Using Siebel Tools >

What's New in This Release

What's New in Using Siebel Tools, Innovation Pack 2017, Rev. A

NOTE:  Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release.

No new features have been added to this guide. The following topics were revised to improve the technical accuracy of this guide:

Additional Changes

This book also contains the following general changes:

  • The term Inspect has been retained in the book only where it references Siebel application.
  • This guide has been updated to correct or remove obsolete product and component terms.

What's New in Using Siebel Tools, Innovation Pack 2017

Table 1 lists the changes in this revision of the documentation to support this release of the software.

NOTE:  Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release.

Table 1. New Product Features in Using Siebel Tools, Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Using Siebel Tools

Modified chapter. These sections were moved from this chapter to the Using Workspaces in Siebel Tools chapter:

  • Using Workspaces in Siebel Tools
  • Workspaces Administration

Updated sections related to the following features as per changes in Web Tools:

  • Object Explorer and Object List Editor
  • Menus and Queries
  • Web Template applet
  • Layout Editors

Using a New Object Wizard

Modified section. It includes a note reminding users to use the Edit Web Layout function to edit the web layout.

Using Web Tools

New chapter. It includes sections that were in the Using Siebel Tools chapter in the previous release.

Siebel Tools Features Included in Web Tools

Siebel Tools Features Excluded From Web Tools

Modified topics. It describes new features included in and excluded from Web Tools.

Siebel Tools Objects Included in Web Tools

Siebel Tools Objects Excluded From Web Tools

Modified topic. It lists the objects included in and excluded from Web Tools.

Using Workspaces in Siebel Tools

New chapter. It includes the sections that discuss the Workspaces feature, including the new section that discusses how to use workflow objects in workspaces and the sections that were included in the Using Siebel Tools chapter in the previous release.

Workspace Users

New topic. This topic describes the roles and the responsibilities of workspace users.

Deleting Development Workspaces

Modified topic. It includes a note for administrators when they delete the integration workspaces.

Configuring Non-Workspace Objects

Modified topic. It includes the non-workspace objects that are introduced in Siebel Tools IP2017.

Using Workflows in Workspaces

New section. This section describes workflow objects, and discusses how to manage and use workflow objects in Siebel Tools Workspace.

Enabling the Workspaces Mode for Siebel Tools

Modified topic. It includes the notes, arguments, parameters, and so on, that are new in Siebel IP2017.

Enabling Workspaces in Siebel Tools and Editing the Repository Objects

New topic. It discusses how to enable the workspaces in Siebel Tools and edit the repository objects.

Flattening Workspace Versions

Modified topic. It includes the information to clarify the methods that are used to flatten workspace versions.

Controlling Access on Non-Workspace Objects

Modified topic. It includes the non-workspace objects that are introduced in Siebel Tools IP2017. It also has the notes to clarify the different behaviors of workflow object in Siebel Tools IP2016 and IP2017.

Publishing Tables

New topic. It discusses how to publish table when you use and manage workspaces.

Using Workspaces for Seed Data

New topic. It discusses how to enable Siebel Workspace for the seed data.

Support for NON-ENU Language in Rich Text Control

New topic. It discusses how to enable the support for NON-ENU language in rich text control.

Setting up Web Tools

Deleted topics. The following topics were deleted due to changes in enabling the application component and high number of SWE tags being migrated:

  • About Setting Up Web Tools
  • Process of Setting Up Web Tools
  • SWE Tags Migrated to Web Tools
  • Enabling the Composer Mode for the Selected and Opened Workspace to Edit Objects
  • Setting up Web Tools Application Edit
  • Information in Siebel Web Template Files Mapped to Fields in Web Tools

Manually Running the Migration Script

Modified topic. It lists the steps required for migration to Web Tools.

Workspaces Dashboard in Web Tools

New section. This section illustrates and describes the Workspace dashboard in Web Tools.

Enabling Workspaces in Web Tools and Editing the Repository Objects

New section. It discusses how to enable workspaces in Web Tools and edit the repository objects.

Navigating to the Workspace Dashboard in the Web Tools Mode Application

Modified topic. It includes the workspace references in the example command lines and in the steps that are used to enable the Workspace feature in the Web Tools mode.

Parallel Development Using Workspaces

New chapter. It describes the Parallel Development Using Workspaces feature and how to use this feature for the Siebel Tools workspaces.

Using a Wizard to Create Objects

Modified section. It includes the information regarding the steps required after the view and applet are created using wizard.

Deleting Repositories

Modified section. Starting from Siebel Tools IP2017, users can use the RRCleanup utility to delete the repositories. This section includes the steps used to run the RRCleanup utility.

Archiving Objects

Modified chapter. It includes the information about BatchExport that is used to export objects to SIR file. Also, workspace name is mentioned in the example command lines.

Exporting Objects to an Archive

Modified topic. Updated topic to include archiving in Web Tools.

Using the Command Line to Export Objects to an Archive

Using the Command Line to Import an Archive

Modified topics to include the command lines that reference workspace names.

Example of Using the Command Line to Import an Archive

Modified topic. The command lines are updated to include workspace references.

Specifying the Web Template Editor

Deleted topic. This editor is no longer supported in Siebel Tools and is part of the layout editor in Web Tools.

About the User Interface for Web Tools

Deleted topic. The user interface for Web Tools is covered in chapters on Siebel Tools, Web Tools, and Workspaces.

Using the Command Line to Compile Objects

Deleted section. Siebel Tools IP2017 no longer requires the Siebel Repository File (SRF) to start Siebel application.

Using the Command Line to Export Objects to a Hotfix

Deleted section. This section is no longer applicable in Siebel Tools starting from IP2017.

Checking Out and Checking In Projects and Objects

Appendix A: Dialog Boxes That Check Out and Check In Projects and Objects

Deleted chapter and topic. Check-out and check-in are no longer supported, starting from Siebel Tools IP2017.

Additional Changes

This book also contains the following general changes:

  • Content from the Siebel Composer Developer Preview Guide for Innovation Pack 2016 was merged into this guide.
  • The following terms were changed throughout the book:
    • Web Tools replaces Siebel Composer.
    • Deliver replaces Publish wherever your workspace changes are merged into parent workspace.
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