Defining Vendor Response Codes

Vendor response codes identify the reasons that the service bureau approves (authorizes) or declines a credit card charge or deposit. The codes are assigned to each transaction by the service bureau when approving or declining the request.

AVS response: You can also set up vendor response codes for AVS response if the service bureau provides an address verification service (AVS). AVS verification ensures that the billing address on the credit card is legitimate. See Address Verification Service (AVS).

Card security identification response: You can also set up vendor response codes for card security identification response (CID, CVV2, CVC2) if the service bureau provides a credit card security identification service. Card security identification helps reduce fraud by verifying that the credit card is present at the point of sale and to ensure that the credit card data from the transaction matches the data stored by the service bureau for that card. See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).

You should define each code for each service bureau you work with.

The system allows you to set up the following instructions for vendor response codes:

• how many times to attempt authorization for this response

• whether to put the order on hold and, if so, for how long

• whether to flag the order for cancellation

Online credit card authorizations: If you are sending credit cards for authorization during order entry/maintenance (the On-line Authorizations (B89) system control value is selected), the system displays additional fields where you can enter a message indicating whether the credit card was approved or declined and if any action should be taken, such as asking the customer to repeat the credit card number or requesting a different credit card for authorization. If you define a message, the system displays the Select Authorization Response Option Window in order entry/maintenance when a response is received from the service bureau. This window displays the pop up window messages you defined for this vendor response. See Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations for an overview on online authorizations and the required setup.

Credit card decline email: If you specify a program in the Credit Card Decline Email Program (K53) system control value, the batch authorization process in pick slip generation generates an email to the customer when an order is placed on hold due to a credit card decline. See that system control value for more information.

In this chapter:

Entity Setup

Vendor Response Setup Examples

About Deposits

Work with Vendor Response Screen

- Create Vendor Response Screen

Select Entity for Vendor Response Details Screen

Work with Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen

- Create Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen

Work with Pay Type $ Limit to Force Authorization Screen

- Create Pay Type $ Limit to Force Authorization Screen

Entity Setup

Additionally, you can set up the following instructions for a vendor response code for each entity in your company:

• Whether a dollar limit is applied to the ship via on the order. If the authorization amount is less than the ship via dollar limit, the system releases the order from any AVS hold. If the authorization amount is greater than the ship via dollar limit, the system places the order on hold using the hold reason defined for the ship via dollar limit. See Entity ship via dollar limits.

• Whether a dollar limit to force an authorization is applied to a specific pay type. See Entity pay type dollar limits.

• Whether a dollar limit is applied to the item class associated with an item on the order that requires authorization. If the authorization amount is less than the item class dollar limit, the system releases the order from any AVS hold. If the authorization is greater than the item class dollar limit, the system places the order on hold using the hold reason defined for the item class dollar limit. See Entity item class dollar limits.

• Whether a dollar limit is applied to the postal code for the bill to or sold to customer on the order. If the authorization amount is less than the postal code dollar limit, the system releases the order from any AVS hold. If the authorization amount is greater than the postal code dollar limit, the system places the order on hold using the hold reason defined for the postal code dollar limit. See Entity postal code dollar limits.

Online authorization: If you are performing online authorization, the system does not evaluate the order for entity pay type dollar limit or entity ship via dollar limit; however, the system will evaluate the order for item class dollar limit and postal code dollar limit.

Entity dollar limit hierarchy: The system uses the following hierarchy when evaluating whether the order meets an entity dollar limit.

1. Evaluate the order for Entity pay type dollar limits.

2. If the order does not qualify for entity pay type dollar limits, evaluate the order for Entity ship via dollar limits.

3. If the order does not qualify for entity ship via dollar limits, evaluate the order for Entity item class dollar limits.

4. If the order does not qualify for entity item class dollar limits, evaluate the order for Entity postal code dollar limits.

If an order qualifies for more than one of the entity dollar limits, the system holds/releases the order using the last entity dollar limit that qualifies. For example, if the order qualifies for both entity ship via dollar limit and entity postal code dollar limit, the system holds or releases the order based on the entity postal code dollar limit setup.

Entity ship via dollar limits

You can set up a ship via dollar limit for an AVS response for each entity in your company. You can use the ship via dollar limit to reduce the amount of fraud. For example, a credit card may receive an AVS response of “all address matching,” but you may want to perform an additional check against the ship via assigned to the order and the dollar amount that requires authorization.

• If the authorization amount is less than the ship via dollar limit, the system releases the order from any AVS hold.

• If the authorization amount is greater than the ship via dollar limit and the sold to customer and ship to customer are different, the system places the order on hold using the hold reason defined for the ship via dollar limit.

The system checks the following information to determine if an order should go on hold due to a ship via dollar limit:

• the service bureau code

• the AVS response code received from the service bureau

• the Entity associated with the order

• the Ship via code on the order header

• the $ limit to hold on the order

• the sold to customer and ship to customer are different

• The Use Credit Card Vendor Response Entity Ship Via Dollar Limits (F94) system control value is selected. If this system control value is not selected, the system does not perform an edit against the ship via dollar limit for an AVS response to determine if an order should go on hold.

The system does not evaluate the order for ship via dollar limit if:

• The order does not pass authorization, regardless of whether the ship to customer is different than the sold to customer.

• You are performing online authorization.

Entity ship via dollar limit summary:

AVS response

Entity $ limit

Auth amount less than entity $ limit

Auth amount greater than or equal to entity $ limit

hold reason

no hold reason

The system releases the order from AVS hold. Order transaction history message: AVS HLD Release - Entity Via $Limit.

