Retail Stores

Topics in this part: The following topics describe the process, setup requirements, and functions available for Retail Store setup, promotions, and replenishment.

Retail Store Overview provides an overview of retail store functionality, and includes information on retail store set-up, promotions, and restock.

Working with Store Ranks (WSTR) describes how to create and maintain store ranks. You can assign store ranks stores in order to assign a group of stores to a store promotion, or specify the minimum and maximum quantities for the system to use when calculating whether to restock an item in a retail store.

Working with Store Regions (WSRG) describes how to create and maintain store regions. You can assign store regions to stores in order to identify the promotions or delivery routes to apply to stores.

Working with Item Warehouse Values (WIWV) describes how to update item warehouse information for items in selected stores. The information you can update for items in stores includes the current and original retail price and the minimum and maximum quantities to stock in each store.

Working with Store Promotion Types (WSPT) describes how to create and maintain store promotion types. You can use store promotion types to group promotions for informational purposes, and to indicate whether a promotion includes special pricing for items, or just different minimum and maximum quantities during the promotion period.

Working with Store Promotions (WSPR) describes how to create and maintain store promotions that take place in stores. Store promotions can specify a change in the minimum and maximum quantities of an item required during the promotion period, and can also include special pricing during the promotion.

Generating Store Promotion Notifications (GSPN) describes how to generate a notifications of upcoming store promotions.

Working with Retail Store Restock (WRSR) describes how to generate orders to restock retail stores, and provides samples of the reports the system generates when you perform a store restock.

Working with Add on Request Items (WSAI) describes how to create a store add-on request for a selected store. Add-on request items are items you add to a store’s regular restock order on an as-needed basis.

Printing Store Restock Confirmations (PSSC) describes how to print confirmations related to shipping store restock orders.

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