config> show
    log_profile   17G     no    Striped log
  10. Enter the same data profile as the remainder of the pool by entering set profile= and the profile name.
  11. Enter done.
  12. If you allocated log devices to the pool, enter set log_profile= and either log_mirror or log_stripe. Use log_mirror if the pool contains an even number of log devices.
    hostname:configuration storage (pool1)> set log_profile=log_mirror

    Note -  If you allocated cache devices to the pool, the profile is always striped.
  13. Enter done.

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