The system places the order on hold, using the hold reason defined for the AVS response. Order transaction history message: SYS HLD - Declined Credit Card.

no hold reason

hold reason

The system does not place the order on hold.

The system places the order on hold, using the hold reason defined for the entity ship via dollar limit. Order transaction history message: SYS HLD - Declined Credit Card.

no hold reason

no hold reason

The system does not place the order on hold.

The system does not place the order on hold.

hold reason

hold reason

The system releases the order from AVS hold. Order transaction history message: AVS HLD Release - Entity Via $Limit.

The system places the order on hold, using the hold reason defined for the entity ship via dollar limit. Order transaction history message: SYS HLD - Declined Credit Card.

Ship via dollar limit example: The following is an example of how to set up a ship via dollar limit for an AVS response code.

Vendor Response Value:

AVS Response


Hold Reason Code


All Address Matching


Ship Via Dollar Limit to Hold Values:

AVS Response


Ship Via

$ Limit

Hold Reason Code
















Using the example, if an order passed AVS because it received an AVS response of I3, all address matching, the system would then perform an edit against the ship via dollar limit defined for the response.

If a ship via dollar limit was defined for the entity associated with the order, the ship via defined on the order, and the dollar amount on the order that required authorization was greater than the dollar limit defined for the AVS response, the order would then be placed on hold, using the hold reason code defined for the ship via dollar limit.

Using the example, the system would assign the hold reason code J3 to an order if the order was associated with entity 555, ship via code 1, and the dollar amount that required authorization was greater than $50.00.

Entity pay type dollar limits

You can set up a pay type dollar limit for a vendor response for each entity in your company. You can use the pay type dollar limit to force authorizations that have been declined.

Example: If a credit card received a vendor response of "credit card exceeds limit", you may want to force the authorization through anyway if the dollar amount that requires authorization is less than $50.00.

If you set up a pay type dollar limit, the order receives a forced authorization if:

• the credit card on the order is declined, and

• the dollar amount that requires authorization is greater than $1.00 and is less than the pay type dollar limit you have set up for the credit card pay type on the order. Note: If you wish to force authorizations for credit cards requiring authorizations less than $1.00, enter an authorization number in the Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $1.00 (I08) system control value.

In this situation, the order receives a forced authorization, and the system writes the Default Credit Card Authorization Number for Soft Declines (F93) to the Authorization number field on the Authorization History record. The system processes the authorization through Order Management System, as if the number that defaulted from the system control value was an actual authorization number. The order will be processed through pick slip generation and the system will produce pick slips for the order. The system also writes an order transaction history message indicating the authorization was forced.

If the Default Credit Card Authorization Number for Soft Declines (F93) system control value is blank, the order is placed on hold, using the vendor response hold reason code. If the hold reason code for the vendor response is blank, or a hold reason code has not been defined for the vendor response, the order is not placed on hold, and is processed through pick slip generation.

Note: The system may still place the order on hold if it fails AVS authorization.

The system checks the following information to determine if an order should receive a forced authorization after it has been declined:

• the service bureau code

• the Vendor response code received from the service bureau

• the Entity associated with the order

• the credit card Pay type on the order that requires authorization

The system does not evaluate the order for pay type dollar limit if you are performing online authorization.

Note: The system performs an edit against the pay type dollar limit defined for a vendor response before the number of authorization attempts logic. If the order passes the pay type dollar limit edit, the system does not perform the number of attempts edit against the order.

Entity pay type dollar limit summary:

Vendor response

Auth amount less than entity $ limit to force auth

Auth amount greater than or equal to entity $ limit to force auth

hold reason

The system does not place the order on hold. Order transaction history message: System Forced CC Auth - Auth# 999999.

The system places the order on hold, using the hold reason defined for the vendor response. Order transaction history message: SYS HLD - Declined Credit Card.

Pay type dollar limit example: This example shows how to set up a pay type dollar limit for a vendor response code.

Vendor Response Value:

Vendor Response


Hold Reason Code


Declined, card over limit


Pay Type Dollar Limit Values:

Vendor Response


Pay Type

Dollar Limit









Using the example, if an order did not pass authorization because it received a vendor response of 42, declined card over limit, the system would then perform an edit against the pay type dollar limit defined for the response.

If a pay type dollar limit was defined for the entity associated with the order, the pay type defined on the order, and the dollar amount on the order that required authorization was less than the dollar limit defined for the vendor response, the order would receive a forced authorization, using the Default Credit Card Authorization Number for Soft Declines (F93).

Using the example, an order would receive a forced authorization if the pay type on the order was VISA and the dollar amount for the VISA card was under $50.00.

Entity item class dollar limits

You can set up an item class dollar limit for an AVS response for each entity in your company. You can use the item class dollar limit to reduce the amount of fraud. For example, a credit card may receive an AVS response of “all address matching”, but you may want to perform an additional check against the item class (such as high-theft items) assigned to one or more of the items on the order and the dollar amount that requires authorization.

• If the authorization amount is less than the item class dollar limit, the system releases the order from any AVS hold.

• If the authorization is greater than the item class dollar limit, the system places the order on hold using the hold reason defined for the item class dollar limit.

The system checks the following information to determine if an order should go on hold due to an item class dollar limit:

• the service bureau code

• the AVS response code received from the service bureau

• the Entity associated with the order

• the $ limit to hold on the order

• the item class assigned to one or more of the items on the order requesting authorization


- The item(s) assigned to the item class must be requesting authorization. For example, if the item assigned to the item class is on backorder, the other items on the order requesting authorization will not qualify for the item class dollar limit.

