Program Schedule Sheets

Program-level schedule sheets are created automatically when a project or shell schedule sheet (for a project or shell within the program) is created. The rows are the project or shell sheets. You can configure columns. There is one schedule sheet per program.

To open a program schedule sheet

In User Mode, select Programs > Schedule Manager > Schedule Sheets. The Schedule Sheet log opens.

Rows correspond to project schedule sheets. You can click the row to open the project schedule sheet. Default columns are Project Name, Start Date, and Finish Date. You can create additional columns in the same way that you do for a project/shell schedule sheet.

See Also

Unifier Schedule Manager

Schedule Sheet permissions

Create a Schedule Sheet

Add an activity to a schedule sheet

Add a schedule Sheet column

Working with Schedule Sheets

Activity Sheets

Activity Sheet (Integrated with an External Application)

Using Schedule Sheets

Scope Management

Entering and Viewing Cost Data

Effects of multiple calendars

Project Progress Data Accumulation and Calculation

Progress and Earned Progress Calculations

Creating Schedule Manager Custom Calendars

Do not allow update of % complete and % earned

P6 Summary Sheets

Schedule Sheet Integration

Auto-Scheduling of Activities

In This Section

Add a program schedule sheet column

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