Effects of multiple calendars

Activities can be affected by calendar selection, if there are multiple calendars implemented. There can be a Calendar column in the activity sheet, for example. This column will allow to select a calendar per activity as needed. If this column exists, you can select from the Company level calendars and Project/Shell calendars as permissions allow. Any defined Custom calendars (which are defined for the Schedule Manager at the project or shell level) are not available for selection on the Activity Sheet.

If you are using an Activity Attribute form designed in uDesigner to manage activities, the data element uuu_activity_calendar can be added to the form so users can select calendars. If you are not using a designed Activity Attribute form (are letting Unifier use the default form provided), the data element uuu_activity_calendar is automatically included in the Activity Attribute form.

When activities are updated through the Activity Sheet, they consider the calendar in use for the activity. The Start Dates, Finish Dates and Durations can be affected by the calendar used for an activity. Double-click on the Calendar cell to see a list of Company level calendars and project/shell calendars (not the custom calendar). You can select another calendar for the activity.

The selected Start Date or Finish Date for an activity can be a non-working calendar day, however the duration of the activity will only account for working calendar days.

Note: When you select the alternate calendar and click Save, the schedule sheet associated with the activity is marked for refresh with the refresh icon (rotating arrows).

See Also

Unifier Schedule Manager

Schedule Sheet permissions

Create a Schedule Sheet

Add an activity to a schedule sheet

Add a schedule Sheet column

Working with Schedule Sheets

Program Schedule Sheets

Activity Sheets

Activity Sheet (Integrated with an External Application)

Using Schedule Sheets

Scope Management

Entering and Viewing Cost Data

Project Progress Data Accumulation and Calculation

Progress and Earned Progress Calculations

Creating Schedule Manager Custom Calendars

Do not allow update of % complete and % earned

P6 Summary Sheets

Schedule Sheet Integration

Auto-Scheduling of Activities

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022