- If more than one item class on the order qualifies for an item class dollar limit, the system uses the item class associated with the lowest order number. For example, if order line 1 is associated with item class PNT and order line 3 is associated with item class ELC and both qualify, the system uses the item class dollar limit defined for item class PNT.

The system does not evaluate the order for item class dollar limit if the order does not pass authorization.

Entity item class dollar limit summary:

AVS response

Entity $ limit

Auth amount less than entity $ limit

Auth amount greater than or equal to entity $ limit

hold reason

no hold reason

The system releases the order from AVS hold. Order transaction history message: AVS HLD Release - Item Class $Limit.

The system places the order on hold, using the hold reason defined for the AVS response. Order transaction history message: SYS HLD - Declined Credit Card.

no hold reason

hold reason

The system does not place the order on hold.

The system places the order on hold, using the hold reason defined for the entity item class dollar limit. Order transaction history message: SYS HLD - Declined Credit Card.

no hold reason

no hold reason

The system does not place the order on hold.

The system does not place the order on hold.

hold reason

hold reason

The system releases the order from AVS hold. Order transaction history message: AVS HLD Release - Item Class $Limit.

The system places the order on hold, using the hold reason defined for the entity item class dollar limit. Order transaction history message: SYS HLD - Declined Credit Card.

Item class dollar limit example: The following is an example of how to set up an item class dollar limit for an AVS response code.

AVS Response Value:

AVS Response


Hold Reason Code


All Address Matching


Item Class Dollar Limit to Hold Values:

AVS Response


Item Class

Dollar Limit

Hold Reason Code
















Using the example, if an order passed AVS because it received an AVS response of I3, all address matching, the system would then perform an edit against the item class dollar limit defined for the response.

If an item class dollar limit was defined for the entity associated with the order, the item class assigned to at least one of the items on the order requiring authorization, and the dollar amount on the order that required authorization is equal to or greater than the dollar limit defined for the AVS response, the order would then be placed on hold, using the hold reason code defined for the item class dollar limit.

Using the example, the system would assign the hold reason code C1 to an order if the order was associated with entity 555, item class ELC, and the dollar amount that required authorization was equal to or greater than $50.00.

Entity postal code dollar limits

You can set up a postal code dollar limit for an AVS response for each entity in your company. You can use the postal code dollar limit to reduce the amount of fraud. For example, a credit card may receive an AVS response of “All Address Match”, but you may want to perform an additional check against the postal code assigned to the bill to or sold to customer on the order and the dollar amount that requires authorization.

• If the authorization amount is less than the postal code dollar limit, the system releases the order from any AVS hold.

• If the authorization amount is greater than the postal code dollar limit, the system places the order on hold using the hold reason defined for the postal code dollar limit.

The system checks the following information to determine if an order should go on hold due to a postal code dollar limit:

• the service bureau code

• the AVS response code received from the service bureau

• the Entity associated with the order

• the postal code for the bill to customer on the order; if a bill to customer is not defined, the system validates the postal code for the sold to customer on the order

• the $ limit to hold on the order

The system does not place the order on postal code dollar limit hold if the order does not pass authorization.

Entity postal code dollar limit summary:

AVS response

Entity $ limit

Auth amount less than entity $ limit

Auth amount greater than or equal to entity $ limit

hold reason

no hold reason

The system releases the order from AVS hold. Order transaction history message: AVS HLD Release - Postal Code $Limit.

The system places the order on hold, using the hold reason defined for the AVS response. Order transaction history message: SYS HLD - Declined Credit Card.

no hold reason

hold reason

The system does not place the order on hold.

The system places the order on hold, using the hold reason defined for the entity postal code dollar limit. Order transaction history message: SYS HLD - Declined Credit Card.

no hold reason

no hold reason

The system does not place the order on hold.

The system does not place the order on hold.

hold reason

hold reason

The system releases the order from AVS hold. Order transaction history message: AVS HLD Release - Postal Code $Limit.

The system places the order on hold, using the hold reason defined for the entity postal code dollar limit. Order transaction history message: SYS HLD - Declined Credit Card.

Postal code dollar limit example: The following is an example of how to set up a postal code dollar limit for an AVS response code.

AVS Response Value:

AVS Response


Hold Reason Code


All Address Matching


Postal Code Dollar Limit to Hold Values:

AVS Response


Postal code

Dollar Limit

Hold Reason Code
















Using the example, if an order passed AVS because it received an AVS response of I3, all address matching, the system would then perform an edit against the postal code dollar limit defined for the response.

If a postal code dollar limit was defined for the entity associated with the order, the postal code assigned to the sold to, and the dollar amount on the order that required authorization is equal to or greater than the dollar limit defined for the AVS response, the order would then be placed on hold, using the hold reason code defined for the postal code dollar limit.

Using the example, the system would assign the hold reason code P1 to an order if the order was associated with entity 555, postal code 01468, and the dollar amount that required authorization was equal to or greater than $50.00.

Vendor Response Setup Examples

Examples of different vendor responses, and how you might set them up on the system for credit card authorization before shipment, are:

Stolen credit card:

• do not reattempt authorization

• put the order on CF (credit card fraud) hold

• flag the order for cancellation

Over credit limit:

• put the order on hold for 5 days before reattempting authorization

• flag the order for cancellation after a number of declined authorizations

Transmission error:

• do not put the order on hold; reattempt authorization immediately

Address verification failed:

• do not reattempt authorization

• put the order on AV (address verification) hold

Card security value should be on the credit card:

• do not reattempt authorization

• put the order on CF (credit card fraud) hold


Note: A pick slip will not print if the authorization is declined or if the order is on hold.

Determining the maximum number of declines: The system counts the number of declines for each different vendor response code separately. For example, if an authorization is declined twice for a transmission error, and is then declined for exceeding a credit limit, the counter starts again at 1 the first time you receive the new vendor response code.

The Maximum Number of Retries on Credit Card Orders (E74) system control value specifies the maximum number of all declines (with any vendor response that represents a decline) an order can accumulate before being flagged for cancellation. This value overrides the limit you specify for an individual vendor response. Be sure to set this system control value high enough that you do not inadvertently flag on order for cancellation when it still might be eligible for authorization.

Releasing held orders: The Release Orders on Time Hold periodic function evaluates held credit card orders for release based on their hold dates. See Releasing Orders from Time Hold.

You can also use the Release Held Orders (ERHO) menu option to release orders one at a time. Additionally, completing an authorization through the Manual Credit Card Authorization menu option releases an order. See Manual Credit Card Authorization (MCCA).

Canceling orders: You can use the Working with Credit Card Cancellations (WCCC) menu option to cancel all orders flagged for cancellation automatically. You can also set up this function as part of your periodic process.

About Deposits

Response codes may be used both for credit card authorizations and deposit authorizations. Typically, you would need to authorize a deposit because the order is using deferred or installment billing, and so you would not have a current authorization for the amount of the deposit you are processing.

The system does not perform the same types of actions against the order for a deposit authorization as it does for other authorizations. Specifically, the system does not reference the following fields (defined at the Create Vendor Response Screen) when processing an authorization for a deposit:

• Hold reason

• # of authorization attempts

• # of days between attempts

• Cancel reason

• Letter type

Similarly, the Maximum Number of Retries on Credit Card Orders (E74) system control value does not play a role in authorizing deposits.

Force deposit: You can set a vendor response code to “force deposit” in your company when you receive this response code from the deposit service. To do so, select the Force deposit for FPO flag for the response code. Forcing deposit means that you process all of the same updates in your company as if you had received an approval for the authorization.

Regular (non-payment plan) deposits are always forced.

Note: You must make your own arrangements with the service bureau regarding how to deal with unconfirmed or rejected deposit transactions.

The system checks the setting of this "force deposit" flag only when:

• you process a deposit for a deferred or installment pay plan

• the service bureau supports force deposit

• the authorization is declined (that is, the response code is not 100)

• the system submitted the transaction with an action code of B (obtain both an authorization and deposit) rather than D (deposit only)

If you don't force: When a payment plan deposit fails authorization and is not forced, the deposit appears on the Unconfirmed Deposits Listing Report. You can use Resubmitting Rejected Deposits (SRDP) to work with these deposits. Additionally, the order is placed on hold, and any orders that match the sold to customer and/or the credit card number are placed on hold as well.

More information:

Deferred/Installment Billing Overview

Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP)

Work with Vendor Response Screen

Purpose: This screen displays the response codes currently defined for the service bureau. Use this screen to add, delete, or change a response code for the service bureau.

You must create a vendor response code for each code used by the service bureau. If the system receives a vendor response code it does not recognize, it puts the order on AVS hold; see Using the Credit Card Authorization Interface.

How to display this screen: Select Responses for the service bureau at the Work with Authorization Services Screen



Response code

The code assigned by the service bureau that identifies whether the credit card was authorized or declined, and the reason for the authorization or decline.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The description of the response code.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.




Change a vendor response code

Select Change for a response code to advance to the Change Vendor Response Screen. At this screen you can change any information except the Authorization service code and the Response code. See the Create Vendor Response Screen for field descriptions.

Delete a vendor response code

Select Delete for a response code to delete it.

Display a vendor response code

Select Display for a response code to advance to the Display Vendor Response Screen. You cannot change any information at this screen. See the Create Vendor Response Screen for field descriptions.

Work with ship via dollar limits and pay type dollar limits for a vendor response code

Select Response/Entity Details for a response code to advance to the Work with Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen.

Create a vendor response code

Select Create to advance to the Create Vendor Response Screen.

Create Vendor Response Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define the response codes that the service bureau uses to indicate the disposition of the authorization, and how the system should then handle the order.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Vendor Response Screen



Response code

The code assigned by the service bureau to identify whether the credit card was authorized or declined, and the reason for the authorization or decline. You should define each code used by the service bureau on the system.

If the service bureau returns a response that the system does not recognize, the order appears on the Credit Card Authorization Listing as DECLINED (no description will appear) and is put on AVS hold; you must release the order through the Release Held Orders menu option, described in Selecting Held Orders (ERHO).

Deposits: See About Deposits for an example of how response codes may be used during deposits processing.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

ORCE response

The code assigned by the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement service bureau to identify whether the stored value card transaction was approved or declined. Use this field to map a response from Oracle Retail Customer Engagement to a vendor response code.

This field displays only if the Authorization service code for the service bureau is RLT. See Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions.

Create screen: optional.

Change screen: display-only.

Description 1

The description of the response code. You can use the description provided by the service bureau or you can use your own description.

Both lines of the description appear on the Credit Card Authorization Listing. You can also review it in standard order inquiry at the Authorization History Details Window.

Deposits: The first line only of the response code description displays on the Display Deposit History Detail Screen in standard order inquiry when the service bureau uses this response code for a deposit authorization.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; required.

Description 2

An additional description for the response code.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

Hold reason

The hold code to use for orders receiving this response. This a paytype-level hold; the order will be put on AT hold. The hold reason you enter here displays on the Credit Card Order Cancellation List when you process cancellations, so you can use this field as a description of the vendor response for that report.

No pick slip prints if the order is placed on hold.

If you assign a Hold date to the order (by completing the # of days between attempts field) you can release the order through the Release Orders on Time Hold periodic function. If not, you must use the Release Held Orders or Manual Credit Card Authorization function to release the order.

Leave the Hold field blank if orders with this response code should not be placed on hold. Hold reason codes are defined in and validated against the Order Hold Reason table; see Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR).

Deposits: The system does not reference this field when processing an authorization for a deposit. See About Deposits.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

# authorization attempts (Number of authorization attempts)

The number of times to attempt to authorize an order before flagging it for cancellation. This field defines the number of attempts for this response code only; if the vendor returns a different response code, the count begins again at one.

Enter 1 in this field if you want to flag an order for cancellation immediately. If this value is set to more than one, the system will continue to resubmit the order for authorization until the value is reached, provided the order is not held.

The Maximum Number of Retries on Credit Card Orders (E74) system control value overrides this limit if it is lower than the maximum specified for a given response code. This system control value will also override the limit for a response code if the combined total authorization attempts for all responses on an order meets the maximum defined in the System Control table.

Leave this field blank if you want to the system to continue to attempt authorization indefinitely (however, the system control value described above will override a blank value).

Deposits: The system does not reference this field when processing an authorization for a deposit. See About Deposits.

Online credit card authorization: The system does not reference this field when processing an online credit card authorizations.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

# of days between attempts

The number of days to add to the current date when calculating a Hold until date for an order.

Example: If the current date is 7/15, and this field is set to 5, the system assigns a Hold until date of 7/20.

If you leave this field blank and:

• if the Hold reason field is also blank, the system will repeatedly submit the order for reauthorization until the Number of authorization attempts is reached;

• if you have defined a Hold reason, the system will never submit the order for reauthorization repeatedly (for example, if the order is flagged for cancellation; see Cancel reason).

The Release Orders on Time Hold periodic function releases an order from hold once the Hold date is reached. See Releasing Orders from Time Hold.

Deposits: The system does not reference this field when processing an authorization for a deposit. See About Deposits.

Online credit card authorization: The system does not reference this field when processing an online credit card authorization.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Cancel reason

The cancel reason to use when an order has reached the # authorization attempts (Number of authorization attempts), or in the number in the system control value (whichever is lower). As part of this process, the order is flagged for cancellation; you use the Working with Credit Card Cancellations (WCCC) option to cancel such orders. You can also set this function up as part of your periodic processing.

If an order becomes eligible for cancellation because its total number of authorization attempts meet the maximum defined in the System Control table, the system uses the cancellation code associated with the most recently received vendor response.

Cancel reason codes are defined in and validated against the Cancel Reason Code table; see Establishing Cancel Reason Codes (WCNR).

Deposits: The system does not reference this field when processing an authorization for a deposit. See About Deposits.

Online credit card authorization: The system does not reference this field when processing an online credit card authorization.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional (required if you enter a value in the # authorization attempts field).

Force deposit for FPO

Indicates whether to process all the usual updates for a deposit when you receive this response code from the service bureau, even though this response code actually represents a decline.

Selected = force deposit

Unselected (default) = Do not force deposit

See About Deposits for a complete description of how the system uses this field.

Pop up window messages (online authorization messages)

Four additional fields where you can enter a message indicating whether the credit card is approved or declined and if any action should be taken, such as asking the customer to repeat the credit card number or requesting a different credit card for authorization.

Note: These fields only display if the On-line Authorizations (B89) system control value is selected and the Batch/online field for the service bureau is set to I (online authorization only) or C (online and batch authorization).

If you are sending credit cards for authorization during order entry (the On-line Authorizations (B89) system control value is selected), the system displays the Select Authorization Response Option Window in order entry when a response is received from the service bureau. This window displays the pop up window messages you defined for this vendor response.

See Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations for an overview on online authorizations and the required setup.

Alphanumeric, four 40-positions fields; optional.

Select Entity for Vendor Response Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define more information for a vendor response for each entity in your company. At this screen you can:

• define a ship via dollar limit for an AVS response code to perform an additional edit against the authorization amount if the ship via on the order matches a ship via dollar limit and the sold to customer and ship to customer are different.

• define a pay type dollar limit to force an authorization for a declined vendor response code.

• define an item class dollar limit for an AVS response code to perform an additional edit against the authorization amount if one or more item(s) on the order requiring authorization has an item class that matches an item class dollar limit.

• define a postal code dollar limit for an AVS response code to perform an additional edit against the authorization amount if the postal code for the sold to on the order matches a postal code dollar limit.

How to display this screen: On the Work with Vendor Response Screen screen, select Response/Entity Details for a vendor response



Authorization service

The code and description to identify the service bureau for which you are working with vendor response details.

This is the service bureau you selected at the Work with Authorization Services Screen.

Authorization code: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Authorization description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Response code

The code and description assigned by the service bureau that identifies whether the credit card was authorized or declined, and the reason for the authorization or decline.

This is the vendor response you selected on the Work with Vendor Response Screen.

For ship via dollar limit, postal code dollar limit, and item class dollar limit, this must be an AVS response code. Pay type dollar limit applies to a vendor response code.

Vendor response code: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Vendor response description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


A code for the entity for which you wish to create vendor response details. An entity is a component of the sales reporting hierarchy. An entity can represent the business units in your company, for example, mail order, retail, wholesale). A list of all the valid entity records set up for the company you are currently in displays.

Entity codes are defined in and validated against the Entity table. See Working with Entities (WENT).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


A description of the entity.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.


Screen Option


Define ship via dollar limits for a specific entity

Select Ship Via $ Limit for an entity to advance to the Work with Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen.

Define pay type dollar limits for a specific entity

Select Pay Type $ Limit for an entity to advance to the Work with Pay Type $ Limit to Force Authorization Screen.

Define item class dollar limits for a specific entity

Select Item Class $ Limit for an entity to advance to the Work with Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen.

Define postal code dollar limits for a specific entity

Select Postal Code $ Limit for an entity to advance to the Work with Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen.

Work with Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create and maintain ship via dollar limits for a specific entity, AVS response, and service bureau.

Ship via dollar limit defines whether a dollar limit is applied to the ship via on the order.

• If the authorization amount is less than the ship via dollar limit, the system releases the order from any AVS hold.

• If the authorization amount is greater than the ship via dollar limit, the system places the order on hold using the hold reason defined for the ship via dollar limit.

You might use this if you want to keep a careful check for stolen credit cards. For example, you can place an order on hold if the order is associated with a Federal Express ship via and the dollar amount required for authorization is greater than $200.00.

See Entity ship via dollar limits for more information on the processing the system performs.

Note: If you are performing online authorization, the system does not validate entity ship via dollar limit.

How to display this screen: Select Ship Via $ Limit for an entity on the Work with Vendor Response Screen



Authorization service

The code and description of the service bureau for which you are working with ship via dollar limits.

This is the service bureau you selected on the Work with Authorization Services Screen.

Authorization code: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Authorization description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Response code

The code and description assigned by the service bureau that identifies whether the credit card passed address verification.

This is the AVS response you selected on the Work with Vendor Response Screen.

Response code: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Response description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the entity you selected on the Select Entity for Vendor Response Details Screen.

Entity code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Entity description: Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Ship Via

A code for the carrier you use to ship merchandise.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via table using Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

$ Limit to Hold

The dollar limit that defines when the system places the order on hold.

The system places an order on hold when the order meets the service bureau/AVS response code/entity/ship via code combination and the dollar amount the requires authorization is greater than the amount defined for the ship via dollar limit. The system assigns the hold reason code defined for the ship via dollar limit to the order.

Conversely, if you do not define a hold reason, the system does not place an order on hold if the order does not pass AVS authorization, but is under the ship via dollar amount specified.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hold Reason

The hold reason code to assign to orders whose authorization amount is greater than the ship via dollar limit.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


A description of the hold reason code.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Change a ship via dollar limit

Select Change for a ship via dollar limit to hold to advance to the Change Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen. At this screen you can change the ship via, dollar limit, and hold reason code. See the Create Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen for field descriptions.

Delete a ship via dollar limit

Select Delete for a ship via dollar limit to hold to delete it.

Display a ship via dollar limit

Select Display for a ship via dollar limit to hold to advance to the Display Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen. You cannot change any information at this screen. See the Create Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen for field descriptions.

Create a ship via dollar limit

Select Create to advance to Create Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen.

Create Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a ship via dollar limit.

How to display this screen: Select Create on the Work with Ship Via $ Limit to Hold Screen.



Authorization service

The code and description of the service bureau for which you are creating a ship via dollar limit.

This is the service bureau you selected on the Work with Authorization Services Screen.

Authorization code: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Authorization description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Response code

The code and description of the AVS response code assigned by the service bureau that identifies whether the credit card pass address verification.

This is the AVS response you selected on the Work with Vendor Response Screen.

Response code: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Response description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the entity you selected on the Work with Vendor Response Screen.

Entity code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Entity description: Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Ship via

A code for the carrier you use to ship merchandise.

An error message indicates if you try to create a ship via dollar limit for a ship via that already has a dollar limit defined for this AVS response code and entity: Duplicate record exists.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via table using Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

$ limit to hold

The dollar limit that defines when the system places the order on hold.

The system places an order on hold when the order meets the service bureau/AVS response code/entity/ship via code combination and the dollar amount that requires authorization is greater than the amount defined for the ship via dollar limit. The system assigns the hold reason code defined for the ship via dollar limit to the order.

Conversely, if you do not define a dollar limit, the system does not place an order on hold if the order does not pass AVS authorization, but is under the ship via dollar amount specified.

An error message indicates if you try to enter a dollar limit that is less than $1.00: Ship Via $ Limit cannot be less than One.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hold reason

A code for the hold reason the system assigns to the order when the authorization amount is greater than the ship via dollar limit.

This is a paytype level hold; the order will be put on AT hold.

The hold reason you enter here displays on the Credit Card Order Cancellation List when you process cancellations.

No pick slip prints if the order is on hold.

Hold reason codes are defined in and validated against the Order Hold Reason table; see Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Work with Pay Type $ Limit to Force Authorization Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create and maintain pay type dollar limits.

Pay type dollar limit defines whether a dollar limit to force an authorization is applied to a specific pay type.

See Entity pay type dollar limits for more information on the processing the system performs.

Note: If you are performing online authorization, the system does not validate entity pay type dollar limit.

How to display this screen: On the Work with Vendor Response Screen, select Pay Type $ Limit for an entity.



Authorization service

The code and description of the service bureau for which you are working with pay type dollar limits for a vendor response.

This is the service bureau you selected on the Work with Authorization Services Screen.

Authorization code: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Authorization description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Response code

The code and description of the vendor response assigned by the service bureau that identifies whether the credit card was authorized or declined, and the reason for the authorization or decline.

This is the vendor response you selected on the Work with Vendor Response Screen.

Response code: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Response description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the entity you selected on the Select Entity for Vendor Response Details Screen.

Entity code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Entity description: Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Pay type

A code used to identify a method of payment on an order.

Pay type codes are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


A description of the pay type.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Dollar limit to force authorization

The dollar limit that indicates whether the order is eligible for a forced authorization. If the dollar amount for the credit card is greater than $1.00 but less than the dollar amount defined, the system forces an authorization.

Note: If you wish to force authorizations for credit cards requiring authorizations less than $1.00, enter an authorization number in the Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $1.00 (I08) system control value.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


Screen Option


Change a pay type dollar limit

Select Change for a pay type dollar limit to advance to the Change Pay Type $ Limit to Force Authorization Screen. You can change the pay type code or dollar amount on this screen. See the Create Pay Type $ Limit to Force Authorization Screen for field descriptions.

Delete a pay type dollar limit

Select Delete for a pay type dollar limit to delete it.

Display a pay type dollar limit

Select Display for a pay type dollar limit to advance to the Display Pay Type $ Limit to Force Authorization Screen. You cannot change any information at this screen. See the Create Pay Type $ Limit to Force Authorization Screen for field descriptions.

Create a pay type dollar limit

Select Create to advance to the Create Pay Type $ Limit to Force Authorization Screen.

Create Pay Type $ Limit to Force Authorization Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a pay type dollar limit.

How to display this screen: Select Create on the Work with Pay Type $ Limit to Force Authorization Screen.



Authorization service

The code and description of the service bureau for which you are creating a pay type dollar limit for a vendor response.

This is the service bureau you selected on the Work with Authorization Services Screen.

Authorization code: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Authorization description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Response code

The code and description of the response assigned by the service bureau that identifies whether the credit card was authorized or declined, and the reason for the authorization or decline.

This is the vendor response you selected on the Work with Vendor Response Screen.

Response code: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Response description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the entity you selected on the Select Entity for Vendor Response Details Screen.

Entity code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Entity description: Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Pay type

A code used to identify a method of payment on an order.

Pay type codes are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table; see Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

An error message indicates if you try to create a pay type dollar limit for a pay type that already has a pay type dollar limit defined for this vendor response and entity: Duplicate record exists.

An error message indicates if you enter a pay type other than a credit card pay type: Pay Type entered must be a credit card.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

$ limit to authorization

The dollar amount that you wish to use to force a credit card authorization.

If the dollar amount defined for the credit card is greater than $1.00 but less than the amount you define, the system forces the credit card authorization.

If the dollar amount defined for the credit card is equal to or greater than the amount you define, the system does not authorize the credit card.

An error message indicates if you enter a dollar amount that is less than $1.00: Pay Type $ Limit cannot be less than One Dollar ($1.00).

Note: If you wish to force authorizations for credit cards requiring authorizations less than $1.00, enter an authorization number in the Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $1.00 (I08) system control value.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Work with Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create and maintain item class dollar limits.

Item class dollar limit defines whether a dollar limit is applied to the item class associated with an item on the order that requires authorization.

• If the authorization amount is less than the item class dollar limit, the system releases the order from any AVS hold.

• If the authorization is greater than the item class dollar limit, the system places the order on hold using the hold reason defined for the item class dollar limit.

You might use this if you want to keep a careful check for stolen credit cards. For example, you can place an order on hold if at least one of the items on the order requesting authorization is assigned to item class PNT (high-fraud items) and the dollar amount required for authorization is greater than $200.00.

See Entity item class dollar limits for more information on the processing the system performs.

How to display this screen: Select Item Class $ Limit for an entity on the Work with Vendor Response Screen.



Authorization service

The code and description to identify the service bureau for which you are working with item class dollar limits.

This is the service bureau you selected on the Work with Authorization Services Screen.

Authorization code: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Authorization description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Response code

The code and description assigned by the service bureau that identifies whether the credit card passed address verification.

This is the AVS response you selected at the Work with Vendor Response Screen.

Response code: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Response description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the entity you selected on the Select Entity for Vendor Response Details Screen.

Entity code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Entity description: Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Item class

A code for an item class used to group like items together.

Item class codes are defined in and validated against the Item Class table.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

$ Limit To Hold

The dollar limit that defines when the system places the order on hold.

The system places an order on hold when the order meets the service bureau/AVS response code/entity/item class combination and the dollar amount that requires authorization is greater than the amount defined for the item class dollar limit. The system assigns the hold reason code defined for the item class dollar limit to the order.

Conversely, if you do not define a hold reason, the system does not place an order on hold if the order does not pass AVS authorization, but is under the item class dollar amount specified.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hold Reason/Description

The code and description of the hold reason to assign to orders whose authorization amount is greater than the item class dollar limit.

Code: Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Description: Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create an item class dollar limit

Select Create to advance to the Create Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen.

Change an item class dollar limit

Select Change for an item class dollar limit to hold to advance to the Change Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen.

Delete an item class dollar limit

Select Delete for an item class dollar limit to hold to delete it.

Display an item class dollar limit

Select Display for an item class dollar limit to hold to advance to the Display Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen.

Create Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create an item class dollar limit.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen.



Authorization service

The code and description of the service bureau for which you are creating an AVS response item class dollar limit.

This is the service bureau you selected at the Work with Authorization Services Screen.

Authorization code: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Authorization description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Response code

The code and description of the AVS response code assigned by the service bureau that identifies whether the credit card passed address verification.

This is the AVS response you selected at the Work with Vendor Response Screen.

Response code: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Response description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the entity you selected at the Select Entity for Vendor Response Details Screen.

Entity code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Entity description: Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Item class

A code for an item class used to group like items together.

Item class codes are defined in and validated against the Item Class table.

An error message indicates if you try to create an item class dollar limit for an item class that already has a dollar limit defined for the vendor response code and entity: Duplicate record exists.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

$ limit to hold

The dollar limit that defines when the system places the order on hold.

The system places an order on hold when the order meets the service bureau/AVS response code/entity/item class combination and the dollar amount that requires authorization is greater than the amount defined for the item class dollar limit. The system assigns the hold reason code defined for the item class dollar limit to the order.

Conversely, if you do not define a hold reason, the system does not place an order on hold if the order does not pass AVS authorization, but is under the item class dollar amount specified.

An error message indicates if you try to enter a dollar limit that is less than $1.00: Item Class $ Limit cannot be less than $1.00.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Hold reason

A code for the hold reason the system assigns to the order when the order meets the item class dollar limit hold requirements.

This is a paytype level hold; the order will be put on AT hold.

The hold reason you enter here displays on the Credit Card Order Cancellation List when you process cancellations.

No pick slip prints if the order is on hold.

Hold reason codes are defined in and validated against the Order Hold Reason table; see Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Change Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen

To change: At the Work with Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen, select Change for an item class dollar limit to hold to advance to the Change Item Class $ Limit to Hold screen. At this screen, you can change the $ limit to hold and hold reason code.

See Create Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

Display Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen

To display: At the Work with Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen, select Display for an item class dollar limit to hold to advance to the Display Item Class $ Limit to Hold screen. You cannot change any fields on this screen.

See Create Item Class $ Limit to Hold Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

Work with Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create and maintain postal code dollar limits.

Postal code dollar limit defines whether a dollar limit is applied to the postal code for the sold to customer on the order.

• If the authorization amount is less than the postal code dollar limit, the system releases the order from any AVS hold.

• If the authorization amount is greater than the postal code dollar limit, the system places the order on hold using the hold reason defined for the postal code dollar limit.

You might use this if you want to keep a careful check for stolen credit cards. For example, you can place an order on hold if the order is associated with a high-crime delivery area and the dollar amount required for authorization is greater than $200.00.

See Entity postal code dollar limits for an example and additional processing logic.

How to display this screen: Select Postal Code $ Limit for an entity at the Select Entity for Vendor Response Details Screen.



Authorization service

The code and description of the service bureau for which you are working with postal code dollar limits.

This is the service bureau you selected on the Work with Authorization Services Screen.

Authorization code: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Authorization description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Response code

The code and description assigned by the service bureau that identifies whether the credit card passed address verification.

This is the vendor response you selected at the Work with Vendor Response Screen.

Response code: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Response description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the entity you selected on the Select Entity for Vendor Response Details Screen.

Entity code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Entity description: Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Postal code

A code for a postal code or zip code representing a delivery area.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

$ Limit To Hold

The dollar limit that defines when the system places the order on hold.

The system places an order on hold when the order meets the service bureau/AVS response code/entity/postal code combination and the dollar amount that requires authorization is greater than the amount defined for the postal code dollar limit. The system assigns the hold reason code defined for the postal code dollar limit to the order.

Conversely, if you do not define a hold reason, the system does not place an order on hold if the order does not pass AVS authorization, but is under the postal code dollar amount specified.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hold Reason/Description

The code and description of the hold reason to assign to orders whose authorization amount is greater than the postal code dollar limit.

Code: Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Description: Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create a postal code dollar limit to hold

Select Create to advance to the Create Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen.

Change a postal code dollar limit to hold

Select Change for a postal code dollar limit to hold to advance to the Change Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen.

Delete a postal code dollar limit to hold

Select Delete for a postal code dollar limit to hold to delete it.

Display a postal code dollar limit to hold

Select Display for a postal code dollar limit to hold to advance to the Display Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen.

Create Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a postal code dollar limit.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen.



Authorization service

The code and description of the service bureau for which you are creating an AVS response postal code dollar limit.

This is the service bureau you selected at the Work with Authorization Services Screen.

Authorization code: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Authorization description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Response code

The code and description of the AVS response assigned by the service bureau that identifies whether the credit card passed address verification.

This is the AVS response you selected at the Work with Vendor Response Screen.

Response code: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Response description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the entity you selected at the Select Entity for Vendor Response Details Screen.

Entity code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Entity description: Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Postal code

A code for a postal code or zip code representing a delivery area.

Postal codes are defined in and validated against the Zip/City/State table.

An error message indicates if you try to create a postal code dollar limit for a postal code that already has a dollar limit defined for the AVS response and entity: Duplicate record exists.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

$ limit to hold

The dollar limit that defines when the system places the order on hold.

The system places an order on hold when the order meets the service bureau/AVS response code/entity/postal code combination and the dollar amount that requires authorization is greater than the amount defined for the postal code dollar limit. The system assigns the hold reason code defined for the postal code dollar limit to the order.

Conversely, if you do not define a hold reason, the system does not place an order on hold if the order does not pass AVS authorization, but is under the postal code dollar amount specified.

An error message indicates if you try to enter a dollar limit that is less than $1.00: Postal Code $ Limit cannot be less than $1.00.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Hold reason

A code for the hold reason the system assigns to the order when the authorization amount is greater than the postal code dollar limit.

This is a paytype level hold; the order will be put on AT hold.

The hold reason you enter here displays on the Credit Card Order Cancellation List when you process cancellations.

No pick slip prints if the order is on hold.

Hold reason codes are defined in and validated against the Order Hold Reason table; see Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Change Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen

To change: At the Work with Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen, select Change for a postal code dollar limit to hold to advance to the Change Postal Code $ Limit to Hold screen. At this screen, you can change the $ limit to hold and hold reason code.

See Create Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

Display Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen

To display: At the Work with Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen, select Display for a postal code dollar limit to hold to advance to the Display Item Class $ Limit to Hold screen. You cannot change any fields on this screen.

See Create Postal Code $ Limit to Hold Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

SO04_05 OMSCS 19.0 December 2019 OHC